You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

582 lines
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package commands
import (
ogLog "log"
const (
APIVersion = "1.25"
// DockerCommand is our main docker interface
type DockerCommand struct {
Log *logrus.Entry
OSCommand *OSCommand
Tr *i18n.TranslationSet
Config *config.AppConfig
Client *client.Client
InDockerComposeProject bool
ShowExited bool
ErrorChan chan error
ContainerMutex sync.Mutex
ServiceMutex sync.Mutex
Services []*Service
Containers []*Container
// DisplayContainers is the array of containers we will display in the containers panel. If Gui.ShowAllContainers is false, this will only be those containers which aren't based on a service. This reduces clutter and duplication in the UI
DisplayContainers []*Container
Images []*Image
Volumes []*Volume
Closers []io.Closer
var _ io.Closer = &DockerCommand{}
// LimitedDockerCommand is a stripped-down DockerCommand with just the methods the container/service/image might need
type LimitedDockerCommand interface {
NewCommandObject(CommandObject) CommandObject
// CommandObject is what we pass to our template resolvers when we are running a custom command. We do not guarantee that all fields will be populated: just the ones that make sense for the current context
type CommandObject struct {
DockerCompose string
Service *Service
Container *Container
Image *Image
Volume *Volume
// NewCommandObject takes a command object and returns a default command object with the passed command object merged in
func (c *DockerCommand) NewCommandObject(obj CommandObject) CommandObject {
defaultObj := CommandObject{DockerCompose: c.Config.UserConfig.CommandTemplates.DockerCompose}
mergo.Merge(&defaultObj, obj)
return defaultObj
// handleSSHDockerHost overrides the DOCKER_HOST environment variable
// to point towards a local unix socket tunneled over SSH to the specified ssh host.
func handleSSHDockerHost() (io.Closer, error) {
const key = "DOCKER_HOST"
ctx := context.Background()
u, err := url.Parse(os.Getenv(key))
if err != nil {
// if no or an invalid docker host is specified, continue nominally
return noopCloser{}, nil
// if the docker host scheme is "ssh", forward the docker socket before creating the client
if u.Scheme == "ssh" {
tunnel, err := createDockerHostTunnel(ctx, u.Host)
if err != nil {
return noopCloser{}, fmt.Errorf("tunnel ssh docker host: %w", err)
err = os.Setenv(key, tunnel.SocketPath)
if err != nil {
return noopCloser{}, fmt.Errorf("override DOCKER_HOST to tunneled socket: %w", err)
return tunnel, nil
return noopCloser{}, nil
type noopCloser struct{}
func (noopCloser) Close() error { return nil }
type TunneledDockerHost struct {
SocketPath string
cmd *exec.Cmd
var _ io.Closer = (*TunneledDockerHost)(nil)
func (t *TunneledDockerHost) Close() error {
return syscall.Kill(-t.cmd.Process.Pid, syscall.SIGKILL)
func createDockerHostTunnel(ctx context.Context, remoteHost string) (*TunneledDockerHost, error) {
socketDir, err := ioutil.TempDir("/tmp", "lazydocker-sshtunnel-")
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("create ssh tunnel tmp file: %w", err)
localSocket := path.Join(socketDir, "dockerhost.sock")
cmd, err := tunnelSSH(ctx, remoteHost, localSocket)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("tunnel docker host over ssh: %w", err)
// set a reasonable timeout, then wait for the socket to dial successfully
// before attempting to create a new docker client
const socketTunnelTimeout = 8 * time.Second
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, socketTunnelTimeout)
defer cancel()
err = retrySocketDial(ctx, localSocket)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("ssh tunneled socket never became available: %w", err)
// construct the new DOCKER_HOST url with the proper scheme
newDockerHostURL := url.URL{Scheme: "unix", Path: localSocket}
return &TunneledDockerHost{
SocketPath: newDockerHostURL.String(),
cmd: cmd,
}, nil
// Attempt to dial the socket until it becomes available.
// The retry loop will continue until the parent context is canceled.
func retrySocketDial(ctx context.Context, socketPath string) error {
t := time.NewTicker(1 * time.Second)
defer t.Stop()
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return ctx.Err()
case <-t.C:
// attempt to dial the socket, exit on success
err := tryDial(ctx, socketPath)
if err != nil {
return nil
// Try to dial the specified unix socket, immediately close the connection if successfully created.
func tryDial(ctx context.Context, socketPath string) error {
var dialer net.Dialer
conn, err := dialer.DialContext(ctx, "unix", socketPath)
if err != nil {
return err
defer conn.Close()
return nil
func tunnelSSH(ctx context.Context, host, localSocket string) (*exec.Cmd, error) {
cmd := exec.CommandContext(ctx, "ssh", "-L", localSocket+":/var/run/docker.sock", host, "-N")
cmd.SysProcAttr = &syscall.SysProcAttr{Setpgid: true}
err := cmd.Start()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return cmd, nil
// Build a new docker client from the environment.
