You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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package ssh
import (
type dependencies struct {
// storing all these dependencies as fields for the sake of testing
dialContext func(ctx context.Context, network, addr string) (io.Closer, error)
startCmd func(*exec.Cmd) error
tempDir func(dir string, pattern string) (name string, err error)
getenv func(key string) string
setenv func(key, value string) error
type SSHHandler struct {
deps dependencies
func NewSSHHandler() *SSHHandler {
return &SSHHandler{
deps: dependencies{
dialContext: func(ctx context.Context, network, addr string) (io.Closer, error) {
return (&net.Dialer{}).DialContext(ctx, network, addr)
startCmd: func(cmd *exec.Cmd) error { return cmd.Start() },
tempDir: ioutil.TempDir,
getenv: os.Getenv,
setenv: os.Setenv,
// HandleSSHDockerHost overrides the DOCKER_HOST environment variable
// to point towards a local unix socket tunneled over SSH to the specified ssh host.
func (self *SSHHandler) HandleSSHDockerHost() (io.Closer, error) {
const key = "DOCKER_HOST"
ctx := context.Background()
u, err := url.Parse(self.deps.getenv(key))
if err != nil {
// if no or an invalid docker host is specified, continue nominally
return noopCloser{}, nil
// if the docker host scheme is "ssh", forward the docker socket before creating the client
if u.Scheme == "ssh" {
tunnel, err := self.createDockerHostTunnel(ctx, u.Host)
if err != nil {
return noopCloser{}, fmt.Errorf("tunnel ssh docker host: %w", err)
err = self.deps.setenv(key, tunnel.socketPath)
if err != nil {
return noopCloser{}, fmt.Errorf("override DOCKER_HOST to tunneled socket: %w", err)
return tunnel, nil
return noopCloser{}, nil
type noopCloser struct{}
func (noopCloser) Close() error { return nil }
type tunneledDockerHost struct {
socketPath string
cmd *exec.Cmd
var _ io.Closer = (*tunneledDockerHost)(nil)
func (t *tunneledDockerHost) Close() error {
return syscall.Kill(-t.cmd.Process.Pid, syscall.SIGKILL)
func (self *SSHHandler) createDockerHostTunnel(ctx context.Context, remoteHost string) (*tunneledDockerHost, error) {
socketDir, err := self.deps.tempDir("/tmp", "lazydocker-sshtunnel-")
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("create ssh tunnel tmp file: %w", err)
localSocket := path.Join(socketDir, "dockerhost.sock")
cmd, err := self.tunnelSSH(ctx, remoteHost, localSocket)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("tunnel docker host over ssh: %w", err)
// set a reasonable timeout, then wait for the socket to dial successfully
// before attempting to create a new docker client
const socketTunnelTimeout = 8 * time.Second
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, socketTunnelTimeout)
defer cancel()
err = self.retrySocketDial(ctx, localSocket)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("ssh tunneled socket never became available: %w", err)
// construct the new DOCKER_HOST url with the proper scheme
newDockerHostURL := url.URL{Scheme: "unix", Path: localSocket}
return &tunneledDockerHost{
socketPath: newDockerHostURL.String(),
cmd: cmd,
}, nil
// Attempt to dial the socket until it becomes available.
// The retry loop will continue until the parent context is canceled.
func (self *SSHHandler) retrySocketDial(ctx context.Context, socketPath string) error {
t := time.NewTicker(1 * time.Second)
defer t.Stop()
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return ctx.Err()
case <-t.C:
// attempt to dial the socket, exit on success
err := self.tryDial(ctx, socketPath)
if err != nil {
return nil
// Try to dial the specified unix socket, immediately close the connection if successfully created.
func (self *SSHHandler) tryDial(ctx context.Context, socketPath string) error {
conn, err := self.deps.dialContext(ctx, "unix", socketPath)
if err != nil {
return err
defer conn.Close()
return nil
func (self *SSHHandler) tunnelSSH(ctx context.Context, host, localSocket string) (*exec.Cmd, error) {
cmd := exec.CommandContext(ctx, "ssh", "-L", localSocket+":/var/run/docker.sock", host, "-N")
cmd.SysProcAttr = &syscall.SysProcAttr{Setpgid: true}
err := self.deps.startCmd(cmd)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return cmd, nil