You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1088 lines
43 KiB

// Code generated by protoc-gen-go-grpc. DO NOT EDIT.
package looprpc
import (
context "context"
grpc ""
codes ""
status ""
// This is a compile-time assertion to ensure that this generated file
// is compatible with the grpc package it is being compiled against.
// Requires gRPC-Go v1.32.0 or later.
const _ = grpc.SupportPackageIsVersion7
// SwapClientClient is the client API for SwapClient service.
// For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to
type SwapClientClient interface {
// loop: `out`
//LoopOut initiates an loop out swap with the given parameters. The call
//returns after the swap has been set up with the swap server. From that
//point onwards, progress can be tracked via the SwapStatus stream that is
//returned from Monitor().
LoopOut(ctx context.Context, in *LoopOutRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*SwapResponse, error)
// loop: `in`
//LoopIn initiates a loop in swap with the given parameters. The call
//returns after the swap has been set up with the swap server. From that
//point onwards, progress can be tracked via the SwapStatus stream
//that is returned from Monitor().
LoopIn(ctx context.Context, in *LoopInRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*SwapResponse, error)
// loop: `monitor`
//Monitor will return a stream of swap updates for currently active swaps.
Monitor(ctx context.Context, in *MonitorRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (SwapClient_MonitorClient, error)
// loop: `listswaps`
//ListSwaps returns a list of all currently known swaps and their current
ListSwaps(ctx context.Context, in *ListSwapsRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*ListSwapsResponse, error)
// loop: `swapinfo`
//SwapInfo returns all known details about a single swap.
SwapInfo(ctx context.Context, in *SwapInfoRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*SwapStatus, error)
// loop: `abandonswap`
//AbandonSwap allows the client to abandon a swap.
AbandonSwap(ctx context.Context, in *AbandonSwapRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*AbandonSwapResponse, error)
// loop: `terms`
//LoopOutTerms returns the terms that the server enforces for a loop out swap.
LoopOutTerms(ctx context.Context, in *TermsRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*OutTermsResponse, error)
// loop: `quote`
//LoopOutQuote returns a quote for a loop out swap with the provided
LoopOutQuote(ctx context.Context, in *QuoteRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*OutQuoteResponse, error)
// loop: `terms`
//GetTerms returns the terms that the server enforces for swaps.
GetLoopInTerms(ctx context.Context, in *TermsRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*InTermsResponse, error)
// loop: `quote`
//GetQuote returns a quote for a swap with the provided parameters.
GetLoopInQuote(ctx context.Context, in *QuoteRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*InQuoteResponse, error)
//Probe asks he sever to probe the route to us to have a better upfront
//estimate about routing fees when loopin-in.
Probe(ctx context.Context, in *ProbeRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*ProbeResponse, error)
// loop: `listauth`
//GetLsatTokens returns all LSAT tokens the daemon ever paid for.
GetLsatTokens(ctx context.Context, in *TokensRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*TokensResponse, error)
// loop: `getinfo`
//GetInfo gets basic information about the loop daemon.
GetInfo(ctx context.Context, in *GetInfoRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*GetInfoResponse, error)
// loop: `getparams`
//GetLiquidityParams gets the parameters that the daemon's liquidity manager
//is currently configured with. This may be nil if nothing is configured.
//[EXPERIMENTAL]: endpoint is subject to change.
GetLiquidityParams(ctx context.Context, in *GetLiquidityParamsRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*LiquidityParameters, error)
// loop: `setparams`
//SetLiquidityParams sets a new set of parameters for the daemon's liquidity
//manager. Note that the full set of parameters must be provided, because
//this call fully overwrites our existing parameters.
//[EXPERIMENTAL]: endpoint is subject to change.
SetLiquidityParams(ctx context.Context, in *SetLiquidityParamsRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*SetLiquidityParamsResponse, error)
// loop: `suggestswaps`
//SuggestSwaps returns a list of recommended swaps based on the current
//state of your node's channels and it's liquidity manager parameters.
//Note that only loop out suggestions are currently supported.
//[EXPERIMENTAL]: endpoint is subject to change.
SuggestSwaps(ctx context.Context, in *SuggestSwapsRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*SuggestSwapsResponse, error)
// loop: `listreservations`
//ListReservations returns a list of all reservations the server opened to us.
ListReservations(ctx context.Context, in *ListReservationsRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*ListReservationsResponse, error)
// loop: `instantout`
//InstantOut initiates an instant out swap with the given parameters.
InstantOut(ctx context.Context, in *InstantOutRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*InstantOutResponse, error)
// loop: `instantoutquote`
//InstantOutQuote returns a quote for an instant out swap with the provided
InstantOutQuote(ctx context.Context, in *InstantOutQuoteRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*InstantOutQuoteResponse, error)
// loop: `listinstantouts`
//ListInstantOuts returns a list of all currently known instant out swaps and
//their current status.
ListInstantOuts(ctx context.Context, in *ListInstantOutsRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*ListInstantOutsResponse, error)
// loop: `static newstaticaddress`
//NewStaticAddress requests a new static address for loop-ins from the server.
NewStaticAddress(ctx context.Context, in *NewStaticAddressRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*NewStaticAddressResponse, error)
// loop: `static listunspentdeposits`
//ListUnspentDeposits returns a list of utxos deposited at a static address.
ListUnspentDeposits(ctx context.Context, in *ListUnspentDepositsRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*ListUnspentDepositsResponse, error)
// loop:`static withdraw`
//WithdrawDeposits withdraws a selection or all deposits of a static address.