// Handle special cases including `ssh://` host schemes.
func clientBuilder(c *client.Client) error {
return nil
// NewDockerCommand it runs docker commands
func NewDockerCommand(log *logrus.Entry, osCommand *OSCommand, tr *i18n.TranslationSet, config *config.AppConfig, errorChan chan error) (*DockerCommand, error) {
tunnelCloser, err := ssh.NewSSHHandler().HandleSSHDockerHost()
if err != nil {
cli, err := client.NewClientWithOpts(client.FromEnv, client.WithVersion(APIVersion))
if err != nil {
dockerCommand := &DockerCommand{
Log: log,
OSCommand: osCommand,
Tr: tr,
Config: config,
Client: cli,
ErrorChan: errorChan,
ShowExited: true,
InDockerComposeProject: true,
Closers: []io.Closer{tunnelCloser},
command := utils.ApplyTemplate(
err = osCommand.RunCommand(
if err != nil {
dockerCommand.InDockerComposeProject = false
return dockerCommand, nil
func (c *DockerCommand) Close() error {
return utils.CloseMany(c.Closers)
// MonitorContainerStats is a function
func (c *DockerCommand) MonitorContainerStats() {
// TODO: pass in a stop channel to these so we don't restart every time we come back from a subprocess
go c.MonitorCLIContainerStats()
go c.MonitorClientContainerStats()
// MonitorCLIContainerStats monitors a stream of container stats and updates the containers as each new stats object is received
func (c *DockerCommand) MonitorCLIContainerStats() {
command := `docker stats --all --no-trunc --format '{{json .}}'`
cmd := c.OSCommand.RunCustomCommand(command)
r, err := cmd.StdoutPipe()
if err != nil {
c.ErrorChan <- err
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(r)
for scanner.Scan() {
var stats ContainerCliStat
// need to strip ANSI codes because uses escape sequences to clear the screen with each refresh
cleanString := stripansi.Strip(scanner.Text())
if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(cleanString), &stats); err != nil {
c.ErrorChan <- err
for _, container := range c.Containers {
if container.ID == stats.ID {
container.CLIStats = stats
// MonitorClientContainerStats is a function
func (c *DockerCommand) MonitorClientContainerStats() {
// periodically loop through running containers and see if we need to create a monitor goroutine for any
// every second we check if we need to spawn a new goroutine
ticker := time.NewTicker(time.Second)
defer ticker.Stop()
for range ticker.C {
for _, container := range c.Containers {
if !container.MonitoringStats {
go c.createClientStatMonitor(container)
func (c *DockerCommand) createClientStatMonitor(container *Container) {
container.MonitoringStats = true
stream, err := c.Client.ContainerStats(context.Background(), container.ID, true)
if err != nil {
c.ErrorChan <- err
defer stream.Body.Close()
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(stream.Body)
for scanner.Scan() {
data := scanner.Bytes()
var stats ContainerStats
json.Unmarshal(data, &stats)
recordedStats := RecordedStats{
ClientStats: stats,
DerivedStats: DerivedStats{
CPUPercentage: stats.CalculateContainerCPUPercentage(),
MemoryPercentage: stats.CalculateContainerMemoryUsage(),
RecordedAt: time.Now(),
container.StatHistory = append(container.StatHistory, recordedStats)
container.MonitoringStats = false
// RefreshContainersAndServices returns a slice of docker containers
func (c *DockerCommand) RefreshContainersAndServices() error {
defer c.ServiceMutex.Unlock()
currentServices := c.Services
containers, err := c.GetContainers()
if err != nil {
return err
var services []*Service
// we only need to get these services once because they won't change in the runtime of the program
if currentServices != nil {
services = currentServices
} else {
services, err = c.GetServices()
if err != nil {
return err
c.assignContainersToServices(containers, services)
var displayContainers = containers
if !c.Config.UserConfig.Gui.ShowAllContainers {
displayContainers = c.obtainStandaloneContainers(containers, services)
// sort services first by whether they have a linked container, and second by alphabetical order
sort.Slice(services, func(i, j int) bool {
if services[i].Container != nil && services[j].Container == nil {
return true
if services[i].Container == nil && services[j].Container != nil {
return false
return services[i].Name < services[j].Name
c.Containers = containers
c.Services = services
c.DisplayContainers = c.filterOutExited(displayContainers)
return nil
func (c *DockerCommand) assignContainersToServices(containers []*Container, services []*Service) {
for _, service := range services {
