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package loopd
import (
const (
// loopMacaroonLocation is the value we use for the loopd macaroons'
// "Location" field when baking them.
loopMacaroonLocation = "loop"
var (
// RequiredPermissions is a map of all loop RPC methods and their
// required macaroon permissions to access loopd.
RequiredPermissions = map[string][]bakery.Op{
"/looprpc.SwapClient/LoopOut": {{
Entity: "swap",
Action: "execute",
}, {
Entity: "loop",
Action: "out",
"/looprpc.SwapClient/LoopIn": {{
Entity: "swap",
Action: "execute",
}, {
Entity: "loop",
Action: "in",
"/looprpc.SwapClient/Monitor": {{
Entity: "swap",
Action: "read",
"/looprpc.SwapClient/ListSwaps": {{
Entity: "swap",
Action: "read",
"/looprpc.SwapClient/SwapInfo": {{
Entity: "swap",
Action: "read",
"/looprpc.SwapClient/LoopOutTerms": {{
Entity: "terms",
Action: "read",
}, {
Entity: "loop",
Action: "out",
"/looprpc.SwapClient/LoopOutQuote": {{
Entity: "swap",
Action: "read",
}, {
Entity: "loop",
Action: "out",
"/looprpc.SwapClient/GetLoopInTerms": {{
Entity: "terms",
Action: "read",
}, {
Entity: "loop",
Action: "in",
"/looprpc.SwapClient/GetLoopInQuote": {{
Entity: "swap",
Action: "read",
}, {
Entity: "loop",
Action: "in",
"/looprpc.SwapClient/GetLsatTokens": {{
Entity: "auth",
Action: "read",
"/looprpc.SwapClient/SuggestSwaps": {{
Entity: "suggestions",
Action: "read",
"/looprpc.SwapClient/GetLiquidityParams": {{
Entity: "suggestions",
Action: "read",
"/looprpc.SwapClient/SetLiquidityParams": {{
Entity: "suggestions",
Action: "write",
"/looprpc.SwapClient/Probe": {{
Entity: "swap",
Action: "execute",
}, {
Entity: "loop",
Action: "in",
// macDbDefaultPw is the default encryption password used to encrypt the
// loop macaroon database. The macaroon service requires us to set a
// non-nil password so we set it to an empty string. This will cause the
// keys to be encrypted on disk but won't provide any security at all as
// the password is known to anyone.
// TODO(guggero): Allow the password to be specified by the user. Needs
// create/unlock calls in the RPC. Using a password should be optional
// though.
macDbDefaultPw = []byte("")