WithdrawDeposits(ctx context.Context, in *WithdrawDepositsRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*WithdrawDepositsResponse, error)
3 months ago
GetStaticAddressSummary(ctx context.Context, in *StaticAddressSummaryRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*StaticAddressSummaryResponse, error)
type swapClientClient struct {
cc grpc.ClientConnInterface
func NewSwapClientClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) SwapClientClient {
return &swapClientClient{cc}
func (c *swapClientClient) LoopOut(ctx context.Context, in *LoopOutRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*SwapResponse, error) {
out := new(SwapResponse)
err :=, "/looprpc.SwapClient/LoopOut", in, out, opts...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return out, nil
func (c *swapClientClient) LoopIn(ctx context.Context, in *LoopInRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*SwapResponse, error) {
out := new(SwapResponse)
err :=, "/looprpc.SwapClient/LoopIn", in, out, opts...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return out, nil
func (c *swapClientClient) Monitor(ctx context.Context, in *MonitorRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (SwapClient_MonitorClient, error) {
stream, err :=, &SwapClient_ServiceDesc.Streams[0], "/looprpc.SwapClient/Monitor", opts...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
x := &swapClientMonitorClient{stream}
if err := x.ClientStream.SendMsg(in); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := x.ClientStream.CloseSend(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return x, nil
type SwapClient_MonitorClient interface {
Recv() (*SwapStatus, error)
type swapClientMonitorClient struct {
func (x *swapClientMonitorClient) Recv() (*SwapStatus, error) {
m := new(SwapStatus)
if err := x.ClientStream.RecvMsg(m); err != nil {
return nil, err
return m, nil
func (c *swapClientClient) ListSwaps(ctx context.Context, in *ListSwapsRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*ListSwapsResponse, error) {
out := new(ListSwapsResponse)
err :=, "/looprpc.SwapClient/ListSwaps", in, out, opts...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return out, nil
func (c *swapClientClient) SwapInfo(ctx context.Context, in *SwapInfoRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*SwapStatus, error) {
out := new(SwapStatus)
err :=, "/looprpc.SwapClient/SwapInfo", in, out, opts...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return out, nil
func (c *swapClientClient) AbandonSwap(ctx context.Context, in *AbandonSwapRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*AbandonSwapResponse, error) {
out := new(AbandonSwapResponse)
err :=, "/looprpc.SwapClient/AbandonSwap", in, out, opts...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return out, nil
func (c *swapClientClient) LoopOutTerms(ctx context.Context, in *TermsRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*OutTermsResponse, error) {
out := new(OutTermsResponse)
err :=, "/looprpc.SwapClient/LoopOutTerms", in, out, opts...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return out, nil
func (c *swapClientClient) LoopOutQuote(ctx context.Context, in *QuoteRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*OutQuoteResponse, error) {
out := new(OutQuoteResponse)
err :=, "/looprpc.SwapClient/LoopOutQuote", in, out, opts...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return out, nil
func (c *swapClientClient) GetLoopInTerms(ctx context.Context, in *TermsRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*InTermsResponse, error) {
out := new(InTermsResponse)
err :=, "/looprpc.SwapClient/GetLoopInTerms", in, out, opts...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return out, nil
func (c *swapClientClient) GetLoopInQuote(ctx context.Context, in *QuoteRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*InQuoteResponse, error) {
out := new(InQuoteResponse)
err :=, "/looprpc.SwapClient/GetLoopInQuote", in, out, opts...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return out, nil
func (c *swapClientClient) Probe(ctx context.Context, in *ProbeRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*ProbeResponse, error) {
out := new(ProbeResponse)
err :=, "/looprpc.SwapClient/Probe", in, out, opts...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return out, nil
func (c *swapClientClient) GetLsatTokens(ctx context.Context, in *TokensRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*TokensResponse, error) {
out := new(TokensResponse)
err :=, "/looprpc.SwapClient/GetLsatTokens", in, out, opts...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return out, nil
func (c *swapClientClient) GetInfo(ctx context.Context, in *GetInfoRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*GetInfoResponse, error) {
out := new(GetInfoResponse)
err :=, "/looprpc.SwapClient/GetInfo", in, out, opts...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return out, nil
func (c *swapClientClient) GetLiquidityParams(ctx context.Context, in *GetLiquidityParamsRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*LiquidityParameters, error) {
out := new(LiquidityParameters)
err :=, "/looprpc.SwapClient/GetLiquidityParams", in, out, opts...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return out, nil
func (c *swapClientClient) SetLiquidityParams(ctx context.Context, in *SetLiquidityParamsRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*SetLiquidityParamsResponse, error) {
out := new(SetLiquidityParamsResponse)
err :=, "/looprpc.SwapClient/SetLiquidityParams", in, out, opts...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return out, nil
func (c *swapClientClient) SuggestSwaps(ctx context.Context, in *SuggestSwapsRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*SuggestSwapsResponse, error) {
out := new(SuggestSwapsResponse)
err :=, "/looprpc.SwapClient/SuggestSwaps", in, out, opts...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return out, nil
