You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

110 lines
2.5 KiB
Protocol Buffer

syntax = "proto3";
import "google/api/annotations.proto";
package looprpc;
service SwapServer {
rpc LoopOutTerms (ServerLoopOutTermsRequest) returns (ServerLoopOutTerms);
rpc NewLoopOutSwap (ServerLoopOutRequest) returns (ServerLoopOutResponse);
rpc LoopOutQuote (ServerLoopOutQuoteRequest) returns (ServerLoopOutQuote);
rpc LoopInTerms (ServerLoopInTermsRequest) returns (ServerLoopInTerms);
rpc NewLoopInSwap (ServerLoopInRequest) returns (ServerLoopInResponse);
rpc LoopInQuote (ServerLoopInQuoteRequest)
returns (ServerLoopInQuoteResponse);
message ServerLoopOutRequest {
bytes receiver_key = 1;
bytes swap_hash = 2;
uint64 amt = 3;
/// The unix time in seconds we want the on-chain swap to be published by.
int64 swap_publication_deadline = 4;
message ServerLoopOutResponse {
string swap_invoice = 1;
string prepay_invoice = 2;
bytes sender_key = 3;
int32 expiry = 4;
message ServerLoopOutQuoteRequest {
/// The swap amount. If zero, a quote for a maximum amt swap will be given.
uint64 amt = 1;
/// The unix time in seconds we want the on-chain swap to be published by.
int64 swap_publication_deadline = 2;
message ServerLoopOutQuote {
string swap_payment_dest = 1;
/// The total estimated swap fee given the quote amt.
int64 swap_fee = 2;
/// Deprecated, total swap fee given quote amt is calculated in swap_fee.
int64 swap_fee_rate = 3 [deprecated = true];
uint64 prepay_amt = 4;
uint64 min_swap_amount = 5 [deprecated = true];
uint64 max_swap_amount = 6 [deprecated = true];
int32 cltv_delta = 7;
message ServerLoopOutTermsRequest {
message ServerLoopOutTerms {
uint64 min_swap_amount = 1;
uint64 max_swap_amount = 2;
message ServerLoopInRequest {
bytes sender_key = 1;
bytes swap_hash = 2;
uint64 amt = 3;
string swap_invoice = 4;
bytes last_hop = 5;
message ServerLoopInResponse {
bytes receiver_key = 1;
int32 expiry = 2;
message ServerLoopInQuoteRequest {
/// The swap amount. If zero, a quote for a maximum amt swap will be given.
uint64 amt = 1;
message ServerLoopInQuoteResponse {
int64 swap_fee = 1;
int64 swap_fee_rate = 2 [deprecated = true];
uint64 min_swap_amount = 4 [deprecated = true];
uint64 max_swap_amount = 5 [deprecated = true];
int32 cltv_delta = 6;
message ServerLoopInTermsRequest {
message ServerLoopInTerms {
uint64 min_swap_amount = 1;
uint64 max_swap_amount = 2;