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package loop
import (
var (
// ErrSwapFeeTooHigh is returned when the swap invoice amount is too
// high.
ErrSwapFeeTooHigh = errors.New("swap fee too high")
// ErrPrepayAmountTooHigh is returned when the prepay invoice amount is
// too high.
ErrPrepayAmountTooHigh = errors.New("prepay amount too high")
// ErrSwapAmountTooLow is returned when the requested swap amount is
// less than the server minimum.
ErrSwapAmountTooLow = errors.New("swap amount too low")
// ErrSwapAmountTooHigh is returned when the requested swap amount is
// more than the server maximum.
ErrSwapAmountTooHigh = errors.New("swap amount too high")
// ErrExpiryTooFar is returned when the server proposes an expiry that
// is too soon for us.
ErrExpiryTooFar = errors.New("swap expiry too far")
// serverRPCTimeout is the maximum time a gRPC request to the server
// should be allowed to take.
serverRPCTimeout = 30 * time.Second
// globalCallTimeout is the maximum time any call of the client to the
// server is allowed to take, including the time it may take to get
// and pay for an LSAT token.
globalCallTimeout = serverRPCTimeout + lsat.PaymentTimeout
// probeTimeout is the maximum time until a probe is allowed to take.
probeTimeout = 3 * time.Minute
republishDelay = 10 * time.Second
// MinerFeeEstimationFailed is a magic number that is returned in a
// quote call as the miner fee if the fee estimation in lnd's wallet
// failed because of insufficient funds.
MinerFeeEstimationFailed btcutil.Amount = -1
// Client performs the client side part of swaps. This interface exists to be
// able to implement a stub.
type Client struct {
started uint32 // To be used atomically.
errChan chan error
lndServices *lndclient.LndServices
sweeper *sweep.Sweeper
executor *executor
resumeReady chan struct{}
wg sync.WaitGroup
// ClientConfig is the exported configuration structure that is required to
// instantiate the loop client.
type ClientConfig struct {
// ServerAddress is the loop server to connect to.
ServerAddress string
// ProxyAddress is the SOCKS proxy that should be used to establish the
// connection.
ProxyAddress string
// SwapServerNoTLS skips TLS for the swap server connection when set.
SwapServerNoTLS bool
// TLSPathServer is the path to the TLS certificate that is required to
// connect to the server.
TLSPathServer string
// Lnd is an instance of the lnd proxy.
Lnd *lndclient.LndServices
// MaxLsatCost is the maximum price we are willing to pay to the server
// for the token.
MaxLsatCost btcutil.Amount
// MaxLsatFee is the maximum that we are willing to pay in routing fees
// to obtain the token.
MaxLsatFee btcutil.Amount
// LoopOutMaxParts defines the maximum number of parts that may be used
// for a loop out swap. When greater than one, a multi-part payment may
// be attempted.
LoopOutMaxParts uint32
// LoopOutRoutingHints indicates whether to use server-provided routing
// hints to improve off-chain routing.
LoopOutRoutingHints bool
// NewClient returns a new instance to initiate swaps with.
func NewClient(dbDir string, cfg *ClientConfig) (*Client, func(), error) {
store, err := loopdb.NewBoltSwapStore(dbDir, cfg.Lnd.ChainParams)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
lsatStore, err := lsat.NewFileStore(dbDir)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
swapServerClient, err := newSwapServerClient(cfg, lsatStore)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
config := &clientConfig{
LndServices: cfg.Lnd,
Server: swapServerClient,
Store: store,
LsatStore: lsatStore,
CreateExpiryTimer: func(d time.Duration) <-chan time.Time {
return time.NewTimer(d).C
LoopOutMaxParts: cfg.LoopOutMaxParts,
sweeper := &sweep.Sweeper{
Lnd: cfg.Lnd,
executor := newExecutor(&executorConfig{
lnd: cfg.Lnd,
store: store,
sweeper: sweeper,
createExpiryTimer: config.CreateExpiryTimer,
loopOutMaxParts: cfg.LoopOutMaxParts,
routingHints: cfg.LoopOutRoutingHints,
cancelSwap: swapServerClient.CancelLoopOutSwap,
client := &Client{
errChan: make(chan error),
clientConfig: *config,
lndServices: cfg.Lnd,
sweeper: sweeper,
executor: executor,
resumeReady: make(chan struct{}),
cleanup := func() {
return client, cleanup, nil
// FetchSwaps returns all loop in and out swaps currently in the database.
