syntax = "proto3"; // We can't change this to swapserverrpc, it would be a breaking change because // the package name is also contained in the HTTP URIs and old clients would // call the wrong endpoints. Luckily with the go_package option we can have // different golang and RPC package names to fix protobuf namespace conflicts. package looprpc; option go_package = ""; service InstantSwapServer { // RequestInstantLoopOut initiates an instant loop out swap. rpc RequestInstantLoopOut (InstantLoopOutRequest) returns (InstantLoopOutResponse); // PollPaymentAccepted polls the server to see if the payment has been // accepted. rpc PollPaymentAccepted (PollPaymentAcceptedRequest) returns (PollPaymentAcceptedResponse); // InitHtlcSig is called by the client to initiate the htlc sig exchange. rpc InitHtlcSig (InitHtlcSigRequest) returns (InitHtlcSigResponse); // PushHtlcSig is called by the client to push the htlc sigs to the server. rpc PushHtlcSig (PushHtlcSigRequest) returns (PushHtlcSigResponse); // PushPreimage is called by the client to push the preimage to the server. // This returns the musig2 signatures that the client needs to sweep the // htlc. rpc PushPreimage (PushPreimageRequest) returns (PushPreimageResponse); // CancelInstantSwap tries to cancel the instant swap. This can only be // called if the swap has not been accepted yet. rpc CancelInstantSwap (CancelInstantSwapRequest) returns (CancelInstantSwapResponse); } message InstantLoopOutRequest { // Htlc related fields: // The key for the htlc preimage spending path. bytes receiver_key = 1; // The hash of the preimage that will be used to settle the htlc. bytes swap_hash = 2; // The requested absolute block height of the on-chain htlc. int32 expiry = 3; // The fee rate in sat/kw that should be used for the htlc. uint64 htlc_fee_rate = 4; // The reservations used as the inputs. repeated bytes reservation_ids = 5; // The protocol version to use for the swap. InstantOutProtocolVersion protocol_version = 6; } message InstantLoopOutResponse { // The swap invoice that the client should pay. string swap_invoice = 1; // the key for the htlc expiry path. bytes sender_key = 2; }; message PollPaymentAcceptedRequest { // The hash of the swap invoice. bytes swap_hash = 1; } message PollPaymentAcceptedResponse { // Whether the payment has been accepted. bool accepted = 1; } message InitHtlcSigRequest { // The hash of the swap invoice. bytes swap_hash = 1; // The nonces that the client will use to generate the htlc sigs. repeated bytes htlc_client_nonces = 2; } message InitHtlcSigResponse { // The nonces that the server will use to generate the htlc sigs. repeated bytes htlc_server_nonces = 2; } message PushHtlcSigRequest { // The hash of the swap invoice. bytes swap_hash = 1; // The sigs that the client generated for the reservation inputs. repeated bytes client_sigs = 2; } message PushHtlcSigResponse { // The sigs that the server generated for the reservation inputs. repeated bytes server_sigs = 1; } message PushPreimageRequest { // The preimage that the client generated for the swap. bytes preimage = 1; // The nonces that the client used to generate the sweepless sweep sigs. repeated bytes client_nonces = 2; // The address that the client wants to sweep the htlc to. string client_sweep_addr = 3; // The fee rate in sat/kw that the client wants to use for the sweep. uint64 musig_tx_fee_rate = 4; } message PushPreimageResponse { // The sweep sigs that the server generated for the htlc. repeated bytes musig2_sweep_sigs = 1; // The nonces that the server used to generate the sweepless sweep sigs. repeated bytes server_nonces = 2; } message CancelInstantSwapRequest { // The hash of the swap invoice. bytes swap_hash = 1; } message CancelInstantSwapResponse { } enum InstantOutProtocolVersion { INSTANTOUT_NONE = 0; INSTANTOUT_FULL_RESERVATION = 1; };