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package instantout
import (
loop_rpc ""
var (
ErrInsufficientReservationBalance = errors.New(
"insufficient balance in reservations",
ErrReservationsMustBeSwapAmount = errors.New(
"reservations total amount must be equal swap amount",
UrgentConfTarget = int32(3)
NormalConfTarget = int32(6)
// InitInstantOutCtx contains the context for the InitInstantOutAction.
type InitInstantOutCtx struct {
cltvExpiry int32
reservations []reservation.ID
initationHeight int32
outgoingChanSet loopdb.ChannelSet
// InitInstantOutAction is the first action that is executed when the instant
// out FSM is started. It will send the instant out request to the server.
func (f *FSM) InitInstantOutAction(eventCtx fsm.EventContext) fsm.EventType {
initCtx, ok := eventCtx.(*InitInstantOutCtx)
if !ok {
return f.HandleError(fsm.ErrInvalidContextType)
if len(initCtx.reservations) == 0 {
return f.HandleError(fmt.Errorf("no reservations provided"))
var (
reservationAmt uint64
reservationIds = make([][]byte, 0, len(initCtx.reservations))
reservations = make(
[]*reservation.Reservation, 0, len(initCtx.reservations),
// The requested amount needs to be full reservation amounts.
for _, reservationId := range initCtx.reservations {
res, err := f.cfg.ReservationManager.GetReservation(
f.ctx, reservationId,
if err != nil {
return f.HandleError(err)
// Check if the reservation is locked.
if res.State == reservation.Locked {
return f.HandleError(fmt.Errorf("reservation %v is "+
"locked", reservationId))
reservationAmt += uint64(res.Value)
reservationIds = append(reservationIds, reservationId[:])
reservations = append(reservations, res)
// Create the preimage for the swap.
var preimage lntypes.Preimage
if _, err := rand.Read(preimage[:]); err != nil {
return f.HandleError(err)
// Create the keys for the swap.
keyRes, err := f.cfg.Wallet.DeriveNextKey(f.ctx, KeyFamily)
if err != nil {
return f.HandleError(err)
swapHash := preimage.Hash()
// Create a high fee rate so that the htlc will be confirmed quickly.
feeRate, err := f.cfg.Wallet.EstimateFeeRate(f.ctx, UrgentConfTarget)
if err != nil {
f.Infof("error estimating fee rate: %v", err)
return f.HandleError(err)
// Send the instantout request to the server.
instantOutResponse, err := f.cfg.InstantOutClient.RequestInstantLoopOut(
Amt: reservationAmt,
ReceiverKey: keyRes.PubKey.SerializeCompressed(),
SwapHash: swapHash[:],
Expiry: initCtx.cltvExpiry,
HtlcFeeRate: uint64(feeRate),
ReservationIds: reservationIds,
ProtocolVersion: loop_rpc.
if err != nil {
return f.HandleError(err)
// Decode the invoice to check if the hash is valid.
payReq, err := f.cfg.LndClient.DecodePaymentRequest(
f.ctx, instantOutResponse.SwapInvoice,
if err != nil {
return f.HandleError(err)
if preimage.Hash() != payReq.Hash {
return f.HandleError(fmt.Errorf("invalid swap invoice hash: "+
"expected %x got %x", preimage.Hash(), payReq.Hash))
serverPubkey, err := btcec.ParsePubKey(instantOutResponse.SenderKey)
if err != nil {
return f.HandleError(err)
// Create the address that we'll send the funds to
sweepAddress, err := f.cfg.Wallet.NextAddr(
f.ctx, "", walletrpc.AddressType_TAPROOT_PUBKEY, false,
if err != nil {
return f.HandleError(err)
// Now we can create the instant out.
instantOut := &InstantOut{
SwapHash: swapHash,
SwapPreimage: preimage,
ProtocolVersion: ProtocolVersionFullReservation,
InitiationHeight: initCtx.initationHeight,
OutgoingChanSet: initCtx.outgoingChanSet,
CltvExpiry: initCtx.cltvExpiry,
ClientPubkey: keyRes.PubKey,
ServerPubkey: serverPubkey,
Value: btcutil.Amount(reservationAmt),
HtlcFeeRate: feeRate,
SwapInvoice: instantOutResponse.SwapInvoice,
Reservations: reservations,
KeyLocator: keyRes.KeyLocator,
SweepAddress: sweepAddress,
err = f.cfg.Store.CreateInstantLoopOut(f.ctx, instantOut)
if err != nil {
return f.HandleError(err)
f.InstantOut = instantOut
return OnInit
// PollPaymentAcceptedAction locks the reservations, sends the payment to the
// server and polls the server for the payment status.
func (f *FSM) PollPaymentAcceptedAction(
eventCtx fsm.EventContext) fsm.EventType {
// Now that we're doing the swap, we first lock the reservations
// so that they can't be used for other swaps.
