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this directory contains the meat of the lokinet core implemenation
[apple platform specific bits](apple)
[configuration bits](config)
[network consensus parts](consensus)
[compile time constants](constants)
[cryptography interface and implementations](crypto)
[DHT related code](dht)
[DNS client/server/parsing library](dns)
[event loop interface and implementations](ev)
[snode endpoint backend implementation](exit)
[onion endpoint frontend adapters](handlers)
[lokinet wire protocol](iwp)
[lokinet link layer interface types](link)
[link layer (node to node) messages](messages)
[platform agnostic-ish network api](net)
[onion path management](path)
[peer stats collection (likely to be refactored)](peerstats)
[quic over lokinet abstraction](quic)
[central god objects](router)
[routing (onion routed over paths) messages](routing)
[rpc client/server](rpc)
[onion endpoint backend implemenation](service)
[net simulation code (likely to be binned)](simulation)
[net simulation tooling (used by pybind)](tooling)
[utility function dumping ground (to be fixed up)](util)
[platform specific vpn bits with high level abstractions](vpn)
[windows platform bits](win32)