package main import ( "context" "fmt" "time" "" "" "" "" "" ) var loopOutCommand = cli.Command{ Name: "out", Usage: "perform an off-chain to on-chain swap (looping out)", ArgsUsage: "amt [addr]", Description: ` Attempts loop out the target amount into either the backing lnd's wallet, or a targeted address. The amount is to be specified in satoshis. Optionally a BASE58/bech32 encoded bitcoin destination address may be specified. If not specified, a new wallet address will be generated.`, Flags: []cli.Flag{ cli.Uint64Flag{ Name: "channel", Usage: "the 8-byte compact channel ID of the channel to loop out", }, cli.StringFlag{ Name: "addr", Usage: "the optional address that the looped out funds " + "should be sent to, if let blank the funds " + "will go to lnd's wallet", }, cli.Uint64Flag{ Name: "amt", Usage: "the amount in satoshis to loop out", }, cli.Uint64Flag{ Name: "conf_target", Usage: "the number of blocks from the swap " + "initiation height that the on-chain HTLC " + "should be swept within", Value: uint64(loop.DefaultSweepConfTarget), }, cli.Int64Flag{ Name: "max_swap_routing_fee", Usage: "the max off-chain swap routing fee in satoshis, " + "if let blank a default max fee will be used", }, cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "fast", Usage: "Indicate you want to swap immediately, " + "paying potentially a higher fee. If not " + "set the swap server might choose to wait up " + "to 30 minutes before publishing the swap " + "HTLC on-chain, to save on chain fees. Not " + "setting this flag might result in a lower " + "swap fee.", }, }, Action: loopOut, } func loopOut(ctx *cli.Context) error { args := ctx.Args() var amtStr string switch { case ctx.IsSet("amt"): amtStr = ctx.String("amt") case ctx.NArg() > 0: amtStr = args[0] args = args.Tail() default: // Show command help if no arguments and flags were provided. return cli.ShowCommandHelp(ctx, "out") } amt, err := parseAmt(amtStr) if err != nil { return err } var destAddr string switch { case ctx.IsSet("addr"): destAddr = ctx.String("addr") case args.Present(): destAddr = args.First() } client, cleanup, err := getClient(ctx) if err != nil { return err } defer cleanup() // Set our maximum swap wait time. If a fast swap is requested we set // it to now, otherwise to 30 minutes in the future. fast := ctx.Bool("fast") swapDeadline := time.Now() if !fast { swapDeadline = time.Now().Add(defaultSwapWaitTime) } sweepConfTarget := int32(ctx.Uint64("conf_target")) quoteReq := &looprpc.QuoteRequest{ Amt: int64(amt), ConfTarget: sweepConfTarget, SwapPublicationDeadline: uint64(swapDeadline.Unix()), } quote, err := client.LoopOutQuote(context.Background(), quoteReq) if err != nil { return err } // Show a warning if a slow swap was requested. warning := "" if fast { warning = "Fast swap requested." } else { warning = fmt.Sprintf("Regular swap speed requested, it "+ "might take up to %v for the swap to be executed.", defaultSwapWaitTime) } limits := getLimits(amt, quote) // If configured, use the specified maximum swap routing fee. if ctx.IsSet("max_swap_routing_fee") { *limits.maxSwapRoutingFee = btcutil.Amount( ctx.Int64("max_swap_routing_fee"), ) } err = displayLimits(swap.TypeOut, amt, limits, false, warning) if err != nil { return err } var unchargeChannel uint64 if ctx.IsSet("channel") { unchargeChannel = ctx.Uint64("channel") } resp, err := client.LoopOut(context.Background(), &looprpc.LoopOutRequest{ Amt: int64(amt), Dest: destAddr, MaxMinerFee: int64(limits.maxMinerFee), MaxPrepayAmt: int64(*limits.maxPrepayAmt), MaxSwapFee: int64(limits.maxSwapFee), MaxPrepayRoutingFee: int64(*limits.maxPrepayRoutingFee), MaxSwapRoutingFee: int64(*limits.maxSwapRoutingFee), LoopOutChannel: unchargeChannel, SweepConfTarget: sweepConfTarget, SwapPublicationDeadline: uint64(swapDeadline.Unix()), }) if err != nil { return err } fmt.Printf("Swap initiated\n") fmt.Printf("ID: %v\n", resp.Id) fmt.Printf("HTLC address: %v\n", resp.HtlcAddress) fmt.Println() fmt.Printf("Run `loop monitor` to monitor progress.\n") return nil }