func (c *swapClientClient) ListReservations(ctx context.Context, in *ListReservationsRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*ListReservationsResponse, error) {
out := new(ListReservationsResponse)
err :=, "/looprpc.SwapClient/ListReservations", in, out, opts...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return out, nil
func (c *swapClientClient) InstantOut(ctx context.Context, in *InstantOutRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*InstantOutResponse, error) {
out := new(InstantOutResponse)
err :=, "/looprpc.SwapClient/InstantOut", in, out, opts...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return out, nil
func (c *swapClientClient) InstantOutQuote(ctx context.Context, in *InstantOutQuoteRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*InstantOutQuoteResponse, error) {
out := new(InstantOutQuoteResponse)
err :=, "/looprpc.SwapClient/InstantOutQuote", in, out, opts...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return out, nil
func (c *swapClientClient) ListInstantOuts(ctx context.Context, in *ListInstantOutsRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*ListInstantOutsResponse, error) {
out := new(ListInstantOutsResponse)
err :=, "/looprpc.SwapClient/ListInstantOuts", in, out, opts...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return out, nil
func (c *swapClientClient) NewStaticAddress(ctx context.Context, in *NewStaticAddressRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*NewStaticAddressResponse, error) {
out := new(NewStaticAddressResponse)
err :=, "/looprpc.SwapClient/NewStaticAddress", in, out, opts...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return out, nil
func (c *swapClientClient) ListUnspentDeposits(ctx context.Context, in *ListUnspentDepositsRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*ListUnspentDepositsResponse, error) {
out := new(ListUnspentDepositsResponse)
err :=, "/looprpc.SwapClient/ListUnspentDeposits", in, out, opts...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return out, nil
func (c *swapClientClient) WithdrawDeposits(ctx context.Context, in *WithdrawDepositsRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*WithdrawDepositsResponse, error) {
out := new(WithdrawDepositsResponse)
err :=, "/looprpc.SwapClient/WithdrawDeposits", in, out, opts...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return out, nil
3 months ago
func (c *swapClientClient) GetStaticAddressSummary(ctx context.Context, in *StaticAddressSummaryRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*StaticAddressSummaryResponse, error) {
out := new(StaticAddressSummaryResponse)
err :=, "/looprpc.SwapClient/GetStaticAddressSummary", in, out, opts...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return out, nil
// SwapClientServer is the server API for SwapClient service.
// All implementations must embed UnimplementedSwapClientServer
// for forward compatibility
type SwapClientServer interface {
// loop: `out`
//LoopOut initiates an loop out swap with the given parameters. The call
//returns after the swap has been set up with the swap server. From that
//point onwards, progress can be tracked via the SwapStatus stream that is
//returned from Monitor().
LoopOut(context.Context, *LoopOutRequest) (*SwapResponse, error)
// loop: `in`
//LoopIn initiates a loop in swap with the given parameters. The call
//returns after the swap has been set up with the swap server. From that
//point onwards, progress can be tracked via the SwapStatus stream
//that is returned from Monitor().
LoopIn(context.Context, *LoopInRequest) (*SwapResponse, error)
// loop: `monitor`
//Monitor will return a stream of swap updates for currently active swaps.
Monitor(*MonitorRequest, SwapClient_MonitorServer) error
// loop: `listswaps`
//ListSwaps returns a list of all currently known swaps and their current
ListSwaps(context.Context, *ListSwapsRequest) (*ListSwapsResponse, error)
// loop: `swapinfo`
//SwapInfo returns all known details about a single swap.
SwapInfo(context.Context, *SwapInfoRequest) (*SwapStatus, error)
// loop: `abandonswap`
//AbandonSwap allows the client to abandon a swap.
AbandonSwap(context.Context, *AbandonSwapRequest) (*AbandonSwapResponse, error)
// loop: `terms`
//LoopOutTerms returns the terms that the server enforces for a loop out swap.
LoopOutTerms(context.Context, *TermsRequest) (*OutTermsResponse, error)
// loop: `quote`
//LoopOutQuote returns a quote for a loop out swap with the provided
LoopOutQuote(context.Context, *QuoteRequest) (*OutQuoteResponse, error)
// loop: `terms`
//GetTerms returns the terms that the server enforces for swaps.
GetLoopInTerms(context.Context, *TermsRequest) (*InTermsResponse, error)
// loop: `quote`
//GetQuote returns a quote for a swap with the provided parameters.
GetLoopInQuote(context.Context, *QuoteRequest) (*InQuoteResponse, error)
//Probe asks he sever to probe the route to us to have a better upfront
//estimate about routing fees when loopin-in.
Probe(context.Context, *ProbeRequest) (*ProbeResponse, error)
// loop: `listauth`
//GetLsatTokens returns all LSAT tokens the daemon ever paid for.
GetLsatTokens(context.Context, *TokensRequest) (*TokensResponse, error)
// loop: `getinfo`
//GetInfo gets basic information about the loop daemon.
GetInfo(context.Context, *GetInfoRequest) (*GetInfoResponse, error)
// loop: `getparams`
//GetLiquidityParams gets the parameters that the daemon's liquidity manager
//is currently configured with. This may be nil if nothing is configured.
//[EXPERIMENTAL]: endpoint is subject to change.
GetLiquidityParams(context.Context, *GetLiquidityParamsRequest) (*LiquidityParameters, error)
// loop: `setparams`
//SetLiquidityParams sets a new set of parameters for the daemon's liquidity
//manager. Note that the full set of parameters must be provided, because
//this call fully overwrites our existing parameters.
//[EXPERIMENTAL]: endpoint is subject to change.