func (s *Client) FetchSwaps() ([]*SwapInfo, error) {
loopOutSwaps, err := s.Store.FetchLoopOutSwaps()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
loopInSwaps, err := s.Store.FetchLoopInSwaps()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
swaps := make([]*SwapInfo, 0, len(loopInSwaps)+len(loopOutSwaps))
for _, swp := range loopOutSwaps {
htlc, err := swap.NewHtlc(
swp.Contract.CltvExpiry, swp.Contract.SenderKey,
swp.Contract.ReceiverKey, swp.Hash, swap.HtlcP2WSH,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
swaps = append(swaps, &SwapInfo{
SwapType: swap.TypeOut,
SwapContract: swp.Contract.SwapContract,
SwapStateData: swp.State(),
SwapHash: swp.Hash,
LastUpdate: swp.LastUpdateTime(),
HtlcAddressP2WSH: htlc.Address,
for _, swp := range loopInSwaps {
htlcNP2WSH, err := swap.NewHtlc(
swp.Contract.CltvExpiry, swp.Contract.SenderKey,
swp.Contract.ReceiverKey, swp.Hash, swap.HtlcNP2WSH,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
htlcP2WSH, err := swap.NewHtlc(
swp.Contract.CltvExpiry, swp.Contract.SenderKey,
swp.Contract.ReceiverKey, swp.Hash, swap.HtlcP2WSH,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
swaps = append(swaps, &SwapInfo{
SwapType: swap.TypeIn,
SwapContract: swp.Contract.SwapContract,
SwapStateData: swp.State(),
SwapHash: swp.Hash,
LastUpdate: swp.LastUpdateTime(),
HtlcAddressP2WSH: htlcP2WSH.Address,
HtlcAddressNP2WSH: htlcNP2WSH.Address,
return swaps, nil
// Run is a blocking call that executes all swaps. Any pending swaps are
// restored from persistent storage and resumed. Subsequent updates will be
// sent through the passed in statusChan. The function can be terminated by
// cancelling the context.
func (s *Client) Run(ctx context.Context,
statusChan chan<- SwapInfo) error {
if !atomic.CompareAndSwapUint32(&s.started, 0, 1) {
return errors.New("swap client can only be started once")
// Log connected node.
log.Infof("Connected to lnd node '%v' with pubkey %s (version %s)",
s.lndServices.NodeAlias, s.lndServices.NodePubkey,
// Setup main context used for cancelation.
mainCtx, mainCancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
defer mainCancel()
// Query store before starting event loop to prevent new swaps from
// being treated as swaps that need to be resumed.
pendingLoopOutSwaps, err := s.Store.FetchLoopOutSwaps()
if err != nil {
return err
pendingLoopInSwaps, err := s.Store.FetchLoopInSwaps()
if err != nil {
return err
// Start goroutine to deliver all pending swaps to the main loop.
go func() {
defer s.wg.Done()
s.resumeSwaps(mainCtx, pendingLoopOutSwaps, pendingLoopInSwaps)
// Signal that new requests can be accepted. Otherwise the new
// swap could already have been added to the store and read in
// this goroutine as being a swap that needs to be resumed.
// Resulting in two goroutines executing the same swap.
// Main event loop.
err =, statusChan)
// Consider canceled as happy flow.
if err == context.Canceled {
err = nil
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("Swap client terminating: %v", err)
} else {
log.Info("Swap client terminating")
// Cancel all remaining active goroutines.
