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// -*- c++ -*-
** recyclealloc.h
** Arena allocator with some modest recycling of freed resources.
** MIT license
#include "arenaalloc.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
namespace ArenaAlloc
// todo:
// attempt refactor of boilerplate in _memblockimpl and _recycleallocimpl
template< typename AllocatorImpl, uint16_t StepSize = 16, uint16_t NumBuckets = 256 >
struct _recycleallocimpl : public _memblockimplbase<AllocatorImpl, _recycleallocimpl<AllocatorImpl> >
static_assert( ( StepSize >= 16 && NumBuckets >= 16 ), "Min step size=16, Min num buckets=16" );
static_assert( !( StepSize & ( StepSize - 1 ) ), "Step size must be a power of 2" );
struct _freeEntry
// note: order of declaration matters
std::size_t m_size;
_freeEntry * m_next;
_freeEntry * m_buckets[ NumBuckets ]; // m_buckets[ NumBuckets - 1 ] is the oversize bucket
typedef struct _memblockimplbase< AllocatorImpl, _recycleallocimpl<AllocatorImpl> > base_t;
friend struct _memblockimplbase< AllocatorImpl, _recycleallocimpl<AllocatorImpl> >;
// to get around some sticky access issues between Alloc<T1> and Alloc<T2> when sharing
// the implementation.
template <typename U, typename A, typename M >
friend class Alloc;
template< typename T >
static void assign( const Alloc<T,AllocatorImpl, _recycleallocimpl<AllocatorImpl> >& src,
_recycleallocimpl *& dest )
dest = const_cast< _recycleallocimpl<AllocatorImpl>* >( src.m_impl );
static _recycleallocimpl<AllocatorImpl> * create( std::size_t defaultSize, AllocatorImpl& alloc )
return new (
alloc.allocate( sizeof( _recycleallocimpl ) ) ) _recycleallocimpl<AllocatorImpl>( defaultSize,
alloc );
static void destroy( _recycleallocimpl<AllocatorImpl> * objToDestroy )
AllocatorImpl allocImpl = objToDestroy->m_alloc;
objToDestroy-> ~_recycleallocimpl<AllocatorImpl>();
allocImpl.deallocate( objToDestroy );
_recycleallocimpl( std::size_t defaultSize, AllocatorImpl& allocImpl ):
_memblockimplbase<AllocatorImpl, _recycleallocimpl<AllocatorImpl> >( defaultSize, allocImpl )
memset( m_buckets, 0, sizeof( m_buckets ) );
fprintf( stdout, "_recycleallocimpl=%p constructed with default size=%ld\n", this,
base_t::m_defaultSize );
~_recycleallocimpl( )
fprintf( stdout, "~_recycleallocimpl() called on _recycleallocimpl=%p\n", this );
char * allocate( std::size_t numBytes )
numBytes = ( (numBytes + sizeof( std::size_t ) + StepSize - 1) / StepSize ) * StepSize;
char * returnValue = allocateInternal( numBytes );
if( !returnValue )
char * allocValue = base_t::allocate( numBytes );
if( !allocValue )
return 0; //allocation failure
*((std::size_t*)allocValue ) = numBytes; // that includes the header
return allocValue + sizeof( std::size_t );
return returnValue;
void deallocate( void * ptr )
deallocateInternal( reinterpret_cast<char*>(ptr) );
base_t::deallocate( ptr ); // this is called b/c it is known this just updates stats
char * allocateInternal( std::size_t numBytes )
// numBytes must already be rounded to a multiple of stepsize and have an
// extra sizeof( std::size_t ) bytes tacked on for the header
// pointer returned points sizeof( std::size_t ) bytes into the allocation
// bucket 0 is always null in this scheme.
uint16_t bucketNumber = numBytes / StepSize;
if( bucketNumber > NumBuckets - 1 )
bucketNumber = NumBuckets - 1; // oversize alloc
// search max 3 consecutive buckets for an item large enough.
// in the oversize bucket and only in the oversize bucket,
// search upto 3 items into the linked list for an entry
// large enough for the specified size
for( uint16_t bkt = bucketNumber, i = 0; i < 3 && bkt < NumBuckets; ++i, ++bkt )
if( m_buckets[ bkt ] )
return allocateFrom( numBytes, m_buckets[ bkt ] );
return 0;
char * allocateFrom( std::size_t numBytes, _freeEntry *& head )
_freeEntry * current = head;
_freeEntry * prev = 0;
int count = 0;
while( current && count < 3 )
if( current->m_size >= numBytes )
if( prev == 0 )
head = current->m_next;
prev->m_next = current->m_next;
return reinterpret_cast<char*>(&current->m_next);
prev = current;
current = current->m_next;
return 0;
void deallocateInternal( char * ptr )
_freeEntry * v = reinterpret_cast< _freeEntry* >( ptr - sizeof( std::size_t ) );
uint16_t bucketNumber = v->m_size / StepSize;
if( bucketNumber > NumBuckets - 1 )
bucketNumber = NumBuckets - 1;
_freeEntry * next = m_buckets[ bucketNumber ];
v->m_next = next;
m_buckets[ bucketNumber ] = v;
template< typename T, typename Allocator = _newAllocatorImpl >
using RecycleAlloc = Alloc< T, Allocator, _recycleallocimpl<Allocator> >;