SetLiquidityParams(context.Context, *SetLiquidityParamsRequest) (*SetLiquidityParamsResponse, error)
// loop: `suggestswaps`
//SuggestSwaps returns a list of recommended swaps based on the current
//state of your node's channels and it's liquidity manager parameters.
//Note that only loop out suggestions are currently supported.
//[EXPERIMENTAL]: endpoint is subject to change.
SuggestSwaps(context.Context, *SuggestSwapsRequest) (*SuggestSwapsResponse, error)
// loop: `listreservations`
//ListReservations returns a list of all reservations the server opened to us.
ListReservations(context.Context, *ListReservationsRequest) (*ListReservationsResponse, error)
// loop: `instantout`
//InstantOut initiates an instant out swap with the given parameters.
InstantOut(context.Context, *InstantOutRequest) (*InstantOutResponse, error)
// loop: `instantoutquote`
//InstantOutQuote returns a quote for an instant out swap with the provided
InstantOutQuote(context.Context, *InstantOutQuoteRequest) (*InstantOutQuoteResponse, error)
// loop: `listinstantouts`
//ListInstantOuts returns a list of all currently known instant out swaps and
//their current status.
ListInstantOuts(context.Context, *ListInstantOutsRequest) (*ListInstantOutsResponse, error)
// loop: `static newstaticaddress`
//NewStaticAddress requests a new static address for loop-ins from the server.
NewStaticAddress(context.Context, *NewStaticAddressRequest) (*NewStaticAddressResponse, error)
// loop: `static listunspentdeposits`
//ListUnspentDeposits returns a list of utxos deposited at a static address.
ListUnspentDeposits(context.Context, *ListUnspentDepositsRequest) (*ListUnspentDepositsResponse, error)
// loop:`static withdraw`
//WithdrawDeposits withdraws a selection or all deposits of a static address.
WithdrawDeposits(context.Context, *WithdrawDepositsRequest) (*WithdrawDepositsResponse, error)
3 months ago
GetStaticAddressSummary(context.Context, *StaticAddressSummaryRequest) (*StaticAddressSummaryResponse, error)
// UnimplementedSwapClientServer must be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.
type UnimplementedSwapClientServer struct {
func (UnimplementedSwapClientServer) LoopOut(context.Context, *LoopOutRequest) (*SwapResponse, error) {
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.Unimplemented, "method LoopOut not implemented")
func (UnimplementedSwapClientServer) LoopIn(context.Context, *LoopInRequest) (*SwapResponse, error) {
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.Unimplemented, "method LoopIn not implemented")
func (UnimplementedSwapClientServer) Monitor(*MonitorRequest, SwapClient_MonitorServer) error {
return status.Errorf(codes.Unimplemented, "method Monitor not implemented")
func (UnimplementedSwapClientServer) ListSwaps(context.Context, *ListSwapsRequest) (*ListSwapsResponse, error) {
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.Unimplemented, "method ListSwaps not implemented")
func (UnimplementedSwapClientServer) SwapInfo(context.Context, *SwapInfoRequest) (*SwapStatus, error) {
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.Unimplemented, "method SwapInfo not implemented")
func (UnimplementedSwapClientServer) AbandonSwap(context.Context, *AbandonSwapRequest) (*AbandonSwapResponse, error) {
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.Unimplemented, "method AbandonSwap not implemented")
func (UnimplementedSwapClientServer) LoopOutTerms(context.Context, *TermsRequest) (*OutTermsResponse, error) {
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.Unimplemented, "method LoopOutTerms not implemented")
func (UnimplementedSwapClientServer) LoopOutQuote(context.Context, *QuoteRequest) (*OutQuoteResponse, error) {
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.Unimplemented, "method LoopOutQuote not implemented")
func (UnimplementedSwapClientServer) GetLoopInTerms(context.Context, *TermsRequest) (*InTermsResponse, error) {
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.Unimplemented, "method GetLoopInTerms not implemented")
func (UnimplementedSwapClientServer) GetLoopInQuote(context.Context, *QuoteRequest) (*InQuoteResponse, error) {
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.Unimplemented, "method GetLoopInQuote not implemented")
func (UnimplementedSwapClientServer) Probe(context.Context, *ProbeRequest) (*ProbeResponse, error) {
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.Unimplemented, "method Probe not implemented")
func (UnimplementedSwapClientServer) GetLsatTokens(context.Context, *TokensRequest) (*TokensResponse, error) {
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.Unimplemented, "method GetLsatTokens not implemented")
func (UnimplementedSwapClientServer) GetInfo(context.Context, *GetInfoRequest) (*GetInfoResponse, error) {
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.Unimplemented, "method GetInfo not implemented")
func (UnimplementedSwapClientServer) GetLiquidityParams(context.Context, *GetLiquidityParamsRequest) (*LiquidityParameters, error) {