for _, container := range containers {
if !container.OneOff && container.ServiceName == service.Name {
service.Container = container
continue L
service.Container = nil
// filterOutExited filters out the exited containers if c.ShowExited is false
func (c *DockerCommand) filterOutExited(containers []*Container) []*Container {
if c.ShowExited {
return containers
toReturn := []*Container{}
for _, container := range containers {
if container.Container.State != "exited" {
toReturn = append(toReturn, container)
return toReturn
// obtainStandaloneContainers returns standalone containers. Standalone containers are containers which are either one-off containers, or whose service is not part of this docker-compose context
func (c *DockerCommand) obtainStandaloneContainers(containers []*Container, services []*Service) []*Container {
standaloneContainers := []*Container{}
for _, container := range containers {
for _, service := range services {
if !container.OneOff && container.ServiceName != "" && container.ServiceName == service.Name {
continue L
standaloneContainers = append(standaloneContainers, container)
return standaloneContainers
// GetContainers gets the docker containers
func (c *DockerCommand) GetContainers() ([]*Container, error) {
defer c.ContainerMutex.Unlock()
existingContainers := c.Containers
containers, err := c.Client.ContainerList(context.Background(), types.ContainerListOptions{All: true})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ownContainers := make([]*Container, len(containers))
for i, container := range containers {
var newContainer *Container
// check if we already data stored against the container
for _, existingContainer := range existingContainers {
if existingContainer.ID == container.ID {
newContainer = existingContainer
// initialise the container if it's completely new
if newContainer == nil {
newContainer = &Container{
ID: container.ID,
Client: c.Client,
OSCommand: c.OSCommand,
Log: c.Log,
Config: c.Config,
DockerCommand: c,
Tr: c.Tr,
newContainer.Container = container
// if the container is made with a name label we will use that
if name, ok := container.Labels["name"]; ok {
newContainer.Name = name
} else {
newContainer.Name = strings.TrimLeft(container.Names[0], "/")
newContainer.ServiceName = container.Labels["com.docker.compose.service"]
newContainer.ProjectName = container.Labels["com.docker.compose.project"]
newContainer.ContainerNumber = container.Labels["com.docker.compose.container"]
newContainer.OneOff = container.Labels["com.docker.compose.oneoff"] == "True"
ownContainers[i] = newContainer
return ownContainers, nil
// GetServices gets services
func (c *DockerCommand) GetServices() ([]*Service, error) {
if !c.InDockerComposeProject {
return nil, nil
composeCommand := c.Config.UserConfig.CommandTemplates.DockerCompose
output, err := c.OSCommand.RunCommandWithOutput(fmt.Sprintf("%s config --hash=*", composeCommand))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// output looks like:
// service1 998d6d286b0499e0ff23d66302e720991a2asdkf9c30d0542034f610daf8a971
// service2 asdld98asdklasd9bccd02438de0994f8e19cbe691feb3755336ec5ca2c55971
lines := utils.SplitLines(output)
services := make([]*Service, len(lines))
for i, str := range lines {
arr := strings.Split(str, " ")
services[i] = &Service{
Name: arr[0],
ID: arr[1],
OSCommand: c.OSCommand,
Log: c.Log,
DockerCommand: c,
return services, nil
// UpdateContainerDetails attaches the details returned from docker inspect to each of the containers
// this contains a bit more info than what you get from the go-docker client
func (c *DockerCommand) UpdateContainerDetails() error {
defer c.ContainerMutex.Unlock()
containers := c.Containers
ids := make([]string, len(containers))
for i, container := range containers {
ids[i] = container.ID
cmd := c.OSCommand.RunCustomCommand("docker inspect " + strings.Join(ids, " "))
output, err := cmd.CombinedOutput()
if err != nil {
return err
var details []*Details
if err := json.Unmarshal(output, &details); err != nil {
return err
for i, container := range containers {
container.Details = *details[i]
return nil
// ViewAllLogs attaches to a subprocess viewing all the logs from docker-compose
func (c *DockerCommand) ViewAllLogs() (*exec.Cmd, error) {
cmd := c.OSCommand.ExecutableFromString(
return cmd, nil
// DockerComposeConfig returns the result of 'docker-compose config'
func (c *DockerCommand) DockerComposeConfig() string {
output, err := c.OSCommand.RunCommandWithOutput(
if err != nil {
output = err.Error()
return output