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package lndclient
import (
// VersionerClient exposes the version of lnd.
type VersionerClient interface {
// GetVersion returns the version and build information of the lnd
// daemon.
GetVersion(ctx context.Context) (*verrpc.Version, error)
type versionerClient struct {
client verrpc.VersionerClient
readonlyMac serializedMacaroon
func newVersionerClient(conn *grpc.ClientConn,
readonlyMac serializedMacaroon) *versionerClient {
return &versionerClient{
client: verrpc.NewVersionerClient(conn),
readonlyMac: readonlyMac,
// GetVersion returns the version and build information of the lnd
// daemon.
// NOTE: This method is part of the VersionerClient interface.
func (v *versionerClient) GetVersion(ctx context.Context) (*verrpc.Version,
error) {
rpcCtx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(
v.readonlyMac.WithMacaroonAuth(ctx), rpcTimeout,
defer cancel()
return v.client.GetVersion(rpcCtx, &verrpc.VersionRequest{})
// VersionString returns a nice, human readable string of a version returned by
// the VersionerClient, including all build tags.
func VersionString(version *verrpc.Version) string {
short := VersionStringShort(version)
enabledTags := strings.Join(version.BuildTags, ",")
return fmt.Sprintf("%s, build tags '%s'", short, enabledTags)
// VersionStringShort returns a nice, human readable string of a version
// returned by the VersionerClient.
func VersionStringShort(version *verrpc.Version) string {
versionStr := fmt.Sprintf(
"v%d.%d.%d", version.AppMajor, version.AppMinor,
if version.AppPreRelease != "" {
versionStr = fmt.Sprintf(
"%s-%s", versionStr, version.AppPreRelease,
return versionStr