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package lndclient
import (
// LightningClient exposes base lightning functionality.
type LightningClient interface {
PayInvoice(ctx context.Context, invoice string,
maxFee btcutil.Amount,
outgoingChannel *uint64) chan PaymentResult
GetInfo(ctx context.Context) (*Info, error)
EstimateFeeToP2WSH(ctx context.Context, amt btcutil.Amount,
confTarget int32) (btcutil.Amount, error)
ConfirmedWalletBalance(ctx context.Context) (btcutil.Amount, error)
AddInvoice(ctx context.Context, in *invoicesrpc.AddInvoiceData) (
lntypes.Hash, string, error)
// LookupInvoice looks up an invoice by hash.
LookupInvoice(ctx context.Context, hash lntypes.Hash) (*Invoice, error)
// ListTransactions returns all known transactions of the backing lnd
// node.
ListTransactions(ctx context.Context) ([]*wire.MsgTx, error)
// ListChannels retrieves all channels of the backing lnd node.
ListChannels(ctx context.Context) ([]ChannelInfo, error)
// ChannelBackup retrieves the backup for a particular channel. The
// backup is returned as an encrypted chanbackup.Single payload.
ChannelBackup(context.Context, wire.OutPoint) ([]byte, error)
// ChannelBackups retrieves backups for all existing pending open and
// open channels. The backups are returned as an encrypted
// chanbackup.Multi payload.
ChannelBackups(ctx context.Context) ([]byte, error)
// Info contains info about the connected lnd node.
type Info struct {
BlockHeight uint32
IdentityPubkey [33]byte
Alias string
Network string
Uris []string
// ChannelInfo stores unpacked per-channel info.
type ChannelInfo struct {
// ChannelPoint is the funding outpoint of the channel.
ChannelPoint string
// Active indicates whether the channel is active.
Active bool
// ChannelID holds the unique channel ID for the channel. The first 3 bytes
// are the block height, the next 3 the index within the block, and the last
// 2 bytes are the /output index for the channel.
ChannelID uint64
// PubKeyBytes is the raw bytes of the public key of the remote node.
PubKeyBytes route.Vertex
// Capacity is the total amount of funds held in this channel.
Capacity btcutil.Amount
// LocalBalance is the current balance of this node in this channel.
LocalBalance btcutil.Amount
// RemoteBalance is the counterparty's current balance in this channel.
RemoteBalance btcutil.Amount
// Initiator indicates whether we opened the channel or not.
Initiator bool
// Private indicates that the channel is private.
Private bool
// LifeTime is the total amount of time we have monitored the peer's
// online status for.
LifeTime time.Duration
// Uptime is the total amount of time the peer has been observed as
// online over its lifetime.
Uptime time.Duration
var (
// ErrMalformedServerResponse is returned when the swap and/or prepay
// invoice is malformed.
ErrMalformedServerResponse = errors.New(
"one or more invoices are malformed",
// ErrNoRouteToServer is returned if no quote can returned because there
// is no route to the server.
ErrNoRouteToServer = errors.New("no off-chain route to server")
// PaymentResultUnknownPaymentHash is the string result returned by
// SendPayment when the final node indicates the hash is unknown.
PaymentResultUnknownPaymentHash = "UnknownPaymentHash"
// PaymentResultSuccess is the string result returned by SendPayment
// when the payment was successful.
PaymentResultSuccess = ""
// PaymentResultAlreadyPaid is the string result returned by SendPayment
// when the payment was already completed in a previous SendPayment
// call.
PaymentResultAlreadyPaid = channeldb.ErrAlreadyPaid.Error()
// PaymentResultInFlight is the string result returned by SendPayment
// when the payment was initiated in a previous SendPayment call and
// still in flight.
