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43 lines
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"log_body": "[VpxLRO] -- BEGIN lro-846063 -- SessionManager -- vim.SessionManager.sessionIsActive -- 528e6e0c-246d-58b5-3234-278c6e0c5d0d(52c289ac-2563-48d5-8a8e-f178da022c0d)",
"extract(log_body)": {
"col_0": [
"BEGIN": "lro-846063",
"col_1": "SessionManager",
"col_2": "vim.SessionManager.sessionIsActive",
"col_3": "528e6e0c-246d-58b5-3234-278c6e0c5d0d",
"col_4": [
"log_body": "[VpxLRO] -- FINISH lro-846063",
"extract(log_body)": {
"col_0": [
"FINISH": "lro-846063"
"log_body": "Exception was thrown when call vsan-performance-manager for cluster [vim.ClusterComputeResource:domain-c109,Cluster-52] perf metrics: N3Vim5Fault8NotFound9ExceptionE(Fault cause: vim.fault.NotFound\n--> )",
"extract(log_body)": {
"call": "vsan-performance-manager",
"cluster": {
"vim.ClusterComputeResource": "domain-c109",
"col_0": "Cluster-52"
"col_0": "perf",
"metrics": "",
"N3Vim5Fault8NotFound9ExceptionE": {
"Fault cause": "vim.fault.NotFound",
"col_0": ">"