You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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// Package liquidity is responsible for monitoring our node's liquidity. It
// allows setting of a liquidity rule which describes the desired liquidity
// balance on a per-channel basis.
package liquidity
import (
var (
// ErrZeroChannelID is returned if we get a rule for a 0 channel ID.
ErrZeroChannelID = fmt.Errorf("zero channel ID not allowed")
// Config contains the external functionality required to run the
// liquidity manager.
type Config struct {
// LoopOutRestrictions returns the restrictions that the server applies
// to loop out swaps.
LoopOutRestrictions func(ctx context.Context) (*Restrictions, error)
// Parameters is a set of parameters provided by the user which guide
// how we assess liquidity.
type Parameters struct {
// ChannelRules maps a short channel ID to a rule that describes how we
// would like liquidity to be managed.
ChannelRules map[lnwire.ShortChannelID]*ThresholdRule
// newParameters creates an empty set of parameters.
func newParameters() Parameters {
return Parameters{
ChannelRules: make(map[lnwire.ShortChannelID]*ThresholdRule),
// String returns the string representation of our parameters.
func (p Parameters) String() string {
channelRules := make([]string, 0, len(p.ChannelRules))
for channel, rule := range p.ChannelRules {
channelRules = append(
channelRules, fmt.Sprintf("%v: %v", channel, rule),
return fmt.Sprintf("channel rules: %v",
strings.Join(channelRules, ","))
// validate checks whether a set of parameters is valid.
func (p Parameters) validate() error {
for channel, rule := range p.ChannelRules {
if channel.ToUint64() == 0 {
return ErrZeroChannelID
if err := rule.validate(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("channel: %v has invalid rule: %v",
channel.ToUint64(), err)
return nil
// Manager contains a set of desired liquidity rules for our channel
// balances.
type Manager struct {
// cfg contains the external functionality we require to determine our
// current liquidity balance.
cfg *Config
// params is the set of parameters we are currently using. These may be
// updated at runtime.
params Parameters
// paramsLock is a lock for our current set of parameters.
paramsLock sync.Mutex
// NewManager creates a liquidity manager which has no rules set.
func NewManager(cfg *Config) *Manager {
return &Manager{
cfg: cfg,
params: newParameters(),
// GetParameters returns a copy of our current parameters.
func (m *Manager) GetParameters() Parameters {
defer m.paramsLock.Unlock()
return cloneParameters(m.params)
// SetParameters updates our current set of parameters if the new parameters
// provided are valid.
func (m *Manager) SetParameters(params Parameters) error {
if err := params.validate(); err != nil {
return err
defer m.paramsLock.Unlock()
m.params = cloneParameters(params)
return nil
// cloneParameters creates a deep clone of a parameters struct so that callers
// cannot mutate our parameters. Although our parameters struct itself is not
// a reference, we still need to clone the contents of maps.
func cloneParameters(params Parameters) Parameters {
paramCopy := Parameters{
ChannelRules: make(map[lnwire.ShortChannelID]*ThresholdRule,
for channel, rule := range params.ChannelRules {
ruleCopy := *rule
paramCopy.ChannelRules[channel] = &ruleCopy
return paramCopy