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.Unimplemented, "method GetLiquidityParams not implemented")
func (UnimplementedSwapClientServer) SetLiquidityParams(context.Context, *SetLiquidityParamsRequest) (*SetLiquidityParamsResponse, error) {
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.Unimplemented, "method SetLiquidityParams not implemented")
func (UnimplementedSwapClientServer) SuggestSwaps(context.Context, *SuggestSwapsRequest) (*SuggestSwapsResponse, error) {
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.Unimplemented, "method SuggestSwaps not implemented")
func (UnimplementedSwapClientServer) ListReservations(context.Context, *ListReservationsRequest) (*ListReservationsResponse, error) {
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.Unimplemented, "method ListReservations not implemented")
func (UnimplementedSwapClientServer) InstantOut(context.Context, *InstantOutRequest) (*InstantOutResponse, error) {
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.Unimplemented, "method InstantOut not implemented")
func (UnimplementedSwapClientServer) InstantOutQuote(context.Context, *InstantOutQuoteRequest) (*InstantOutQuoteResponse, error) {
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.Unimplemented, "method InstantOutQuote not implemented")
func (UnimplementedSwapClientServer) ListInstantOuts(context.Context, *ListInstantOutsRequest) (*ListInstantOutsResponse, error) {
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.Unimplemented, "method ListInstantOuts not implemented")
func (UnimplementedSwapClientServer) NewStaticAddress(context.Context, *NewStaticAddressRequest) (*NewStaticAddressResponse, error) {
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.Unimplemented, "method NewStaticAddress not implemented")
func (UnimplementedSwapClientServer) ListUnspentDeposits(context.Context, *ListUnspentDepositsRequest) (*ListUnspentDepositsResponse, error) {
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.Unimplemented, "method ListUnspentDeposits not implemented")
func (UnimplementedSwapClientServer) WithdrawDeposits(context.Context, *WithdrawDepositsRequest) (*WithdrawDepositsResponse, error) {
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.Unimplemented, "method WithdrawDeposits not implemented")
3 months ago
func (UnimplementedSwapClientServer) GetStaticAddressSummary(context.Context, *StaticAddressSummaryRequest) (*StaticAddressSummaryResponse, error) {
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.Unimplemented, "method GetStaticAddressSummary not implemented")
func (UnimplementedSwapClientServer) mustEmbedUnimplementedSwapClientServer() {}
// UnsafeSwapClientServer may be embedded to opt out of forward compatibility for this service.
// Use of this interface is not recommended, as added methods to SwapClientServer will
// result in compilation errors.
type UnsafeSwapClientServer interface {
func RegisterSwapClientServer(s grpc.ServiceRegistrar, srv SwapClientServer) {
s.RegisterService(&SwapClient_ServiceDesc, srv)
func _SwapClient_LoopOut_Handler(srv interface{}, ctx context.Context, dec func(interface{}) error, interceptor grpc.UnaryServerInterceptor) (interface{}, error) {
in := new(LoopOutRequest)
if err := dec(in); err != nil {
return nil, err
if interceptor == nil {
return srv.(SwapClientServer).LoopOut(ctx, in)
info := &grpc.UnaryServerInfo{
Server: srv,
FullMethod: "/looprpc.SwapClient/LoopOut",
handler := func(ctx context.Context, req interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
return srv.(SwapClientServer).LoopOut(ctx, req.(*LoopOutRequest))
return interceptor(ctx, in, info, handler)
func _SwapClient_LoopIn_Handler(srv interface{}, ctx context.Context, dec func(interface{}) error, interceptor grpc.UnaryServerInterceptor) (interface{}, error) {
in := new(LoopInRequest)
if err := dec(in); err != nil {
return nil, err
if interceptor == nil {
return srv.(SwapClientServer).LoopIn(ctx, in)
info := &grpc.UnaryServerInfo{
Server: srv,
FullMethod: "/looprpc.SwapClient/LoopIn",
handler := func(ctx context.Context, req interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
return srv.(SwapClientServer).LoopIn(ctx, req.(*LoopInRequest))
return interceptor(ctx, in, info, handler)
func _SwapClient_Monitor_Handler(srv interface{}, stream grpc.ServerStream) error {
m := new(MonitorRequest)
if err := stream.RecvMsg(m); err != nil {
return err
return srv.(SwapClientServer).Monitor(m, &swapClientMonitorServer{stream})
type SwapClient_MonitorServer interface {
Send(*SwapStatus) error
type swapClientMonitorServer struct {
func (x *swapClientMonitorServer) Send(m *SwapStatus) error {
return x.ServerStream.SendMsg(m)
func _SwapClient_ListSwaps_Handler(srv interface{}, ctx context.Context, dec func(interface{}) error, interceptor grpc.UnaryServerInterceptor) (interface{}, error) {
in := new(ListSwapsRequest)
if err := dec(in); err != nil {
return nil, err
if interceptor == nil {
return srv.(SwapClientServer).ListSwaps(ctx, in)
info := &grpc.UnaryServerInfo{
Server: srv,
FullMethod: "/looprpc.SwapClient/ListSwaps",