PaymentResultInFlight = channeldb.ErrPaymentInFlight.Error()
paymentPollInterval = 3 * time.Second
type lightningClient struct {
client lnrpc.LightningClient
wg sync.WaitGroup
params *chaincfg.Params
adminMac serializedMacaroon
func newLightningClient(conn *grpc.ClientConn,
params *chaincfg.Params, adminMac serializedMacaroon) *lightningClient {
return &lightningClient{
client: lnrpc.NewLightningClient(conn),
params: params,
adminMac: adminMac,
// PaymentResult signals the result of a payment.
type PaymentResult struct {
Err error
Preimage lntypes.Preimage
PaidFee btcutil.Amount
PaidAmt btcutil.Amount
func (s *lightningClient) WaitForFinished() {
func (s *lightningClient) ConfirmedWalletBalance(ctx context.Context) (
btcutil.Amount, error) {
rpcCtx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, rpcTimeout)
defer cancel()
rpcCtx = s.adminMac.WithMacaroonAuth(rpcCtx)
resp, err := s.client.WalletBalance(rpcCtx, &lnrpc.WalletBalanceRequest{})
if err != nil {
return 0, err
return btcutil.Amount(resp.ConfirmedBalance), nil
func (s *lightningClient) GetInfo(ctx context.Context) (*Info, error) {
rpcCtx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, rpcTimeout)
defer cancel()
rpcCtx = s.adminMac.WithMacaroonAuth(rpcCtx)
resp, err := s.client.GetInfo(rpcCtx, &lnrpc.GetInfoRequest{})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
pubKey, err := hex.DecodeString(resp.IdentityPubkey)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var pubKeyArray [33]byte
copy(pubKeyArray[:], pubKey)
return &Info{
BlockHeight: resp.BlockHeight,
IdentityPubkey: pubKeyArray,
Alias: resp.Alias,
Network: resp.Chains[0].Network,
Uris: resp.Uris,
}, nil
func (s *lightningClient) EstimateFeeToP2WSH(ctx context.Context,
amt btcutil.Amount, confTarget int32) (btcutil.Amount,
error) {
rpcCtx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, rpcTimeout)
defer cancel()
// Generate dummy p2wsh address for fee estimation.
wsh := [32]byte{}
p2wshAddress, err := btcutil.NewAddressWitnessScriptHash(
wsh[:], s.params,
if err != nil {
return 0, err
rpcCtx = s.adminMac.WithMacaroonAuth(rpcCtx)
resp, err := s.client.EstimateFee(
TargetConf: confTarget,
AddrToAmount: map[string]int64{
p2wshAddress.String(): int64(amt),
if err != nil {
return 0, err
return btcutil.Amount(resp.FeeSat), nil
// PayInvoice pays an invoice.
func (s *lightningClient) PayInvoice(ctx context.Context, invoice string,
maxFee btcutil.Amount, outgoingChannel *uint64) chan PaymentResult {
// Use buffer to prevent blocking.
paymentChan := make(chan PaymentResult, 1)
// Execute payment in parallel, because it will block until server
// discovers preimage.
go func() {
defer s.wg.Done()
result := s.payInvoice(ctx, invoice, maxFee, outgoingChannel)
if result != nil {
paymentChan <- *result
return paymentChan
// payInvoice tries to send a payment and returns the final result. If
// necessary, it will poll lnd for the payment result.
func (s *lightningClient) payInvoice(ctx context.Context, invoice string,
maxFee btcutil.Amount, outgoingChannel *uint64) *PaymentResult {
payReq, err := zpay32.Decode(invoice, s.params)
if err != nil {
return &PaymentResult{
Err: fmt.Errorf("invoice decode: %v", err),
if payReq.MilliSat == nil {
return &PaymentResult{
Err: errors.New("no amount in invoice"),
hash := lntypes.Hash(*payReq.PaymentHash)
ctx = s.adminMac.WithMacaroonAuth(ctx)
for {
// Create no timeout context as this call can block for a long
// time.
req := &lnrpc.SendRequest{
FeeLimit: &lnrpc.FeeLimit{
Limit: &lnrpc.FeeLimit_Fixed{
Fixed: int64(maxFee),
PaymentRequest: invoice,
if outgoingChannel != nil {
req.OutgoingChanId = *outgoingChannel
payResp, err := s.client.SendPaymentSync(ctx, req)
if status.Code(err) == codes.Canceled {
return nil
if err == nil {
// TODO: Use structured payment error when available,
// instead of this britle string matching.