for _, reservation := range f.InstantOut.Reservations {
err := f.cfg.ReservationManager.LockReservation(
f.ctx, reservation.ID,
if err != nil {
return f.handleErrorAndUnlockReservations(err)
// Now we send the payment to the server.
payChan, paymentErrChan, err := f.cfg.RouterClient.SendPayment(
Invoice: f.InstantOut.SwapInvoice,
Timeout: time.Minute * 5,
if err != nil {
return f.handleErrorAndUnlockReservations(err)
// We'll continuously poll the server for the payment status.
for {
select {
case payRes := <-payChan:
f.Debugf("payment result: %v", payRes)
if payRes.FailureReason !=
lnrpc.PaymentFailureReason_FAILURE_REASON_NONE {
return f.handleErrorAndUnlockReservations(
fmt.Errorf("payment failed: %v",
case err := <-paymentErrChan:
return f.handleErrorAndUnlockReservations(err)
case <-f.ctx.Done():
return fsm.NoOp
res, err := f.cfg.InstantOutClient.PollPaymentAccepted(
f.ctx, &loop_rpc.PollPaymentAcceptedRequest{
SwapHash: f.InstantOut.SwapHash[:],
if err != nil {
return f.handleErrorAndUnlockReservations(err)
if res.Accepted {
return OnPaymentAccepted
// BuildHTLCAction creates the htlc transaction, exchanges nonces with
// the server and sends the htlc signatures to the server.
func (f *FSM) BuildHTLCAction(eventCtx fsm.EventContext) fsm.EventType {
htlcSessions, htlcClientNonces, err := f.InstantOut.createMusig2Session(
f.ctx, f.cfg.Signer,
if err != nil {
return f.handleErrorAndUnlockReservations(err)
f.htlcMusig2Sessions = htlcSessions
// Send the server the client nonces.
htlcInitRes, err := f.cfg.InstantOutClient.InitHtlcSig(
SwapHash: f.InstantOut.SwapHash[:],
HtlcClientNonces: htlcClientNonces,
if err != nil {
return f.handleErrorAndUnlockReservations(err)
if len(htlcInitRes.HtlcServerNonces) != len(f.InstantOut.Reservations) {
return f.handleErrorAndUnlockReservations(
errors.New("invalid number of server nonces"),
htlcServerNonces, err := toNonces(htlcInitRes.HtlcServerNonces)
if err != nil {
return f.handleErrorAndUnlockReservations(err)
// Now that our nonces are set, we can create and sign the htlc
// transaction.
htlcTx, err := f.InstantOut.createHtlcTransaction(f.cfg.Network)
if err != nil {
return f.handleErrorAndUnlockReservations(err)
// Next we'll get our sweep tx signatures.
htlcSigs, err := f.InstantOut.signMusig2Tx(
f.ctx, f.cfg.Signer, htlcTx, f.htlcMusig2Sessions,
if err != nil {
return f.handleErrorAndUnlockReservations(err)
// Send the server the htlc signatures.
htlcRes, err := f.cfg.InstantOutClient.PushHtlcSig(
SwapHash: f.InstantOut.SwapHash[:],
ClientSigs: htlcSigs,
if err != nil {
return f.handleErrorAndUnlockReservations(err)
// We can now finalize the htlc transaction.
htlcTx, err = f.InstantOut.finalizeMusig2Transaction(
f.ctx, f.cfg.Signer, f.htlcMusig2Sessions, htlcTx,
if err != nil {
return f.handleErrorAndUnlockReservations(err)
f.InstantOut.FinalizedHtlcTx = htlcTx
return OnHtlcSigReceived
// PushPreimageAction pushes the preimage to the server. It also creates the
// sweepless sweep transaction and sends the signatures to the server. Finally,
// it publishes the sweepless sweep transaction. If any of the steps after
// pushing the preimage fail, the htlc timeout transaction will be published.
func (f *FSM) PushPreimageAction(eventCtx fsm.EventContext) fsm.EventType {
// First we'll create the musig2 context.
coopSessions, coopClientNonces, err := f.InstantOut.createMusig2Session(
f.ctx, f.cfg.Signer,
if err != nil {
return f.handleErrorAndUnlockReservations(err)
f.sweeplessSweepSessions = coopSessions
// Get the feerate for the coop sweep.
feeRate, err := f.cfg.Wallet.EstimateFeeRate(f.ctx, NormalConfTarget)
if err != nil {
return f.handleErrorAndUnlockReservations(err)
pushPreImageRes, err := f.cfg.InstantOutClient.PushPreimage(
Preimage: f.InstantOut.SwapPreimage[:],
ClientNonces: coopClientNonces,
ClientSweepAddr: f.InstantOut.SweepAddress.String(),
MusigTxFeeRate: uint64(feeRate),
// Now that we have revealed the preimage, if any following step fail,
// we'll need to publish the htlc timeout tx.
if err != nil {
f.LastActionError = err
return OnErrorPublishHtlc
// Now that we have the sweepless sweep signatures we can build and
// publish the sweepless sweep transaction.
sweepTx, err := f.InstantOut.createSweeplessSweepTx(feeRate)
if err != nil {
f.LastActionError = err
return OnErrorPublishHtlc
coopServerNonces, err := toNonces(pushPreImageRes.ServerNonces)
if err != nil {
f.LastActionError = err
return OnErrorPublishHtlc
// Next we'll get our sweep tx signatures.