handler := func(ctx context.Context, req interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
return srv.(SwapClientServer).ListSwaps(ctx, req.(*ListSwapsRequest))
return interceptor(ctx, in, info, handler)
func _SwapClient_SwapInfo_Handler(srv interface{}, ctx context.Context, dec func(interface{}) error, interceptor grpc.UnaryServerInterceptor) (interface{}, error) {
in := new(SwapInfoRequest)
if err := dec(in); err != nil {
return nil, err
if interceptor == nil {
return srv.(SwapClientServer).SwapInfo(ctx, in)
info := &grpc.UnaryServerInfo{
Server: srv,
FullMethod: "/looprpc.SwapClient/SwapInfo",
handler := func(ctx context.Context, req interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
return srv.(SwapClientServer).SwapInfo(ctx, req.(*SwapInfoRequest))
return interceptor(ctx, in, info, handler)
func _SwapClient_AbandonSwap_Handler(srv interface{}, ctx context.Context, dec func(interface{}) error, interceptor grpc.UnaryServerInterceptor) (interface{}, error) {
in := new(AbandonSwapRequest)
if err := dec(in); err != nil {
return nil, err
if interceptor == nil {
return srv.(SwapClientServer).AbandonSwap(ctx, in)
info := &grpc.UnaryServerInfo{
Server: srv,
FullMethod: "/looprpc.SwapClient/AbandonSwap",
handler := func(ctx context.Context, req interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
return srv.(SwapClientServer).AbandonSwap(ctx, req.(*AbandonSwapRequest))
return interceptor(ctx, in, info, handler)
func _SwapClient_LoopOutTerms_Handler(srv interface{}, ctx context.Context, dec func(interface{}) error, interceptor grpc.UnaryServerInterceptor) (interface{}, error) {
in := new(TermsRequest)
if err := dec(in); err != nil {
return nil, err
if interceptor == nil {
return srv.(SwapClientServer).LoopOutTerms(ctx, in)
info := &grpc.UnaryServerInfo{
Server: srv,
FullMethod: "/looprpc.SwapClient/LoopOutTerms",
handler := func(ctx context.Context, req interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
return srv.(SwapClientServer).LoopOutTerms(ctx, req.(*TermsRequest))
return interceptor(ctx, in, info, handler)
func _SwapClient_LoopOutQuote_Handler(srv interface{}, ctx context.Context, dec func(interface{}) error, interceptor grpc.UnaryServerInterceptor) (interface{}, error) {
in := new(QuoteRequest)
if err := dec(in); err != nil {
return nil, err
if interceptor == nil {
return srv.(SwapClientServer).LoopOutQuote(ctx, in)
info := &grpc.UnaryServerInfo{
Server: srv,
FullMethod: "/looprpc.SwapClient/LoopOutQuote",
handler := func(ctx context.Context, req interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
return srv.(SwapClientServer).LoopOutQuote(ctx, req.(*QuoteRequest))
return interceptor(ctx, in, info, handler)
func _SwapClient_GetLoopInTerms_Handler(srv interface{}, ctx context.Context, dec func(interface{}) error, interceptor grpc.UnaryServerInterceptor) (interface{}, error) {
in := new(TermsRequest)
if err := dec(in); err != nil {
return nil, err
if interceptor == nil {
return srv.(SwapClientServer).GetLoopInTerms(ctx, in)
info := &grpc.UnaryServerInfo{
Server: srv,
FullMethod: "/looprpc.SwapClient/GetLoopInTerms",
handler := func(ctx context.Context, req interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
return srv.(SwapClientServer).GetLoopInTerms(ctx, req.(*TermsRequest))
return interceptor(ctx, in, info, handler)
func _SwapClient_GetLoopInQuote_Handler(srv interface{}, ctx context.Context, dec func(interface{}) error, interceptor grpc.UnaryServerInterceptor) (interface{}, error) {
in := new(QuoteRequest)
if err := dec(in); err != nil {
return nil, err
if interceptor == nil {
return srv.(SwapClientServer).GetLoopInQuote(ctx, in)
info := &grpc.UnaryServerInfo{
Server: srv,
FullMethod: "/looprpc.SwapClient/GetLoopInQuote",
handler := func(ctx context.Context, req interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
return srv.(SwapClientServer).GetLoopInQuote(ctx, req.(*QuoteRequest))
return interceptor(ctx, in, info, handler)
func _SwapClient_Probe_Handler(srv interface{}, ctx context.Context, dec func(interface{}) error, interceptor grpc.UnaryServerInterceptor) (interface{}, error) {
in := new(ProbeRequest)
if err := dec(in); err != nil {
return nil, err
if interceptor == nil {
return srv.(SwapClientServer).Probe(ctx, in)
info := &grpc.UnaryServerInfo{
Server: srv,
FullMethod: "/looprpc.SwapClient/Probe",
handler := func(ctx context.Context, req interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
return srv.(SwapClientServer).Probe(ctx, req.(*ProbeRequest))
return interceptor(ctx, in, info, handler)
func _SwapClient_GetLsatTokens_Handler(srv interface{}, ctx context.Context, dec func(interface{}) error, interceptor grpc.UnaryServerInterceptor) (interface{}, error) {
in := new(TokensRequest)
if err := dec(in); err != nil {
return nil, err
if interceptor == nil {
return srv.(SwapClientServer).GetLsatTokens(ctx, in)
info := &grpc.UnaryServerInfo{
Server: srv,
FullMethod: "/looprpc.SwapClient/GetLsatTokens",
handler := func(ctx context.Context, req interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
