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# pre-push hook for git
# this script is probably overkill for most contributors
# "i use this to prevent foot cannons caused by commiting broken code"
# ~ jeff (lokinet author and crazy person)
# to use this as a git hook do this in the root of the repo:
# cp contrib/ .git/hooks/pre-push
set -e
cd "$(dirname $0)/../.."
echo "check format..."
./contrib/ verify
echo "format is gucci af fam"
echo "remove old test build directory..."
rm -rf build-git-hook
mkdir build-git-hook
echo "configuring test build jizz..."
cmake -S . -B build-git-hook -DWITH_LTO=OFF -DWITH_HIVE=ON -G Ninja
echo "ensure this shit compiles..."
ninja -C build-git-hook all
echo "ensure unit tests aren't fucked..."
ninja -C build-git-hook check
echo "we gud UmU"
echo ""