switch payResp.PaymentError {
// Paid successfully.
case PaymentResultSuccess:
"Payment %v completed", hash,
r := payResp.PaymentRoute
preimage, err := lntypes.MakePreimage(
if err != nil {
return &PaymentResult{Err: err}
return &PaymentResult{
PaidFee: btcutil.Amount(r.TotalFees),
PaidAmt: btcutil.Amount(
r.TotalAmt - r.TotalFees,
Preimage: preimage,
// Invoice was already paid on a previous run.
case PaymentResultAlreadyPaid:
"Payment %v already completed", hash,
// Unfortunately lnd doesn't return the route if
// the payment was successful in a previous
// call. Assume paid fees 0 and take paid amount
// from invoice.
return &PaymentResult{
PaidFee: 0,
PaidAmt: payReq.MilliSat.ToSatoshis(),
// If the payment is already in flight, we will poll
// again later for an outcome.
// TODO: Improve this when lnd expose more API to
// tracking existing payments.
case PaymentResultInFlight:
"Payment %v already in flight", hash,
// Other errors are transformed into an error struct.
"Payment %v failed: %v", hash,
return &PaymentResult{
Err: errors.New(payResp.PaymentError),
func (s *lightningClient) AddInvoice(ctx context.Context,
in *invoicesrpc.AddInvoiceData) (lntypes.Hash, string, error) {
rpcCtx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, rpcTimeout)
defer cancel()
rpcIn := &lnrpc.Invoice{
Memo: in.Memo,
Value: int64(in.Value.ToSatoshis()),
Expiry: in.Expiry,
CltvExpiry: in.CltvExpiry,
Private: true,
if in.Preimage != nil {
rpcIn.RPreimage = in.Preimage[:]
if in.Hash != nil {
rpcIn.RHash = in.Hash[:]
rpcCtx = s.adminMac.WithMacaroonAuth(rpcCtx)
resp, err := s.client.AddInvoice(rpcCtx, rpcIn)
if err != nil {
return lntypes.Hash{}, "", err
hash, err := lntypes.MakeHash(resp.RHash)
if err != nil {
return lntypes.Hash{}, "", err
return hash, resp.PaymentRequest, nil
// Invoice represents an invoice in lnd.
type Invoice struct {
// Preimage is the invoice's preimage, which is set if the invoice
// is settled.
Preimage *lntypes.Preimage
// Hash is the invoice hash.
Hash lntypes.Hash
// Memo is an optional memo field for hte invoice.
Memo string
// PaymentRequest is the invoice's payment request.
PaymentRequest string
// Amount is the amount of the invoice in millisatoshis.
Amount lnwire.MilliSatoshi
// AmountPaid is the amount that was paid for the invoice. This field
// will only be set if the invoice is settled.
AmountPaid lnwire.MilliSatoshi
// CreationDate is the time the invoice was created.
CreationDate time.Time
// SettleDate is the time the invoice was settled.
SettleDate time.Time
// State is the invoice's current state.
State channeldb.ContractState
// IsKeysend indicates whether the invoice was a spontaneous payment.
IsKeysend bool
// LookupInvoice looks up an invoice in lnd, it will error if the invoice is
// not known to lnd.
func (s *lightningClient) LookupInvoice(ctx context.Context,
hash lntypes.Hash) (*Invoice, error) {
rpcCtx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, rpcTimeout)
defer cancel()
rpcIn := &lnrpc.PaymentHash{
RHash: hash[:],
rpcCtx = s.adminMac.WithMacaroonAuth(rpcCtx)
resp, err := s.client.LookupInvoice(rpcCtx, rpcIn)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
invoice := &Invoice{
Preimage: nil,
Hash: hash,
Memo: resp.Memo,
PaymentRequest: resp.PaymentRequest,
Amount: lnwire.MilliSatoshi(resp.ValueMsat),
AmountPaid: lnwire.MilliSatoshi(resp.AmtPaidMsat),
CreationDate: time.Unix(resp.CreationDate, 0),
IsKeysend: resp.IsKeysend,
switch resp.State {
case lnrpc.Invoice_OPEN:
invoice.State = channeldb.ContractOpen
case lnrpc.Invoice_ACCEPTED:
invoice.State = channeldb.ContractAccepted
// If the invoice is settled, it also has a non-nil preimage, which we
// can set on our invoice.