return srv.(SwapClientServer).GetLsatTokens(ctx, req.(*TokensRequest))
return interceptor(ctx, in, info, handler)
func _SwapClient_GetInfo_Handler(srv interface{}, ctx context.Context, dec func(interface{}) error, interceptor grpc.UnaryServerInterceptor) (interface{}, error) {
in := new(GetInfoRequest)
if err := dec(in); err != nil {
return nil, err
if interceptor == nil {
return srv.(SwapClientServer).GetInfo(ctx, in)
info := &grpc.UnaryServerInfo{
Server: srv,
FullMethod: "/looprpc.SwapClient/GetInfo",
handler := func(ctx context.Context, req interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
return srv.(SwapClientServer).GetInfo(ctx, req.(*GetInfoRequest))
return interceptor(ctx, in, info, handler)
func _SwapClient_GetLiquidityParams_Handler(srv interface{}, ctx context.Context, dec func(interface{}) error, interceptor grpc.UnaryServerInterceptor) (interface{}, error) {
in := new(GetLiquidityParamsRequest)
if err := dec(in); err != nil {
return nil, err
if interceptor == nil {
return srv.(SwapClientServer).GetLiquidityParams(ctx, in)
info := &grpc.UnaryServerInfo{
Server: srv,
FullMethod: "/looprpc.SwapClient/GetLiquidityParams",
handler := func(ctx context.Context, req interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
return srv.(SwapClientServer).GetLiquidityParams(ctx, req.(*GetLiquidityParamsRequest))
return interceptor(ctx, in, info, handler)
func _SwapClient_SetLiquidityParams_Handler(srv interface{}, ctx context.Context, dec func(interface{}) error, interceptor grpc.UnaryServerInterceptor) (interface{}, error) {
in := new(SetLiquidityParamsRequest)
if err := dec(in); err != nil {
return nil, err
if interceptor == nil {
return srv.(SwapClientServer).SetLiquidityParams(ctx, in)
info := &grpc.UnaryServerInfo{
Server: srv,
FullMethod: "/looprpc.SwapClient/SetLiquidityParams",
handler := func(ctx context.Context, req interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
return srv.(SwapClientServer).SetLiquidityParams(ctx, req.(*SetLiquidityParamsRequest))
return interceptor(ctx, in, info, handler)
func _SwapClient_SuggestSwaps_Handler(srv interface{}, ctx context.Context, dec func(interface{}) error, interceptor grpc.UnaryServerInterceptor) (interface{}, error) {
in := new(SuggestSwapsRequest)
if err := dec(in); err != nil {
return nil, err
if interceptor == nil {
return srv.(SwapClientServer).SuggestSwaps(ctx, in)
info := &grpc.UnaryServerInfo{
Server: srv,
FullMethod: "/looprpc.SwapClient/SuggestSwaps",
handler := func(ctx context.Context, req interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
return srv.(SwapClientServer).SuggestSwaps(ctx, req.(*SuggestSwapsRequest))
return interceptor(ctx, in, info, handler)
func _SwapClient_ListReservations_Handler(srv interface{}, ctx context.Context, dec func(interface{}) error, interceptor grpc.UnaryServerInterceptor) (interface{}, error) {
in := new(ListReservationsRequest)
if err := dec(in); err != nil {
return nil, err
if interceptor == nil {
return srv.(SwapClientServer).ListReservations(ctx, in)
info := &grpc.UnaryServerInfo{
Server: srv,
FullMethod: "/looprpc.SwapClient/ListReservations",
handler := func(ctx context.Context, req interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
return srv.(SwapClientServer).ListReservations(ctx, req.(*ListReservationsRequest))
return interceptor(ctx, in, info, handler)
func _SwapClient_InstantOut_Handler(srv interface{}, ctx context.Context, dec func(interface{}) error, interceptor grpc.UnaryServerInterceptor) (interface{}, error) {
in := new(InstantOutRequest)
if err := dec(in); err != nil {
return nil, err
if interceptor == nil {
return srv.(SwapClientServer).InstantOut(ctx, in)
info := &grpc.UnaryServerInfo{
Server: srv,
FullMethod: "/looprpc.SwapClient/InstantOut",
handler := func(ctx context.Context, req interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
return srv.(SwapClientServer).InstantOut(ctx, req.(*InstantOutRequest))
return interceptor(ctx, in, info, handler)
func _SwapClient_InstantOutQuote_Handler(srv interface{}, ctx context.Context, dec func(interface{}) error, interceptor grpc.UnaryServerInterceptor) (interface{}, error) {
in := new(InstantOutQuoteRequest)
if err := dec(in); err != nil {
return nil, err
if interceptor == nil {
return srv.(SwapClientServer).InstantOutQuote(ctx, in)
info := &grpc.UnaryServerInfo{
Server: srv,
FullMethod: "/looprpc.SwapClient/InstantOutQuote",
handler := func(ctx context.Context, req interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
return srv.(SwapClientServer).InstantOutQuote(ctx, req.(*InstantOutQuoteRequest))
return interceptor(ctx, in, info, handler)
func _SwapClient_ListInstantOuts_Handler(srv interface{}, ctx context.Context, dec func(interface{}) error, interceptor grpc.UnaryServerInterceptor) (interface{}, error) {
in := new(ListInstantOutsRequest)
if err := dec(in); err != nil {
return nil, err
if interceptor == nil {
return srv.(SwapClientServer).ListInstantOuts(ctx, in)
info := &grpc.UnaryServerInfo{
Server: srv,
FullMethod: "/looprpc.SwapClient/ListInstantOuts",