// Wait for all to finish.
log.Debug("Wait for executor to finish")
log.Debug("Wait for goroutines to finish")
log.Info("Swap client terminated")
return err
// resumeSwaps restarts all pending swaps from the provided list.
func (s *Client) resumeSwaps(ctx context.Context,
loopOutSwaps []*loopdb.LoopOut, loopInSwaps []*loopdb.LoopIn) {
swapCfg := newSwapConfig(s.lndServices, s.Store, s.Server)
for _, pend := range loopOutSwaps {
if pend.State().State.Type() != loopdb.StateTypePending {
swap, err := resumeLoopOutSwap(ctx, swapCfg, pend)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("resuming loop out swap: %v", err)
s.executor.initiateSwap(ctx, swap)
for _, pend := range loopInSwaps {
if pend.State().State.Type() != loopdb.StateTypePending {
swap, err := resumeLoopInSwap(ctx, swapCfg, pend)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("resuming loop in swap: %v", err)
s.executor.initiateSwap(ctx, swap)
// LoopOut initiates a loop out swap. It blocks until the swap is initiation
// with the swap server is completed (typically this takes only a short amount
// of time). From there on further status information can be acquired through
// the status channel returned from the Run call.
// When the call returns, the swap has been persisted and will be resumed
// automatically after restarts.
// The return value is a hash that uniquely identifies the new swap.
func (s *Client) LoopOut(globalCtx context.Context,
request *OutRequest) (*LoopOutSwapInfo, error) {
log.Infof("LoopOut %v to %v (channels: %v)",
request.Amount, request.DestAddr, request.OutgoingChanSet,
if err := s.waitForInitialized(globalCtx); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Calculate htlc expiry height.
terms, err := s.Server.GetLoopOutTerms(globalCtx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
initiationHeight := s.executor.height()
request.Expiry, err = s.getExpiry(
initiationHeight, terms, request.SweepConfTarget,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Create a new swap object for this swap.
swapCfg := newSwapConfig(s.lndServices, s.Store, s.Server)
initResult, err := newLoopOutSwap(
globalCtx, swapCfg, initiationHeight, request,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
swap := initResult.swap
// Post swap to the main loop.
s.executor.initiateSwap(globalCtx, swap)
// Return hash so that the caller can identify this swap in the updates
// stream.
return &LoopOutSwapInfo{
SwapHash: swap.hash,
HtlcAddressP2WSH: swap.htlc.Address,
ServerMessage: initResult.serverMessage,
}, nil
// getExpiry returns an absolute expiry height based on the sweep confirmation
// target, constrained by the server terms.
func (s *Client) getExpiry(height int32, terms *LoopOutTerms,
confTarget int32) (int32, error) {
switch {
case confTarget < terms.MinCltvDelta:
return height + terms.MinCltvDelta, nil
case confTarget > terms.MaxCltvDelta:
return 0, fmt.Errorf("confirmation target %v exceeds maximum "+
"server cltv delta of %v", confTarget,
return height + confTarget, nil
// LoopOutQuote takes a LoopOut amount and returns a break down of estimated
// costs for the client. Both the swap server and the on-chain fee estimator
// are queried to get to build the quote response.
func (s *Client) LoopOutQuote(ctx context.Context,
request *LoopOutQuoteRequest) (*LoopOutQuote, error) {
terms, err := s.Server.GetLoopOutTerms(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if request.Amount < terms.MinSwapAmount {
return nil, ErrSwapAmountTooLow
if request.Amount > terms.MaxSwapAmount {
return nil, ErrSwapAmountTooHigh
height := s.executor.height()
expiry, err := s.getExpiry(height, terms, request.SweepConfTarget)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
quote, err := s.Server.GetLoopOutQuote(
ctx, request.Amount, expiry, request.SwapPublicationDeadline,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
log.Infof("Offchain swap destination: %x", quote.SwapPaymentDest)
swapFee := quote.SwapFee
// Generate dummy p2wsh address for fee estimation. The p2wsh address
// type is chosen because it adds the most weight of all output types
// and we want the quote to return a worst case value.
wsh := [32]byte{}
p2wshAddress, err := btcutil.NewAddressWitnessScriptHash(
wsh[:], s.lndServices.ChainParams,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
minerFee, err := s.sweeper.GetSweepFee(
ctx, swap.QuoteHtlc.AddSuccessToEstimator,
p2wshAddress, request.SweepConfTarget,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &LoopOutQuote{
SwapFee: swapFee,
MinerFee: minerFee,
PrepayAmount: quote.PrepayAmount,
SwapPaymentDest: quote.SwapPaymentDest,
}, nil
// LoopOutTerms returns the terms on which the server executes swaps.
func (s *Client) LoopOutTerms(ctx context.Context) (
*LoopOutTerms, error) {
return s.Server.GetLoopOutTerms(ctx)
// waitForInitialized for swaps to be resumed and executor ready.
