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package loopdb
import (
// noMigrationAvailable is the fall back migration in case there is no migration
// implemented.
func migrateCosts(tx *bbolt.Tx, _ *chaincfg.Params) error {
if err := migrateCostsForBucket(tx, loopInBucketKey); err != nil {
return err
if err := migrateCostsForBucket(tx, loopOutBucketKey); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func migrateCostsForBucket(tx *bbolt.Tx, bucketKey []byte) error {
// First, we'll grab our main loop in bucket key.
rootBucket := tx.Bucket(bucketKey)
if rootBucket == nil {
return errors.New("bucket does not exist")
// We'll now traverse the root bucket for all active swaps. The
// primary key is the swap hash itself.
return rootBucket.ForEach(func(swapHash, v []byte) error {
// Only go into things that we know are sub-bucket
// keys.
if v != nil {
return nil
// From the root bucket, we'll grab the next swap
// bucket for this swap from its swaphash.
swapBucket := rootBucket.Bucket(swapHash)
if swapBucket == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("swap bucket %x not found",
// Get the updates bucket.
updatesBucket := swapBucket.Bucket(updatesBucketKey)
if updatesBucket == nil {
return errors.New("updates bucket not found")
// Get list of all update ids.
var ids [][]byte
err := updatesBucket.ForEach(func(k, v []byte) error {
ids = append(ids, k)
return nil
if err != nil {
return err
// Append three zeroed cost factors to all updates.
var emptyCosts [3 * 8]byte
for _, id := range ids {
v := updatesBucket.Get(id)
if v == nil {
return errors.New("empty value")
v = append(v, emptyCosts[:]...)
err := updatesBucket.Put(id, v)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil