package liquidity import ( "context" "testing" "" "" "" "" ) // newTestConfig creates a default test config. func newTestConfig() *Config { return &Config{ LoopOutRestrictions: func(_ context.Context) (*Restrictions, error) { return NewRestrictions(1, 10000), nil }, Lnd: test.NewMockLnd().Client, } } // TestParameters tests getting and setting of parameters for our manager. func TestParameters(t *testing.T) { manager := NewManager(newTestConfig()) chanID := lnwire.NewShortChanIDFromInt(1) // Start with the case where we have no rules set. startParams := manager.GetParameters() require.Equal(t, newParameters(), startParams) // Mutate the parameters returned by our get function. startParams.ChannelRules[chanID] = NewThresholdRule(1, 1) // Make sure that we have not mutated the liquidity manager's params // by making this change. params := manager.GetParameters() require.Equal(t, newParameters(), params) // Provide a valid set of parameters and validate assert that they are // set. originalRule := NewThresholdRule(10, 10) expected := Parameters{ ChannelRules: map[lnwire.ShortChannelID]*ThresholdRule{ chanID: originalRule, }, } err := manager.SetParameters(expected) require.NoError(t, err) // Check that changing the parameters we just set does not mutate // our liquidity manager's parameters. expected.ChannelRules[chanID] = NewThresholdRule(11, 11) params = manager.GetParameters() require.NoError(t, err) require.Equal(t, originalRule, params.ChannelRules[chanID]) // Set invalid parameters and assert that we fail. expected.ChannelRules = map[lnwire.ShortChannelID]*ThresholdRule{ lnwire.NewShortChanIDFromInt(0): NewThresholdRule(1, 2), } err = manager.SetParameters(expected) require.Equal(t, ErrZeroChannelID, err) } // TestSuggestSwaps tests getting of swap suggestions. func TestSuggestSwaps(t *testing.T) { var ( chanID1 = lnwire.NewShortChanIDFromInt(1) chanID2 = lnwire.NewShortChanIDFromInt(2) ) tests := []struct { name string channels []lndclient.ChannelInfo parameters Parameters swaps []*LoopOutRecommendation }{ { name: "no rules", channels: nil, parameters: newParameters(), }, { name: "loop out", channels: []lndclient.ChannelInfo{ { ChannelID: 1, Capacity: 1000, LocalBalance: 1000, RemoteBalance: 0, }, }, parameters: Parameters{ ChannelRules: map[lnwire.ShortChannelID]*ThresholdRule{ chanID1: NewThresholdRule( 10, 10, ), }, }, swaps: []*LoopOutRecommendation{ { Channel: chanID1, Amount: 500, }, }, }, { name: "no rule for channel", channels: []lndclient.ChannelInfo{ { ChannelID: 1, Capacity: 1000, LocalBalance: 0, RemoteBalance: 1000, }, }, parameters: Parameters{ ChannelRules: map[lnwire.ShortChannelID]*ThresholdRule{ chanID2: NewThresholdRule(10, 10), }, }, swaps: nil, }, } for _, testCase := range tests { testCase := testCase t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) { cfg := newTestConfig() // Create a mock lnd with the set of channels set in our // test case. mock := test.NewMockLnd() mock.Channels = testCase.channels cfg.Lnd = mock.Client manager := NewManager(cfg) // Set our test case parameters. err := manager.SetParameters(testCase.parameters) require.NoError(t, err) swaps, err := manager.SuggestSwaps(context.Background()) require.NoError(t, err) require.Equal(t, testCase.swaps, swaps) }) } }