case lnrpc.Invoice_SETTLED:
invoice.State = channeldb.ContractSettled
preimage, err := lntypes.MakePreimage(resp.RPreimage)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
invoice.Preimage = &preimage
case lnrpc.Invoice_CANCELED:
invoice.State = channeldb.ContractCanceled
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown invoice state: %v", resp.State)
// Only set settle date if it is non-zero, because 0 unix time is
// not the same as a zero time struct.
if resp.SettleDate != 0 {
invoice.SettleDate = time.Unix(resp.SettleDate, 0)
return invoice, nil
// ListTransactions returns all known transactions of the backing lnd node.
func (s *lightningClient) ListTransactions(ctx context.Context) ([]*wire.MsgTx, error) {
rpcCtx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, rpcTimeout)
defer cancel()
rpcCtx = s.adminMac.WithMacaroonAuth(rpcCtx)
rpcIn := &lnrpc.GetTransactionsRequest{}
resp, err := s.client.GetTransactions(rpcCtx, rpcIn)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
txs := make([]*wire.MsgTx, 0, len(resp.Transactions))
for _, respTx := range resp.Transactions {
rawTx, err := hex.DecodeString(respTx.RawTxHex)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var tx wire.MsgTx
if err := tx.Deserialize(bytes.NewReader(rawTx)); err != nil {
return nil, err
txs = append(txs, &tx)
return txs, nil
// ListChannels retrieves all channels of the backing lnd node.
func (s *lightningClient) ListChannels(ctx context.Context) (
[]ChannelInfo, error) {
rpcCtx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, rpcTimeout)
defer cancel()
response, err := s.client.ListChannels(
if err != nil {
return nil, err
result := make([]ChannelInfo, len(response.Channels))
for i, channel := range response.Channels {
remoteVertex, err := route.NewVertexFromStr(channel.RemotePubkey)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
result[i] = ChannelInfo{
ChannelPoint: channel.ChannelPoint,
Active: channel.Active,
ChannelID: channel.ChanId,
PubKeyBytes: remoteVertex,
Capacity: btcutil.Amount(channel.Capacity),
LocalBalance: btcutil.Amount(channel.LocalBalance),
RemoteBalance: btcutil.Amount(channel.RemoteBalance),
Initiator: channel.Initiator,
Private: channel.Private,
LifeTime: time.Second * time.Duration(
Uptime: time.Second * time.Duration(
return result, nil
// ChannelBackup retrieves the backup for a particular channel. The backup is
// returned as an encrypted chanbackup.Single payload.
func (s *lightningClient) ChannelBackup(ctx context.Context,
channelPoint wire.OutPoint) ([]byte, error) {
rpcCtx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, rpcTimeout)
defer cancel()
rpcCtx = s.adminMac.WithMacaroonAuth(rpcCtx)
req := &lnrpc.ExportChannelBackupRequest{
ChanPoint: &lnrpc.ChannelPoint{
FundingTxid: &lnrpc.ChannelPoint_FundingTxidBytes{
FundingTxidBytes: channelPoint.Hash[:],
OutputIndex: channelPoint.Index,
resp, err := s.client.ExportChannelBackup(rpcCtx, req)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return resp.ChanBackup, nil
// ChannelBackups retrieves backups for all existing pending open and open
// channels. The backups are returned as an encrypted chanbackup.Multi payload.
func (s *lightningClient) ChannelBackups(ctx context.Context) ([]byte, error) {
rpcCtx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, rpcTimeout)
defer cancel()
rpcCtx = s.adminMac.WithMacaroonAuth(rpcCtx)
req := &lnrpc.ChanBackupExportRequest{}
resp, err := s.client.ExportAllChannelBackups(rpcCtx, req)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return resp.MultiChanBackup.MultiChanBackup, nil