package loopdb import ( "math" "testing" "" "" ) // TestProtocolVersionMarshalUnMarshal tests that marshalling and unmarshalling // looprpc.ProtocolVersion works correctly. func TestProtocolVersionMarshalUnMarshal(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() testVersions := [...]ProtocolVersion{ ProtocolVersionLegacy, ProtocolVersionMultiLoopOut, ProtocolVersionSegwitLoopIn, ProtocolVersionPreimagePush, ProtocolVersionUserExpiryLoopOut, } bogusVersion := []byte{0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF} invalidSlice := []byte{0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF} for i := 0; i < len(testVersions); i++ { testVersion := testVersions[i] // Test that unmarshal(marshal(v)) == v. version, err := UnmarshalProtocolVersion( MarshalProtocolVersion(testVersion), ) require.NoError(t, err) require.Equal(t, testVersion, version) // Test that unmarshalling a nil slice returns the default // version along with no error. version, err = UnmarshalProtocolVersion(nil) require.NoError(t, err) require.Equal(t, ProtocolVersionUnrecorded, version) // Test that unmarshalling an unknown version returns the // default version along with an error. version, err = UnmarshalProtocolVersion(bogusVersion) require.Error(t, err, "expected invalid version") require.Equal(t, ProtocolVersionUnrecorded, version) // Test that unmarshalling an invalid slice returns the // default version along with an error. version, err = UnmarshalProtocolVersion(invalidSlice) require.Error(t, err, "expected invalid size") require.Equal(t, ProtocolVersionUnrecorded, version) } } // TestKeyLocatorMarshalUnMarshal tests that marshalling and unmarshalling // keychain.KeyLocator works correctly. func TestKeyLocatorMarshalUnMarshal(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() tests := []struct { keyLoc keychain.KeyLocator }{ { // Test that an empty keylocator is serialized and // deserialized correctly. keyLoc: keychain.KeyLocator{}, }, { // Test that the max value keylocator is serialized and // deserialized correctly. keyLoc: keychain.KeyLocator{ Family: keychain.KeyFamily(math.MaxUint32), Index: math.MaxUint32, }, }, { // Test that an arbitrary keylocator is serialized and // deserialized correctly. keyLoc: keychain.KeyLocator{ Family: keychain.KeyFamily(5), Index: 7, }, }, } for _, test := range tests { test := test buf, err := MarshalKeyLocator(test.keyLoc) require.NoError(t, err) keyLoc, err := UnmarshalKeyLocator(buf) require.NoError(t, err) require.Equal(t, test.keyLoc, keyLoc) } }