Created Report a bug (markdown)

Martín Fernández 2 years ago
parent 832ee5aaa6
commit 9ad2cabed1

@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
[fix me or just put me in credits]: shameless copy of
## Bug reporting 101
Have you found a bug? Dont panic, here are some steps to report it with ease:
1. Search for it on [the bug tracker]( (dont forget to use the search bar).
2. If you find a similar bug, dont hesitate to post a comment to add more importance to the related ticket.
3. If you didnt find it, [open a new ticket](
If you have to create a new ticket, please try to keep in mind the following advice:
* Check that you can still reproduce the bug on [latest release](
* Give an explicit title to the ticket so it will be easier to find it later.
* Be as exhaustive as possible in the description: what did you do? What is the bug? What are the steps to reproduce the bug?
## Required information
* KOReader version
1. If the bug is related to a **document rendering issue** please provide a **sample document** that shows the bug.
- You can attach the document as is if is not copyrighted.
- You can attach a scrambled copy of the document (link here to how to do that)
- **Extra points** if you create a minimum test case that shows the bug and nothing else.
2. If the bug you're reporting is related to a crash or any other issue and you're not 100% sure is device independant you need to attach the **`crash.log`**.
Each platform has a different way to retrieve the file:
2.1 USB mount
Connect the device to your computer as an USB share and retrieve the file. Paths are relative to USB mount point.
| Platform | Path |
| **Kobo** | `koreader/crash.log` |
| **Kindle** | `.adds/koreader/crash.log` |
| **Pocketbook** | `applications/koreader/crash.log` |
2.2 SSH
Get the file directly from your device using ssh/scpy. Paths are absolute.
| Platform | Path |
| **Cervantes** | `/mnt/private/koreader/crash.log` |
| **Remarkable** | `/opt/koreader/crash.log` |
2.3 Edge cases
**Android**: logs are kept in memory. Please go to Help → Bug Report to save these logs to a file.
**Desktop platforms**: no log is saved by default. You can get one by executing the program from a terminal emulator.