You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

177 lines
3.9 KiB

#include <net/address_info.hpp>
#ifndef _WIN32
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <net/net.hpp>
#include <util/bencode.h>
#include <util/mem.h>
#include <util/printer.hpp>
#include <cstring>
namespace llarp
operator==(const AddressInfo& lhs, const AddressInfo& rhs)
// we don't care about rank
return lhs.pubkey == rhs.pubkey && lhs.port == rhs.port && lhs.dialect == rhs.dialect
&& lhs.ip == rhs.ip;
operator<(const AddressInfo& lhs, const AddressInfo& rhs)
return lhs.rank < rhs.rank || lhs.ip < rhs.ip || lhs.port < rhs.port;
AddressInfo::DecodeKey(const llarp_buffer_t& key, llarp_buffer_t* buf)
uint64_t i;
char tmp[128] = {0};
llarp_buffer_t strbuf;
// rank
if (key == "c")
if (!bencode_read_integer(buf, &i))
return false;
if (i > 65536 || i <= 0)
return false;
rank = i;
return true;
// dialect
if (key == "d")
if (!bencode_read_string(buf, &strbuf))
return false;
if ( > sizeof(tmp))
return false;
memcpy(tmp, strbuf.base,;
tmp[] = 0;
dialect = std::string(tmp);
return true;
// encryption public key
if (key == "e")
return pubkey.BDecode(buf);
// ip address
if (key == "i")
if (!bencode_read_string(buf, &strbuf))
return false;
if ( >= sizeof(tmp))
return false;
memcpy(tmp, strbuf.base,;
tmp[] = 0;
return inet_pton(AF_INET6, tmp, &ip.s6_addr[0]) == 1;
// port
if (key == "p")
if (!bencode_read_integer(buf, &i))
return false;
if (i > 65536 || i <= 0)
return false;
port = i;
return true;
// version
if (key == "v")
if (!bencode_read_integer(buf, &i))
return false;
// bad key
return false;
AddressInfo::BEncode(llarp_buffer_t* buff) const
char ipbuff[128] = {0};
const char* ipstr;
if (!bencode_start_dict(buff))
return false;
/* rank */
if (!bencode_write_bytestring(buff, "c", 1))
return false;
if (!bencode_write_uint64(buff, rank))
return false;
/* dialect */
if (!bencode_write_bytestring(buff, "d", 1))
return false;
if (!bencode_write_bytestring(buff, dialect.c_str(), dialect.size()))
return false;
/* encryption key */
if (!bencode_write_bytestring(buff, "e", 1))
return false;
if (!bencode_write_bytestring(buff,, PUBKEYSIZE))
return false;
/** ip */
ipstr = inet_ntop(AF_INET6, (void*)&ip, ipbuff, sizeof(ipbuff));
if (!ipstr)
return false;
if (!bencode_write_bytestring(buff, "i", 1))
return false;
if (!bencode_write_bytestring(buff, ipstr, strnlen(ipstr, sizeof(ipbuff))))
return false;
/** port */
if (!bencode_write_bytestring(buff, "p", 1))
return false;
if (!bencode_write_uint64(buff, port))
return false;
/** version */
if (!bencode_write_uint64_entry(buff, "v", 1, LLARP_PROTO_VERSION))
return false;
/** end */
return bencode_end(buff);
AddressInfo::print(std::ostream& stream, int level, int spaces) const
char tmp[128] = {0};
inet_ntop(AF_INET6, (void*)&ip, tmp, sizeof(tmp));
Printer printer(stream, level, spaces);
printer.printAttribute("ip", tmp);
printer.printAttribute("port", port);
return stream;
to_json(nlohmann::json& j, const AddressInfo& a)
char tmp[128] = {0};
inet_ntop(AF_INET6, (void*)&a.ip, tmp, sizeof(tmp));
j = nlohmann::json{{"rank", a.rank},
{"dialect", a.dialect},
{"pubkey", a.pubkey.ToString()},
{"in6_addr", tmp},
{"port", a.port}};
} // namespace llarp