Updated User patches (markdown)

Spenser Truex 4 weeks ago
parent e4a5aa3e2d
commit 235cc2e699

@ -23,10 +23,9 @@ Names starting with:
# Known limitations
* On Android user patches don't work in the [FDroid version of KOReader](https://f-droid.org/en/packages/org.koreader.launcher.fdroid/). The package id for such version is `org.koreader.launcher.fdroid` and it is installed either from FDroid application or using the apk file available at the mentioned page. You have to manually install the release version that has the package id `org.koreader.launcher`
# Available_patches
[View issues for recent patches not yet on this list](https://github.com/koreader/koreader/issues?q=+label%3A%22User+patch+available%22+)
# [View issues for recent patches not yet on the Notable patches list](https://github.com/koreader/koreader/issues?q=+label%3A%22User+patch+available%22+)
# Notable patches
## Device independent
* [2-cre-rotate-japanese-book.lua](https://gist.githubusercontent.com/equwal/28561ed2b44e28989291a9ca367422fc/raw/c20b9987f1fad6964966a0878b9b99c153d39fea/2-cre-rotate-japanese-book.lua): Formats books vertically for Japanese, Chinese etc. The fonts are not rotated -- you need to rotate the font itself. This is usually done with fontforge. [One script that can do it is tategakifont](https://github.com/MyK00L/tategakifont). This solution is hacky and user edits to the patch are recommended. [#11469](https://github.com/koreader/koreader/issues/11469)
* [2-custom-sort.lua](https://gist.github.com/wfdewith/978e4f8e09f481a480cb1bf645e8d518): An example of what you can do with custom file sorting algorithms.
