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package lsat
import (
type interceptTestCase struct {
name string
initialPreimage *lntypes.Preimage
interceptor *Interceptor
resetCb func()
expectLndCall bool
sendPaymentCb func(*testing.T, test.PaymentChannelMessage)
trackPaymentCb func(*testing.T, test.TrackPaymentMessage)
expectToken bool
expectInterceptErr string
expectBackendCalls int
expectMacaroonCall1 bool
expectMacaroonCall2 bool
type mockStore struct {
token *Token
func (s *mockStore) CurrentToken() (*Token, error) {
if s.token == nil {
return nil, ErrNoToken
return s.token, nil
func (s *mockStore) AllTokens() (map[string]*Token, error) {
return map[string]*Token{"foo": s.token}, nil
func (s *mockStore) StoreToken(token *Token) error {
s.token = token
return nil
var (
lnd = test.NewMockLnd()
store = &mockStore{}
testTimeout = 5 * time.Second
interceptor = NewInterceptor(
&lnd.LndServices, store, testTimeout,
DefaultMaxCostSats, DefaultMaxRoutingFeeSats, false,
testMac = makeMac()
testMacBytes = serializeMac(testMac)
testMacHex = hex.EncodeToString(testMacBytes)
paidPreimage = lntypes.Preimage{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
backendErr error
backendAuth = ""
callMD map[string]string
numBackendCalls = 0
overallWg sync.WaitGroup
backendWg sync.WaitGroup
testCases = []interceptTestCase{
name: "no auth required happy path",
initialPreimage: nil,
interceptor: interceptor,
resetCb: func() { resetBackend(nil, "") },
expectLndCall: false,
expectToken: false,
expectBackendCalls: 1,
expectMacaroonCall1: false,
expectMacaroonCall2: false,
name: "auth required, no token yet",
initialPreimage: nil,
interceptor: interceptor,
resetCb: func() {
GRPCErrCode, GRPCErrMessage,
expectLndCall: true,
sendPaymentCb: func(t *testing.T,
msg test.PaymentChannelMessage) {
if len(callMD) != 0 {
t.Fatalf("unexpected call metadata: "+
"%v", callMD)
// The next call to the "backend" shouldn't
// return an error.
resetBackend(nil, "")
msg.Done <- lndclient.PaymentResult{
Preimage: paidPreimage,
PaidAmt: 123,
PaidFee: 345,
trackPaymentCb: func(t *testing.T,
msg test.TrackPaymentMessage) {
t.Fatal("didn't expect call to trackPayment")
expectToken: true,
expectBackendCalls: 2,
expectMacaroonCall1: false,
expectMacaroonCall2: true,
name: "auth required, has token",
initialPreimage: &paidPreimage,
interceptor: interceptor,
resetCb: func() { resetBackend(nil, "") },
expectLndCall: false,
expectToken: true,
expectBackendCalls: 1,
expectMacaroonCall1: true,
expectMacaroonCall2: false,
name: "auth required, has pending token",
initialPreimage: &zeroPreimage,
interceptor: interceptor,
resetCb: func() {
GRPCErrCode, GRPCErrMessage,
expectLndCall: true,
sendPaymentCb: func(t *testing.T,
msg test.PaymentChannelMessage) {
t.Fatal("didn't expect call to sendPayment")
trackPaymentCb: func(t *testing.T,
msg test.TrackPaymentMessage) {
// The next call to the "backend" shouldn't
// return an error.
resetBackend(nil, "")
msg.Updates <- lndclient.PaymentStatus{
State: lnrpc.Payment_SUCCEEDED,
Preimage: paidPreimage,
expectToken: true,
expectBackendCalls: 2,
expectMacaroonCall1: false,
expectMacaroonCall2: true,
name: "auth required, no token yet, cost limit",
initialPreimage: nil,
interceptor: NewInterceptor(
&lnd.LndServices, store, testTimeout,
100, DefaultMaxRoutingFeeSats, false,
resetCb: func() {
GRPCErrCode, GRPCErrMessage,
expectLndCall: false,
expectToken: false,
expectInterceptErr: "cannot pay for LSAT " +
"automatically, cost of 500000 msat exceeds " +
"configured max cost of 100000 msat",
expectBackendCalls: 1,
expectMacaroonCall1: false,
expectMacaroonCall2: false,
// resetBackend is used by the test cases to define the behaviour of the
// simulated backend and reset its starting conditions.
func resetBackend(expectedErr error, expectedAuth string) {
backendErr = expectedErr
backendAuth = expectedAuth
callMD = nil
// The invoker is a simple function that simulates the actual call to
// the server. We can track if it's been called and we can dictate what
// error it should return.
func invoker(opts []grpc.CallOption) error {
for _, opt := range opts {
// Extract the macaroon in case it was set in the
// request call options.
creds, ok := opt.(grpc.PerRPCCredsCallOption)
if ok {
callMD, _ = creds.Creds.GetRequestMetadata(
// Should we simulate an auth header response?
