mod input; mod render; mod sound; mod state; mod system; mod util; use input::Input; use system::System; #[cfg(target_arch="wasm32")] use wasm_bindgen::prelude::*; use winit::dpi::PhysicalSize; use winit::event::*; use winit::event_loop::{ControlFlow, EventLoop}; use winit::window::{Fullscreen, WindowBuilder}; #[cfg_attr(target_arch="wasm32", wasm_bindgen(start))] pub fn start() { cfg_if::cfg_if! { if #[cfg(target_arch = "wasm32")] { console_log::init_with_level(log::Level::Warn).expect("Could't initialize logger"); std::panic::set_hook(Box::new(console_error_panic_hook::hook)); } else { env_logger::init(); } } let event_loop = EventLoop::new(); let monitor = event_loop.primary_monitor().unwrap(); let video_mode = monitor.video_modes().next(); let size = video_mode.clone().map_or(PhysicalSize::new(800, 600), |vm| vm.size()); let window = WindowBuilder::new() .with_visible(false) .with_title("Pong") .with_fullscreen(|vm| Fullscreen::Exclusive(vm))) .build(&event_loop) .unwrap(); if window.fullscreen().is_none() { window.set_inner_size(PhysicalSize::new(512, 512)); } window.set_cursor_visible(false); #[cfg(target_arch = "wasm32")] { use winit::platform::web::WindowExtWebSys; web_sys::window() .and_then(|win| win.document()) .and_then(|doc| { let dst = doc.get_element_by_id("wasm-example")?; let canvas = web_sys::Element::from(window.canvas()); dst.append_child(&canvas).ok()?; // Request fullscreen, if denied, continue as normal match canvas.request_fullscreen() { Ok(_) => {}, Err(_) => () } Some(()) }) .expect("Couldn't append canvas to document body."); } log::info!("Setup..."); let mut render = pollster::block_on(render::Render::new(&window, size)); let mut state = state::State { ball: state::Ball { position: (0.0, 0.0).into(), velocity: (0.0, 0.0).into(), radius: 0.05, visible: true, }, player1: state::Player { position: (-0.8, 0.0).into(), size: (0.05, 0.4).into(), score: 0, visible: true, }, player2: state::Player { position: (0.8, 0.0).into(), size: (0.05, 0.4).into(), score: 0, visible: true, }, title_text: state::Text { position: (20.0, 20.0).into(), color: (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0).into(), text: String::from("PONG"), size: 64.0, ..Default::default() }, play_button: state::Text { position: (40.0, 100.0).into(), color: (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0).into(), text: String::from("Play"), size: 32.0, centered: false, ..Default::default() }, quit_button: state::Text { position: (40.0, 160.0).into(), color: (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0).into(), text: String::from("Quit"), size: 32.0, ..Default::default() }, player1_score: state::Text { position: (render.width() * 0.25, 20.0).into(), color: (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0).into(), text: String::from("0"), size: 32.0, ..Default::default() }, player2_score: state::Text { position: (render.width() * 0.75, 20.0).into(), color: (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0).into(), text: String::from("0"), size: 32.0, ..Default::default() }, win_text: state::Text { position: (render.width() * 0.5, render.height() * 0.5).into(), bounds: (render.width(), state::UNBOUNDED_F32).into(), size: 32.0, centered: true, ..Default::default() }, game_state: state::GameState::MainMenu, }; log::info!("Sound..."); let sound_system = sound::SoundSystem::new(); let sound_pack = sound::SoundPack::new(); let mut events = Vec::new(); let mut input = Input::new(); log::info!("Initializing Systems..."); let mut menu_system = system::MenuSystem; let mut serving_system = system::ServingSystem::new(); let mut play_system = system::PlaySystem; let ball_system = system::BallSystem; let mut game_over_system = system::GameOverSystem::new(); let mut visiblity_system = system::VisibilitySystem; visiblity_system.start(&mut state); menu_system.start(&mut state); window.set_visible(true); log::info!("Event Loop..."); |event, _, control_flow| { *control_flow = if state.game_state == state::GameState::Quiting { ControlFlow::Exit } else { ControlFlow::Poll }; match event { Event::WindowEvent { event: WindowEvent::CloseRequested, .. } => { state.game_state = state::GameState::Quiting; } Event::WindowEvent { event: WindowEvent::KeyboardInput { input: KeyboardInput { state: element_state, virtual_keycode: Some(key), .. }, .. }, .. } => { let input_handled = match state.game_state { state::GameState::Quiting => true, _ => input.update(key, element_state), }; if !input_handled { process_input(element_state, key, control_flow); } } Event::WindowEvent { event: WindowEvent::Resized(size), .. } => { render.resize(size); events.push(state::Event::Resize(size.width as f32, size.height as f32)); } Event::RedrawRequested(_) => { for event in &events { match event { state::Event::FocusChanged | state::Event::ButtonPressed => { sound_system.queue(sound_pack.bounce()); } state::Event::BallBounce(_pos) => { sound_system.queue(sound_pack.bounce()); } state::Event::Score(_) => { sound_system.queue(sound_pack.bounce()); } state::Event::Resize(width, height) => { // TODO: their should be a system that handles this state.player1_score.position = (width * 0.25, 20.0).into(); state.player2_score.position = (width * 0.75, 20.0).into(); state.win_text.position = (width * 0.5, height * 0.5).into(); } } } events.clear(); visiblity_system.update_state(&input, &mut state, &mut events); match state.game_state { state::GameState::MainMenu => { menu_system.update_state(&input, &mut state, &mut events); if state.game_state == state::GameState::Serving { serving_system.start(&mut state); } } state::GameState::Serving => { serving_system.update_state(&input, &mut state, &mut events); play_system.update_state(&input, &mut state, &mut events); if state.game_state == state::GameState::Playing { play_system.start(&mut state); } } state::GameState::Playing => { ball_system.update_state(&input, &mut state, &mut events); play_system.update_state(&input, &mut state, &mut events); if state.game_state == state::GameState::Serving { serving_system.start(&mut state); } else if state.game_state == state::GameState::GameOver { game_over_system.start(&mut state); } } state::GameState::GameOver => { game_over_system.update_state(&input, &mut state, &mut events); if state.game_state == state::GameState::MainMenu { menu_system.start(&mut state); } } state::GameState::Quiting => {} } render.render_state(&state); if state.game_state != state::GameState::Quiting { window.request_redraw(); } } _ => {} } }); } fn process_input( element_state: ElementState, keycode: VirtualKeyCode, control_flow: &mut ControlFlow, ) { match (keycode, element_state) { (VirtualKeyCode::Escape, ElementState::Pressed) => { *control_flow = ControlFlow::Exit; } _ => {} } }