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package test
import (
type mockRouter struct {
lnd *LndMockServices
func (r *mockRouter) SendPayment(ctx context.Context,
request lndclient.SendPaymentRequest) (chan lndclient.PaymentStatus,
chan error, error) {
statusChan := make(chan lndclient.PaymentStatus)
errorChan := make(chan error)
r.lnd.RouterSendPaymentChannel <- RouterPaymentChannelMessage{
SendPaymentRequest: request,
TrackPaymentMessage: TrackPaymentMessage{
Updates: statusChan,
Errors: errorChan,
return statusChan, errorChan, nil
func (r *mockRouter) TrackPayment(ctx context.Context,
hash lntypes.Hash) (chan lndclient.PaymentStatus, chan error, error) {
statusChan := make(chan lndclient.PaymentStatus)
errorChan := make(chan error)
r.lnd.TrackPaymentChannel <- TrackPaymentMessage{
Hash: hash,
Updates: statusChan,
Errors: errorChan,
return statusChan, errorChan, nil
func (r *mockRouter) QueryMissionControl(ctx context.Context) (
[]lndclient.MissionControlEntry, error) {
return r.lnd.MissionControlState, nil
// ImpotMissionControl is a mocked reimplementation of the pair import.
// Reference: lnd/router/missioncontrol_state.go:importSnapshot().
func (r *mockRouter) ImportMissionControl(ctx context.Context,
entries []lndclient.MissionControlEntry, force bool) error {
for _, entry := range entries {
found := false
for i := range r.lnd.MissionControlState {
current := &r.lnd.MissionControlState[i]
if entry.NodeFrom == current.NodeFrom &&
entry.NodeTo == current.NodeTo {
// Mark that the entry has been found and updated.
found = true
// Import failure result first. We ignore failure
// relax interval here for convenience.
current.FailTime = entry.FailTime
current.FailAmt = entry.FailAmt
switch {
case entry.FailAmt == 0:
current.SuccessAmt = 0
case entry.FailAmt <= current.SuccessAmt:
current.SuccessAmt = entry.FailAmt - 1
// Import success result second.
current.SuccessTime = entry.SuccessTime
if force ||
entry.SuccessAmt > current.SuccessAmt {
current.SuccessAmt = entry.SuccessAmt
if !force && (!current.FailTime.IsZero() &&
entry.SuccessAmt >= current.FailAmt) {
current.FailAmt = entry.SuccessAmt + 1
if !found {
r.lnd.MissionControlState = append(
r.lnd.MissionControlState, entry,
return nil
func (r *mockRouter) ResetMissionControl(ctx context.Context) error {
r.lnd.MissionControlState = []lndclient.MissionControlEntry{}
return nil