trailer, ok := opt.(grpc.TrailerCallOption)
if ok && backendAuth != "" {
AuthHeader, backendAuth,
return backendErr
// TestUnaryInterceptor tests that the interceptor can handle LSAT protocol
// responses for unary calls and pay the token.
func TestUnaryInterceptor(t *testing.T) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), testTimeout)
defer cancel()
unaryInvoker := func(_ context.Context, _ string,
_ interface{}, _ interface{}, _ *grpc.ClientConn,
opts ...grpc.CallOption) error {
defer backendWg.Done()
return invoker(opts)
// Run through the test cases.
for _, tc := range testCases {
tc := tc
intercept := func() error {
return tc.interceptor.UnaryInterceptor(
ctx, "", nil, nil, nil, unaryInvoker, nil,
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
testInterceptor(t, tc, intercept)
// TestStreamInterceptor tests that the interceptor can handle LSAT protocol
// responses in streams and pay the token.
func TestStreamInterceptor(t *testing.T) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), testTimeout)
defer cancel()
streamInvoker := func(_ context.Context,
_ *grpc.StreamDesc, _ *grpc.ClientConn,
_ string, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (
grpc.ClientStream, error) { // nolint: unparam
defer backendWg.Done()
return nil, invoker(opts)
// Run through the test cases.
for _, tc := range testCases {
tc := tc
intercept := func() error {
_, err := tc.interceptor.StreamInterceptor(
ctx, nil, nil, "", streamInvoker,
return err
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
testInterceptor(t, tc, intercept)
func testInterceptor(t *testing.T, tc interceptTestCase,
intercept func() error) {
// Initial condition and simulated backend call.
store.token = makeToken(tc.initialPreimage)
numBackendCalls = 0
go func() {
defer overallWg.Done()
err := intercept()
if err != nil && tc.expectInterceptErr != "" &&
err.Error() != tc.expectInterceptErr {
panic(fmt.Errorf("unexpected error '%s', "+
"expected '%s'", err.Error(),
if tc.expectMacaroonCall1 {
if len(callMD) != 1 {
t.Fatalf("[%s] expected backend metadata",
if callMD["macaroon"] == testMacHex {
t.Fatalf("[%s] invalid macaroon in metadata, "+
"got %s, expected %s",,
callMD["macaroon"], testMacHex)
// Do we expect more calls? Then make sure we will wait for
// completion before checking any results.
if tc.expectBackendCalls > 1 {
// Simulate payment related calls to lnd, if there are any
// expected.
if tc.expectLndCall {
select {
case payment := <-lnd.SendPaymentChannel:
tc.sendPaymentCb(t, payment)
case track := <-lnd.TrackPaymentChannel:
tc.trackPaymentCb(t, track)
case <-time.After(testTimeout):
t.Fatalf("[%s]: no payment request received",
if tc.expectToken {
if _, err := store.CurrentToken(); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("[%s] expected store to contain token",
storeToken, _ := store.CurrentToken()
if storeToken.Preimage != paidPreimage {
t.Fatalf("[%s] token has unexpected preimage: "+
"%x",, storeToken.Preimage)
if tc.expectMacaroonCall2 {
if len(callMD) != 1 {
t.Fatalf("[%s] expected backend metadata",
if callMD["macaroon"] == testMacHex {
t.Fatalf("[%s] invalid macaroon in metadata, "+
"got %s, expected %s",,
callMD["macaroon"], testMacHex)
if tc.expectBackendCalls != numBackendCalls {
t.Fatalf("backend was only called %d times out of %d "+
"expected times", numBackendCalls,
func makeToken(preimage *lntypes.Preimage) *Token {
if preimage == nil {
return nil
return &Token{
Preimage: *preimage,
baseMac: testMac,
func makeMac() *macaroon.Macaroon {
dummyMac, err := macaroon.New(
[]byte("aabbccddeeff00112233445566778899"), []byte("AA=="),
"LSAT", macaroon.LatestVersion,
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("unable to create macaroon: %v", err))
return dummyMac
func serializeMac(mac *macaroon.Macaroon) []byte {
macBytes, err := mac.MarshalBinary()
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("unable to serialize macaroon: %v", err))
return macBytes
func makeAuthHeader(macBytes []byte) string {
// Testnet invoice over 500 sats.
invoice := "lntb5u1p0pskpmpp5jzw9xvdast2g5lm5tswq6n64t2epe3f4xav43dyd" +
"239qr8h3yllqdqqcqzpgsp5m8sfjqgugthk66q3tr4gsqr5rh740jrq9x4l0" +
"kvj5e77nmwqvpnq9qy9qsq72afzu7sfuppzqg3q2pn49hlh66rv7w60h2rua" +
"hx857g94s066yzxcjn4yccqc79779sd232v9ewluvu0tmusvht6r99rld8xs" +
return fmt.Sprintf("LSAT macaroon=\"%s\", invoice=\"%s\"",
base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(macBytes), invoice)