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package loopdb
import (
// migrateSwapPublicationDeadline migrates the database to v02, by adding the
// SwapPublicationDeadline field to loop out contracts.
func migrateSwapPublicationDeadline(tx *bbolt.Tx, chainParams *chaincfg.Params) error {
rootBucket := tx.Bucket(loopOutBucketKey)
if rootBucket == nil {
return errors.New("bucket does not exist")
return rootBucket.ForEach(func(swapHash, v []byte) error {
// Only go into things that we know are sub-bucket
// keys.
if v != nil {
return nil
// From the root bucket, we'll grab the next swap
// bucket for this swap from its swaphash.
swapBucket := rootBucket.Bucket(swapHash)
if swapBucket == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("swap bucket %x not found",
// With the main swap bucket obtained, we'll grab the
// raw swap contract bytes.
contractBytes := swapBucket.Get(contractKey)
if contractBytes == nil {
return errors.New("contract not found")
// Write the current contract serialization into a buffer.
b := &bytes.Buffer{}
if _, err := b.Write(contractBytes); err != nil {
return err
// We migrate to the new format by copying the first 8 bytes
// (the creation time) to the end (the swap deadline)
var swapDeadline [8]byte
copy(swapDeadline[:], contractBytes[:8])
if _, err := b.Write(swapDeadline[:]); err != nil {
return err
return swapBucket.Put(contractKey, b.Bytes())