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package reservation
import (
looprpc ""
// InitReservationContext contains the request parameters for a reservation.
type InitReservationContext struct {
reservationID ID
serverPubkey *btcec.PublicKey
value btcutil.Amount
expiry uint32
heightHint uint32
// InitAction is the action that is executed when the reservation state machine
// is initialized. It creates the reservation in the database and dispatches the
// payment to the server.
func (f *FSM) InitAction(eventCtx fsm.EventContext) fsm.EventType {
// Check if the context is of the correct type.
reservationRequest, ok := eventCtx.(*InitReservationContext)
if !ok {
return f.HandleError(fsm.ErrInvalidContextType)
keyRes, err := f.cfg.Wallet.DeriveNextKey(
f.ctx, KeyFamily,
if err != nil {
return f.HandleError(err)
// Send the client reservation details to the server.
log.Debugf("Dispatching reservation to server: %x",
request := &looprpc.ServerOpenReservationRequest{
ReservationId: reservationRequest.reservationID[:],
ClientKey: keyRes.PubKey.SerializeCompressed(),
_, err = f.cfg.ReservationClient.OpenReservation(f.ctx, request)
if err != nil {
return f.HandleError(err)
reservation, err := NewReservation(
if err != nil {
return f.HandleError(err)
f.reservation = reservation
// Create the reservation in the database.
err = f.cfg.Store.CreateReservation(f.ctx, reservation)
if err != nil {
return f.HandleError(err)
return OnBroadcast
// SubscribeToConfirmationAction is the action that is executed when the
// reservation is waiting for confirmation. It subscribes to the confirmation
// of the reservation transaction.
func (f *FSM) SubscribeToConfirmationAction(_ fsm.EventContext) fsm.EventType {
pkscript, err := f.reservation.GetPkScript()
if err != nil {
return f.HandleError(err)
callCtx, cancel := context.WithCancel(f.ctx)
defer cancel()
// Subscribe to the confirmation of the reservation transaction.
log.Debugf("Subscribing to conf for reservation: %x pkscript: %x, "+
"initiation height: %v", f.reservation.ID, pkscript,
confChan, errConfChan, err := f.cfg.ChainNotifier.RegisterConfirmationsNtfn(
callCtx, nil, pkscript, DefaultConfTarget,
if err != nil {
f.Errorf("unable to subscribe to conf notification: %v", err)
return f.HandleError(err)
blockChan, errBlockChan, err := f.cfg.ChainNotifier.RegisterBlockEpochNtfn(
if err != nil {
f.Errorf("unable to subscribe to block notifications: %v", err)
return f.HandleError(err)
// We'll now wait for the confirmation of the reservation transaction.
for {
select {
case err := <-errConfChan:
f.Errorf("conf subscription error: %v", err)
return f.HandleError(err)
case err := <-errBlockChan:
f.Errorf("block subscription error: %v", err)
return f.HandleError(err)
case confInfo := <-confChan:
f.Debugf("confirmed in tx: %v", confInfo.Tx)
outpoint, err := f.reservation.findReservationOutput(
if err != nil {
return f.HandleError(err)
f.reservation.ConfirmationHeight = confInfo.BlockHeight
f.reservation.Outpoint = outpoint
return OnConfirmed
case block := <-blockChan:
f.Debugf("block received: %v expiry: %v", block,
if uint32(block) >= f.reservation.Expiry {
return OnTimedOut
case <-f.ctx.Done():
return fsm.NoOp
// AsyncWaitForExpiredOrSweptAction waits for the reservation to be either
// expired or swept. This is non-blocking and can be used to wait for the
// reservation to expire while expecting other events.
func (f *FSM) AsyncWaitForExpiredOrSweptAction(_ fsm.EventContext,
) fsm.EventType {
notifCtx, cancel := context.WithCancel(f.ctx)
blockHeightChan, errEpochChan, err := f.cfg.ChainNotifier.
if err != nil {
return f.HandleError(err)
pkScript, err := f.reservation.GetPkScript()
if err != nil {
return f.HandleError(err)
spendChan, errSpendChan, err := f.cfg.ChainNotifier.RegisterSpendNtfn(
notifCtx, f.reservation.Outpoint, pkScript,
if err != nil {
return f.HandleError(err)
go func() {
defer cancel()
op, err := f.handleSubcriptions(
notifCtx, blockHeightChan, spendChan, errEpochChan,
if err != nil {
if op == fsm.NoOp {
err = f.SendEvent(op, nil)
if err != nil {
f.Errorf("Error sending %s event: %v", op, err)
return fsm.NoOp
func (f *FSM) handleSubcriptions(ctx context.Context,
blockHeightChan <-chan int32, spendChan <-chan *chainntnfs.SpendDetail,
errEpochChan <-chan error, errSpendChan <-chan error,
) (fsm.EventType, error) {
for {
select {
case err := <-errEpochChan:
return fsm.OnError, err
case err := <-errSpendChan:
return fsm.OnError, err
case blockHeight := <-blockHeightChan:
expired := blockHeight >= int32(f.reservation.Expiry)
if expired {
f.Debugf("Reservation expired")
return OnTimedOut, nil
case <-spendChan:
return OnSpent, nil
case <-ctx.Done():
return fsm.NoOp, nil
func (f *FSM) handleAsyncError(err error) {
f.LastActionError = err
f.Errorf("Error on async action: %v", err)
err2 := f.SendEvent(fsm.OnError, err)
if err2 != nil {
f.Errorf("Error sending event: %v", err2)