handler := func(ctx context.Context, req interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
return srv.(SwapClientServer).ListInstantOuts(ctx, req.(*ListInstantOutsRequest))
return interceptor(ctx, in, info, handler)
func _SwapClient_NewStaticAddress_Handler(srv interface{}, ctx context.Context, dec func(interface{}) error, interceptor grpc.UnaryServerInterceptor) (interface{}, error) {
in := new(NewStaticAddressRequest)
if err := dec(in); err != nil {
return nil, err
if interceptor == nil {
return srv.(SwapClientServer).NewStaticAddress(ctx, in)
info := &grpc.UnaryServerInfo{
Server: srv,
FullMethod: "/looprpc.SwapClient/NewStaticAddress",
handler := func(ctx context.Context, req interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
return srv.(SwapClientServer).NewStaticAddress(ctx, req.(*NewStaticAddressRequest))
return interceptor(ctx, in, info, handler)
func _SwapClient_ListUnspentDeposits_Handler(srv interface{}, ctx context.Context, dec func(interface{}) error, interceptor grpc.UnaryServerInterceptor) (interface{}, error) {
in := new(ListUnspentDepositsRequest)
if err := dec(in); err != nil {
return nil, err
if interceptor == nil {
return srv.(SwapClientServer).ListUnspentDeposits(ctx, in)
info := &grpc.UnaryServerInfo{
Server: srv,
FullMethod: "/looprpc.SwapClient/ListUnspentDeposits",
handler := func(ctx context.Context, req interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
return srv.(SwapClientServer).ListUnspentDeposits(ctx, req.(*ListUnspentDepositsRequest))
return interceptor(ctx, in, info, handler)
func _SwapClient_WithdrawDeposits_Handler(srv interface{}, ctx context.Context, dec func(interface{}) error, interceptor grpc.UnaryServerInterceptor) (interface{}, error) {
in := new(WithdrawDepositsRequest)
if err := dec(in); err != nil {
return nil, err
if interceptor == nil {
return srv.(SwapClientServer).WithdrawDeposits(ctx, in)
info := &grpc.UnaryServerInfo{
Server: srv,
FullMethod: "/looprpc.SwapClient/WithdrawDeposits",
handler := func(ctx context.Context, req interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
return srv.(SwapClientServer).WithdrawDeposits(ctx, req.(*WithdrawDepositsRequest))
return interceptor(ctx, in, info, handler)
3 months ago
func _SwapClient_GetStaticAddressSummary_Handler(srv interface{}, ctx context.Context, dec func(interface{}) error, interceptor grpc.UnaryServerInterceptor) (interface{}, error) {
in := new(StaticAddressSummaryRequest)
if err := dec(in); err != nil {
return nil, err
if interceptor == nil {
return srv.(SwapClientServer).GetStaticAddressSummary(ctx, in)
info := &grpc.UnaryServerInfo{
Server: srv,
FullMethod: "/looprpc.SwapClient/GetStaticAddressSummary",
handler := func(ctx context.Context, req interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
return srv.(SwapClientServer).GetStaticAddressSummary(ctx, req.(*StaticAddressSummaryRequest))
return interceptor(ctx, in, info, handler)
// SwapClient_ServiceDesc is the grpc.ServiceDesc for SwapClient service.
// It's only intended for direct use with grpc.RegisterService,
// and not to be introspected or modified (even as a copy)
var SwapClient_ServiceDesc = grpc.ServiceDesc{
ServiceName: "looprpc.SwapClient",
HandlerType: (*SwapClientServer)(nil),
Methods: []grpc.MethodDesc{
MethodName: "LoopOut",
Handler: _SwapClient_LoopOut_Handler,
MethodName: "LoopIn",
Handler: _SwapClient_LoopIn_Handler,
MethodName: "ListSwaps",
Handler: _SwapClient_ListSwaps_Handler,
MethodName: "SwapInfo",
Handler: _SwapClient_SwapInfo_Handler,
MethodName: "AbandonSwap",
Handler: _SwapClient_AbandonSwap_Handler,
MethodName: "LoopOutTerms",
Handler: _SwapClient_LoopOutTerms_Handler,
MethodName: "LoopOutQuote",
Handler: _SwapClient_LoopOutQuote_Handler,
MethodName: "GetLoopInTerms",
Handler: _SwapClient_GetLoopInTerms_Handler,
MethodName: "GetLoopInQuote",
Handler: _SwapClient_GetLoopInQuote_Handler,
MethodName: "Probe",
Handler: _SwapClient_Probe_Handler,
MethodName: "GetLsatTokens",
Handler: _SwapClient_GetLsatTokens_Handler,
MethodName: "GetInfo",
Handler: _SwapClient_GetInfo_Handler,
MethodName: "GetLiquidityParams",
Handler: _SwapClient_GetLiquidityParams_Handler,
MethodName: "SetLiquidityParams",
Handler: _SwapClient_SetLiquidityParams_Handler,
MethodName: "SuggestSwaps",
Handler: _SwapClient_SuggestSwaps_Handler,
MethodName: "ListReservations",
Handler: _SwapClient_ListReservations_Handler,
MethodName: "InstantOut",
Handler: _SwapClient_InstantOut_Handler,
MethodName: "InstantOutQuote",
Handler: _SwapClient_InstantOutQuote_Handler,
MethodName: "ListInstantOuts",
Handler: _SwapClient_ListInstantOuts_Handler,
MethodName: "NewStaticAddress",
Handler: _SwapClient_NewStaticAddress_Handler,
MethodName: "ListUnspentDeposits",
Handler: _SwapClient_ListUnspentDeposits_Handler,
MethodName: "WithdrawDeposits",
Handler: _SwapClient_WithdrawDeposits_Handler,
3 months ago
MethodName: "GetStaticAddressSummary",
Handler: _SwapClient_GetStaticAddressSummary_Handler,
Streams: []grpc.StreamDesc{
StreamName: "Monitor",
Handler: _SwapClient_Monitor_Handler,
ServerStreams: true,
Metadata: "client.proto",