_, err = f.InstantOut.signMusig2Tx(
f.ctx, f.cfg.Signer, sweepTx, f.sweeplessSweepSessions,
if err != nil {
f.LastActionError = err
return OnErrorPublishHtlc
// Now we'll finalize the sweepless sweep transaction.
sweepTx, err = f.InstantOut.finalizeMusig2Transaction(
f.ctx, f.cfg.Signer, f.sweeplessSweepSessions, sweepTx,
if err != nil {
f.LastActionError = err
return OnErrorPublishHtlc
txLabel := fmt.Sprintf("sweepless-sweep-%v",
// Publish the sweepless sweep transaction.
err = f.cfg.Wallet.PublishTransaction(f.ctx, sweepTx, txLabel)
if err != nil {
f.LastActionError = err
return OnErrorPublishHtlc
f.InstantOut.FinalizedSweeplessSweepTx = sweepTx
txHash := f.InstantOut.FinalizedSweeplessSweepTx.TxHash()
f.InstantOut.SweepTxHash = &txHash
return OnSweeplessSweepPublished
// WaitForSweeplessSweepConfirmedAction waits for the sweepless sweep
// transaction to be confirmed.
func (f *FSM) WaitForSweeplessSweepConfirmedAction(
eventCtx fsm.EventContext) fsm.EventType {
pkscript, err := txscript.PayToAddrScript(f.InstantOut.SweepAddress)
if err != nil {
return f.HandleError(err)
confChan, confErrChan, err := f.cfg.ChainNotifier.
f.ctx, f.InstantOut.SweepTxHash, pkscript,
1, f.InstantOut.InitiationHeight,
if err != nil {
return f.HandleError(err)
for {
select {
case spendErr := <-confErrChan:
f.LastActionError = spendErr
f.Errorf("error listening for sweepless sweep "+
"confirmation: %v", spendErr)
return OnErrorPublishHtlc
case conf := <-confChan:
SweepConfirmationHeight = conf.BlockHeight
return OnSweeplessSweepConfirmed
// PublishHtlcAction publishes the htlc transaction and the htlc sweep
// transaction.
func (f *FSM) PublishHtlcAction(eventCtx fsm.EventContext) fsm.EventType {
// Publish the htlc transaction.
err := f.cfg.Wallet.PublishTransaction(
f.ctx, f.InstantOut.FinalizedHtlcTx,
fmt.Sprintf("htlc-%v", f.InstantOut.SwapPreimage.Hash()),
if err != nil {
return f.HandleError(err)
// Create a feerate that will confirm the htlc quickly.
feeRate, err := f.cfg.Wallet.EstimateFeeRate(f.ctx, UrgentConfTarget)
if err != nil {
return f.HandleError(err)
// We can immediately publish the htlc sweep transaction
htlcSweepTx, err := f.InstantOut.generateHtlcSweepTx(
f.ctx, f.cfg.Signer, feeRate, f.cfg.Network,
if err != nil {
return f.HandleError(err)
txLabel := fmt.Sprintf("htlc-sweep-%v",
err = f.cfg.Wallet.PublishTransaction(f.ctx, htlcSweepTx, txLabel)
if err != nil {
return f.HandleError(err)
sweepTxHash := htlcSweepTx.TxHash()
f.InstantOut.SweepTxHash = &sweepTxHash
return OnHtlcSweepPublished
// WaitForHtlcSweepConfirmedAction waits for the htlc sweep transaction to be
// confirmed.
func (f *FSM) WaitForHtlcSweepConfirmedAction(
eventCtx fsm.EventContext) fsm.EventType {
htlc, err := f.InstantOut.getHtlc(f.cfg.Network)
if err != nil {
return f.HandleError(err)
confChan, confErrChan, err := f.cfg.ChainNotifier.RegisterConfirmationsNtfn(
f.ctx, f.InstantOut.SweepTxHash, htlc.PkScript,
1, f.InstantOut.InitiationHeight,
if err != nil {
return f.HandleError(err)
for {
select {
case spendErr := <-confErrChan:
f.LastActionError = spendErr
return OnErrorPublishHtlc
case conf := <-confChan:
SweepConfirmationHeight = conf.BlockHeight
return OnHtlcSwept
// handleErrorAndUnlockReservations handles an error and unlocks the
// reservations.
func (f *FSM) handleErrorAndUnlockReservations(err error) fsm.EventType {
// Unlock the reservations.
for _, reservation := range f.InstantOut.Reservations {
err := f.cfg.ReservationManager.UnlockReservation(
f.ctx, reservation.ID,
if err != nil {
return f.HandleError(err)
return f.HandleError(err)