package main import ( "bytes" "context" "encoding/hex" "fmt" "time" "" "" "" "" ) type printableToken struct { ID string `json:"id"` ValidUntil string `json:"valid_until"` BaseMacaroon string `json:"base_macaroon"` PaymentHash string `json:"payment_hash"` PaymentPreimage string `json:"payment_preimage"` AmountPaid int64 `json:"amount_paid_msat"` RoutingFeePaid int64 `json:"routing_fee_paid_msat"` TimeCreated string `json:"time_created"` Expired bool `json:"expired"` FileName string `json:"file_name"` } var listAuthCommand = cli.Command{ Name: "listauth", Usage: "list all LSAT tokens", Description: "Shows a list of all LSAT tokens that loopd has paid for", Action: listAuth, } func listAuth(ctx *cli.Context) error { client, cleanup, err := getClient(ctx) if err != nil { return err } defer cleanup() resp, err := client.GetLsatTokens( context.Background(), &looprpc.TokensRequest{}, ) if err != nil { return err } tokens := make([]*printableToken, len(resp.Tokens)) for i, t := range resp.Tokens { mac := &macaroon.Macaroon{} err := mac.UnmarshalBinary(t.BaseMacaroon) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("unable to unmarshal macaroon: %v", err) } id, err := lsat.DecodeIdentifier(bytes.NewReader(mac.Id())) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("unable to decode macaroon ID: %v", err) } tokens[i] = &printableToken{ ID: hex.EncodeToString(id.TokenID[:]), ValidUntil: "", BaseMacaroon: hex.EncodeToString(t.BaseMacaroon), PaymentHash: hex.EncodeToString(t.PaymentHash), PaymentPreimage: hex.EncodeToString(t.PaymentPreimage), AmountPaid: t.AmountPaidMsat, RoutingFeePaid: t.RoutingFeePaidMsat, TimeCreated: time.Unix(t.TimeCreated, 0).Format( time.RFC3339, ), Expired: t.Expired, FileName: t.StorageName, } } printJSON(tokens) return nil }