liquidity: tweak autoloop tests for recurring budget

George Tsagkarelis 1 year ago
parent b025b9ae37
commit 5d6be011f9
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 0807D1013F48208A

@ -95,12 +95,12 @@ func TestAutoLoopEnabled(t *testing.T) {
// autoloop budget is set to allow exactly 2 swaps at the prices
// that we set in our test quotes.
params = Parameters{
Autoloop: true,
AutoFeeBudget: 40066,
AutoFeeStartDate: testTime,
MaxAutoInFlight: 2,
FailureBackOff: time.Hour,
SweepConfTarget: 10,
Autoloop: true,
AutoFeeBudget: 40066,
AutoFeeRefreshPeriod: testBudgetRefresh,
MaxAutoInFlight: 2,
FailureBackOff: time.Hour,
SweepConfTarget: 10,
FeeLimit: NewFeeCategoryLimit(
swapFeePPM, routeFeePPM, prepayFeePPM, maxMiner,
prepayAmount, 20000,
@ -112,6 +112,7 @@ func TestAutoLoopEnabled(t *testing.T) {
HtlcConfTarget: defaultHtlcConfTarget,
c := newAutoloopTestCtx(t, params, channels, testRestrictions)
@ -335,13 +336,13 @@ func TestAutoloopAddress(t *testing.T) {
// Create some dummy parameters for autoloop and also specify an
// destination address.
params = Parameters{
Autoloop: true,
AutoFeeBudget: 40066,
DestAddr: addr,
AutoFeeStartDate: testTime,
MaxAutoInFlight: 2,
FailureBackOff: time.Hour,
SweepConfTarget: 10,
Autoloop: true,
AutoFeeBudget: 40066,
DestAddr: addr,
AutoFeeRefreshPeriod: testBudgetRefresh,
MaxAutoInFlight: 2,
FailureBackOff: time.Hour,
SweepConfTarget: 10,
FeeLimit: NewFeeCategoryLimit(
swapFeePPM, routeFeePPM, prepayFeePPM, maxMiner,
prepayAmount, 20000,
@ -491,12 +492,12 @@ func TestCompositeRules(t *testing.T) {
swapFeePPM, routeFeePPM, prepayFeePPM, maxMiner,
prepayAmount, 20000,
Autoloop: true,
AutoFeeBudget: 100000,
AutoFeeStartDate: testTime,
MaxAutoInFlight: 2,
FailureBackOff: time.Hour,
SweepConfTarget: 10,
Autoloop: true,
AutoFeeBudget: 100000,
AutoFeeRefreshPeriod: testBudgetRefresh,
MaxAutoInFlight: 2,
FailureBackOff: time.Hour,
SweepConfTarget: 10,
ChannelRules: map[lnwire.ShortChannelID]*SwapRule{
chanID1: chanRule,
@ -670,13 +671,13 @@ func TestAutoLoopInEnabled(t *testing.T) {
peer2MaxFee = ppmToSat(peer2ExpectedAmt, swapFeePPM)
params = Parameters{
Autoloop: true,
AutoFeeBudget: peer1MaxFee + peer2MaxFee + 1,
AutoFeeStartDate: testTime,
MaxAutoInFlight: 2,
FailureBackOff: time.Hour,
FeeLimit: NewFeePortion(swapFeePPM),
ChannelRules: make(map[lnwire.ShortChannelID]*SwapRule),
Autoloop: true,
AutoFeeBudget: peer1MaxFee + peer2MaxFee + 1,
AutoFeeRefreshPeriod: testBudgetRefresh,
MaxAutoInFlight: 2,
FailureBackOff: time.Hour,
FeeLimit: NewFeePortion(swapFeePPM),
ChannelRules: make(map[lnwire.ShortChannelID]*SwapRule),
PeerRules: map[route.Vertex]*SwapRule{
peer1: rule,
peer2: rule,
@ -853,12 +854,12 @@ func TestAutoloopBothTypes(t *testing.T) {
loopInMaxFee = ppmToSat(loopInAmount, swapFeePPM)
params = Parameters{
Autoloop: true,
AutoFeeBudget: loopOutMaxFee + loopInMaxFee + 1,
AutoFeeStartDate: testTime,
MaxAutoInFlight: 2,
FailureBackOff: time.Hour,
FeeLimit: NewFeePortion(swapFeePPM),
Autoloop: true,
AutoFeeBudget: loopOutMaxFee + loopInMaxFee + 1,
AutoFeeRefreshPeriod: testBudgetRefresh,
MaxAutoInFlight: 2,
FailureBackOff: time.Hour,
FeeLimit: NewFeePortion(swapFeePPM),
ChannelRules: map[lnwire.ShortChannelID]*SwapRule{
chanID1: outRule,

@ -117,7 +117,8 @@ func newAutoloopTestCtx(t *testing.T, parameters Parameters,
testCtx.lnd.Channels = channels
cfg := &Config{
AutoloopTicker: ticker.NewForce(DefaultAutoloopTicker),
AutoloopTicker: ticker.NewForce(DefaultAutoloopTicker),
AutoloopBudgetLastRefresh: testBudgetStart,
Restrictions: func(_ context.Context, swapType swap.Type) (*Restrictions,
error) {

@ -24,6 +24,11 @@ import (
var (
testTime = time.Date(2020, 02, 13, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)
testBudgetStart = testTime.Add(time.Hour * -1)
// In order to not influence existing tests we set the budget refresh
// period to 10 years so that it will never be refreshed. This way the
// behavior of autoloop remains identical to before recurring budget was
// introduced.
testBudgetRefresh = time.Hour * 24 * 365 * 10
chanID1 = lnwire.NewShortChanIDFromInt(1)
chanID2 = lnwire.NewShortChanIDFromInt(2)
@ -143,8 +148,9 @@ func newTestConfig() (*Config, *test.LndMockServices) {
return testRestrictions, nil
Lnd: &lnd.LndServices,
Clock: clock.NewTestClock(testTime),
Lnd: &lnd.LndServices,
Clock: clock.NewTestClock(testTime),
AutoloopBudgetLastRefresh: testBudgetStart,
ListLoopOut: func() ([]*loopdb.LoopOut, error) {
return nil, nil
@ -1100,8 +1106,8 @@ func TestFeeBudget(t *testing.T) {
chanID1: chanRule,
chanID2: chanRule,
params.AutoFeeStartDate = testBudgetStart
params.AutoFeeBudget = testCase.budget
params.AutoFeeRefreshPeriod = testBudgetRefresh
params.MaxAutoInFlight = 2
params.FeeLimit = NewFeeCategoryLimit(
defaultSwapFeePPM, defaultRoutingFeePPM,
@ -1758,7 +1764,7 @@ func TestBudgetWithLoopin(t *testing.T) {
params := defaultParameters
params.AutoFeeBudget = budget
params.AutoFeeStartDate = testBudgetStart
params.AutoFeeRefreshPeriod = testBudgetRefresh
params.FeeLimit = NewFeePortion(testPPM)
params.ChannelRules = map[lnwire.ShortChannelID]*SwapRule{