func (s *Client) waitForInitialized(ctx context.Context) error {
select {
case <-s.executor.ready:
case <-ctx.Done():
return ctx.Err()
select {
case <-s.resumeReady:
case <-ctx.Done():
return ctx.Err()
return nil
// LoopIn initiates a loop in swap.
func (s *Client) LoopIn(globalCtx context.Context,
request *LoopInRequest) (*LoopInSwapInfo, error) {
log.Infof("Loop in %v (last hop: %v)",
if err := s.waitForInitialized(globalCtx); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Create a new swap object for this swap.
initiationHeight := s.executor.height()
swapCfg := newSwapConfig(s.lndServices, s.Store, s.Server)
initResult, err := newLoopInSwap(
globalCtx, swapCfg, initiationHeight, request,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
swap := initResult.swap
// Post swap to the main loop.
s.executor.initiateSwap(globalCtx, swap)
// Return hash so that the caller can identify this swap in the updates
// stream.
swapInfo := &LoopInSwapInfo{
SwapHash: swap.hash,
HtlcAddressP2WSH: swap.htlcP2WSH.Address,
HtlcAddressNP2WSH: swap.htlcNP2WSH.Address,
ServerMessage: initResult.serverMessage,
return swapInfo, nil
// LoopInQuote takes an amount and returns a break down of estimated
// costs for the client. Both the swap server and the on-chain fee estimator are
// queried to get to build the quote response.
func (s *Client) LoopInQuote(ctx context.Context,
request *LoopInQuoteRequest) (*LoopInQuote, error) {
// Retrieve current server terms to calculate swap fee.
terms, err := s.Server.GetLoopInTerms(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Check amount limits.
if request.Amount < terms.MinSwapAmount {
return nil, ErrSwapAmountTooLow
if request.Amount > terms.MaxSwapAmount {
return nil, ErrSwapAmountTooHigh
quote, err := s.Server.GetLoopInQuote(
ctx, request.Amount, s.lndServices.NodePubkey, request.LastHop,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
swapFee := quote.SwapFee
// We don't calculate the on-chain fee if the HTLC is going to be
// published externally.
if request.ExternalHtlc {
return &LoopInQuote{
SwapFee: swapFee,
MinerFee: 0,
}, nil
// Get estimate for miner fee. If estimating the miner fee for the
// requested amount is not possible because lnd's wallet cannot
// construct a sample TX, we just return zero instead of failing the
// quote. The user interface should inform the user that fee estimation
// was not possible.
// TODO(guggero): Thread through error code from lnd to avoid string
// matching.
minerFee, err := s.lndServices.Client.EstimateFeeToP2WSH(
ctx, request.Amount, request.HtlcConfTarget,
if err != nil && strings.Contains(err.Error(), "insufficient funds") {
return &LoopInQuote{
SwapFee: swapFee,
MinerFee: MinerFeeEstimationFailed,
CltvDelta: quote.CltvDelta,
}, nil
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &LoopInQuote{
SwapFee: swapFee,
MinerFee: minerFee,
CltvDelta: quote.CltvDelta,
}, nil
// LoopInTerms returns the terms on which the server executes swaps.
func (s *Client) LoopInTerms(ctx context.Context) (
*LoopInTerms, error) {
return s.Server.GetLoopInTerms(ctx)
// wrapGrpcError wraps the non-nil error provided with a message providing
// additional context, preserving the grpc code returned with the original
// error. If the original error has no grpc code, then codes.Unknown is used.
func wrapGrpcError(message string, err error) error {
// Since our error is non-nil, we don't need to worry about a nil
// grpcStatus, we'll just get an unknown one if no code was passed back.
grpcStatus, _ := status.FromError(err)
return status.Error(
grpcStatus.Code(), fmt.Sprintf("%v: %v", message,
// Probe asks the server to probe a route to us given a requested amount and
// last hop. The server is free to discard frequent request to avoid abuse or if
// there's been a recent probe to us for the same amount.
func (s *Client) Probe(ctx context.Context, req *ProbeRequest) error {
return s.Server.Probe(
ctx, req.Amount, s.lndServices.NodePubkey, req.LastHop,