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#pragma once
#include <string_view>
#include <string>
namespace llarp
/// A struct that can represent either an IPv4 or IPv6 address. It is meant for representation
/// purposes only (e.g. serialization/deserialization). In addition, it also optionally stores
/// a port.
/// As a convenience, it can produce a SockAddr for dealing with network libraries which depend
/// sockaddr structs. However, it does not keep this as a member variable and isn't responsible
/// for its lifetime/memory/etc.
struct IpAddress
/// Constructor. Takes a string which can be an IPv4 or IPv6 address optionally followed by
/// a colon and a port.
IpAddress(std::string_view str);
/// Constructor. Takes an IP address (as above) and a port. The string may not contain a port.
IpAddress(std::string_view str, int32_t port);
/// Return the port. Returns -1 if no port has been provided.
getPort() const;
/// Set the port.
setPort(uint16_t port);
/// Returns true if this is an IPv4 address (or an IPv6 address representing an IPv4 address),
/// false otherwise.
/// TODO: could return an int (e.g. 4 or 6) or an enum
/// Creates an instance of SockAddr representing this IpAddress.
createSockAddr() const;
// TODO: other utility functions left over from Addr which may be useful
// isTenPrivate(uint32_t byte);
// isOneSevenPrivate(uint32_t byte);
// isOneNinePrivate(uint32_t byte);
// IsBogon() const;
// isPrivate() const;
// struct Hash
// operator<(const Addr& other) const;
// operator==(const Addr& other) const;
// operator=(const sockaddr& other);
} // namespace llarp