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import Foundation
import AppKit
// Apple deprecated their command line tools to set images on things and replaced them with a
// barely-documented swift function. Yay!
// Usage: ./seticon /path/to/my.icns /path/to/some.dmg
let args = CommandLine.arguments
if args.count != 3 {
print("Error: usage: ./seticon /path/to/my.icns /path/to/some.dmg")
var icns = args[1]
var dmg = args[2]
var img = NSImage(byReferencingFile: icns)!
if NSWorkspace.shared.setIcon(img, forFile: dmg) {
print("Set \(dmg) icon to \(icns) [\(img.size)]")
} else {
print("Setting icon failed, don't know why")