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package deposit
import (
const (
defaultConfTarget = 3
// PublishDepositExpirySweepAction creates and publishes the timeout transaction
// that spends the deposit from the static address timeout leaf to the
// predefined timeout sweep pkscript.
func (f *FSM) PublishDepositExpirySweepAction(_ fsm.EventContext) fsm.EventType {
msgTx := wire.NewMsgTx(2)
params, err := f.cfg.AddressManager.GetStaticAddressParameters(f.ctx)
if err != nil {
return fsm.OnError
// Add the deposit outpoint as input to the transaction.
PreviousOutPoint: f.deposit.OutPoint,
Sequence: params.Expiry,
SignatureScript: nil,
// Estimate the fee rate of an expiry spend transaction.
feeRateEstimator, err := f.cfg.WalletKit.EstimateFeeRate(
f.ctx, defaultConfTarget,
if err != nil {
return f.HandleError(fmt.Errorf("timeout sweep fee "+
"estimation failed: %v", err))
weight := script.ExpirySpendWeight()
fee := feeRateEstimator.FeeForWeight(weight)
// We cap the fee at 20% of the deposit value.
if fee > f.deposit.Value/5 {
return f.HandleError(errors.New("fee is greater than 20% of " +
"the deposit value"))
output := &wire.TxOut{
Value: int64(f.deposit.Value - fee),
PkScript: f.deposit.TimeOutSweepPkScript,
txOut := &wire.TxOut{
Value: int64(f.deposit.Value),
PkScript: params.PkScript,
prevOut := []*wire.TxOut{txOut}
signDesc, err := f.SignDescriptor()
if err != nil {
return f.HandleError(err)
rawSigs, err := f.cfg.Signer.SignOutputRaw(
f.ctx, msgTx, []*lndclient.SignDescriptor{signDesc}, prevOut,
if err != nil {
return f.HandleError(err)
address, err := f.cfg.AddressManager.GetStaticAddress(f.ctx)
if err != nil {
return f.HandleError(err)
sig := rawSigs[0]
msgTx.TxIn[0].Witness, err = address.GenTimeoutWitness(sig)
if err != nil {
return f.HandleError(err)
txLabel := fmt.Sprintf("timeout sweep for deposit %v",
err = f.cfg.WalletKit.PublishTransaction(f.ctx, msgTx, txLabel)
if err != nil {
if !strings.Contains(err.Error(), "output already spent") {
log.Errorf("%v: %v", txLabel, err)
f.LastActionError = err
return fsm.OnError
} else {
f.Debugf("published timeout sweep with txid: %v",
return OnExpiryPublished
// WaitForExpirySweepAction waits for a sufficient number of confirmations
// before a timeout sweep is considered successful.
func (f *FSM) WaitForExpirySweepAction(_ fsm.EventContext) fsm.EventType {
spendChan, errSpendChan, err := f.cfg.ChainNotifier.RegisterConfirmationsNtfn( //nolint:lll
f.ctx, nil, f.deposit.TimeOutSweepPkScript, defaultConfTarget,
if err != nil {
return f.HandleError(err)
select {
case err := <-errSpendChan:
log.Debugf("error while sweeping expired deposit: %v", err)
return fsm.OnError
case confirmedTx := <-spendChan:
f.deposit.ExpirySweepTxid = confirmedTx.Tx.TxHash()
return OnExpirySwept
case <-f.ctx.Done():
return fsm.OnError
// SweptExpiredDepositAction is the final action of the FSM. It signals to the
// manager that the deposit has been swept and the FSM can be removed. It also
// ends the state machine main loop by cancelling its context.
func (f *FSM) SweptExpiredDepositAction(_ fsm.EventContext) fsm.EventType {
select {
case <-f.ctx.Done():
return fsm.OnError
f.finalizedDepositChan <- f.deposit.OutPoint
return fsm.NoOp