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#pragma once
#include <cstdint>
#include <algorithm>
#include <atomic>
#include <cassert>
#include <iostream>
#include <limits>
#include <string>
#include <type_traits>
namespace llarp
namespace thread
enum class ElementState : uint32_t
Empty = 0,
Writing = 1,
Full = 2,
Reading = 3
enum class QueueReturn
constexpr std::string_view
ToString(QueueReturn val)
using namespace std::literals;
switch (val)
case QueueReturn::Success:
return "Success"sv;
case QueueReturn::QueueDisabled:
return "QueueDisabled"sv;
case QueueReturn::QueueEmpty:
return "QueueEmpty"sv;
case QueueReturn::QueueFull:
return "QueueFull"sv;
return "(queue-return-unknown)"sv;
class QueueManager
// This class provides thread-safe state management for a queue.
// Common terminology in this class:
// - "Combined Index": the combination of an index into the circular
// buffer and the generation count. Precisely:
// Combined Index = (Generation * Capacity) + Element Index
// The combined index has the useful property where incrementing the
// index when the element index is at the end of the buffer does two
// things:
// 1. Sets the element index back to 0
// 2. Increments the generation
static constexpr size_t Alignment = 64;
using AtomicIndex = std::atomic<std::uint32_t>;
AtomicIndex m_pushIndex; // Index in the buffer that the next
// element will be added to.
char m_pushPadding[Alignment - sizeof(AtomicIndex)];
AtomicIndex m_popIndex; // Index in the buffer that the next
// element will be removed from.
char m_popPadding[Alignment - sizeof(AtomicIndex)];
const size_t m_capacity; // max size of the manager.
const uint32_t m_maxGeneration; // Maximum generation for this object.
const uint32_t m_maxCombinedIndex; // Maximum combined value of index and
// generation for this object.
std::atomic<std::uint32_t>* m_states; // Array of index states.
const AtomicIndex&
pushIndex() const;
const AtomicIndex&
popIndex() const;
// Return the next combined index
nextCombinedIndex(uint32_t index) const;
// Return the next generation
nextGeneration(uint32_t generation) const;
// Return the difference between the startingValue and the subtractValue
// around a particular modulo.
static int32_t
circularDifference(uint32_t startingValue, uint32_t subtractValue, uint32_t modulo);
// Return the number of possible generations a circular buffer can hold.
static uint32_t
numGenerations(size_t capacity);
// The max capacity of the queue manager.
// 2 bits are used for holding the disabled status and the number of
// generations is at least 2.
static constexpr size_t MAX_CAPACITY = 1 << ((sizeof(uint32_t) * 8) - 2);
explicit QueueManager(size_t capacity);
// Push operations
// Reserve the next available index to enqueue an element at. On success:
// - Load `index` with the next available index
// - Load `generation` with the current generation
// If this call succeeds, other threads may spin until `commitPushIndex`
// is called.
reservePushIndex(uint32_t& generation, uint32_t& index);
// Mark the `index` in the given `generation` as in-use. This unblocks
// any other threads which were waiting on the index state.
commitPushIndex(uint32_t generation, uint32_t index);
// Pop operations
// Reserve the next available index to remove an element from. On success:
// - Load `index` with the next available index
// - Load `generation` with the current generation
// If this call succeeds, other threads may spin until `commitPopIndex`
// is called.
reservePopIndex(uint32_t& generation, uint32_t& index);
// Mark the `index` in the given `generation` as available. This unblocks
// any other threads which were waiting on the index state.
commitPopIndex(uint32_t generation, uint32_t index);
// Disable the queue
// Enable the queue
// Exception safety
// If the next available index an element can be popped from is before
// the `endGeneration` and the `endIndex`, reserve that index into `index`
// and `generation`.
// Return true if an index was reserved and false otherwise.
// Behaviour is undefined if `endGeneration` and `endIndex` have not been
// acquired for writing.
// The intended usage of this method is to help remove all elements if an
// exception is thrown between reserving and committing an index.
// Workflow:
// 1. call reservePopForClear
// 2. call commitPopIndex, emptying all cells up to the reserved index
// 3. call abortPushIndexReservation on the index.
uint32_t& generation, uint32_t& index, uint32_t endGeneration, uint32_t endIndex);
abortPushIndexReservation(uint32_t generation, uint32_t index);
// Accessors
enabled() const;
size() const;
capacity() const;
} // namespace thread
} // namespace llarp