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package liquidity
import (
var (
// errInvalidLiquidityThreshold is returned when a liquidity threshold
// has an invalid value.
errInvalidLiquidityThreshold = errors.New("liquidity threshold must " +
"be in [0:100)")
// errInvalidThresholdSum is returned when the sum of the percentages
// provided for a threshold rule is >= 100.
errInvalidThresholdSum = errors.New("sum of incoming and outgoing " +
"percentages must be < 100")
// ThresholdRule is a liquidity rule that implements minimum incoming and
// outgoing liquidity threshold.
type ThresholdRule struct {
// MinimumIncoming is the percentage of incoming liquidity that we do
// not want to drop below.
MinimumIncoming int
// MinimumOutgoing is the percentage of outgoing liquidity that we do
// not want to drop below.
MinimumOutgoing int
// NewThresholdRule returns a new threshold rule.
func NewThresholdRule(minIncoming, minOutgoing int) *ThresholdRule {
return &ThresholdRule{
MinimumIncoming: minIncoming,
MinimumOutgoing: minOutgoing,
// String returns a string representation of a rule.
func (r *ThresholdRule) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("threshold rule: minimum incoming: %v%%, minimum "+
"outgoing: %v%%", r.MinimumIncoming, r.MinimumOutgoing)
// validate validates the parameters that a rule was created with.
func (r *ThresholdRule) validate() error {
if r.MinimumIncoming < 0 || r.MinimumIncoming > 100 {
return errInvalidLiquidityThreshold
if r.MinimumOutgoing < 0 || r.MinimumOutgoing > 100 {
return errInvalidLiquidityThreshold
if r.MinimumIncoming+r.MinimumOutgoing >= 100 {
return errInvalidThresholdSum
return nil