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package lndclient
import (
// RouterClient exposes payment functionality.
type RouterClient interface {
// SendPayment attempts to route a payment to the final destination. The
// call returns a payment update stream and an error stream.
SendPayment(ctx context.Context, request SendPaymentRequest) (
chan PaymentStatus, chan error, error)
// TrackPayment picks up a previously started payment and returns a
// payment update stream and an error stream.
TrackPayment(ctx context.Context, hash lntypes.Hash) (
chan PaymentStatus, chan error, error)
// PaymentStatus describe the state of a payment.
type PaymentStatus struct {
State lnrpc.Payment_PaymentStatus
Preimage lntypes.Preimage
Fee lnwire.MilliSatoshi
Value lnwire.MilliSatoshi
InFlightAmt lnwire.MilliSatoshi
InFlightHtlcs int
func (p PaymentStatus) String() string {
text := fmt.Sprintf("state=%v", p.State)
if p.State == lnrpc.Payment_IN_FLIGHT {
text += fmt.Sprintf(", inflight_htlcs=%v, inflight_amt=%v",
p.InFlightHtlcs, p.InFlightAmt)
return text
// SendPaymentRequest defines the payment parameters for a new payment.
type SendPaymentRequest struct {
// Invoice is an encoded payment request. The individual payment
// parameters Target, Amount, PaymentHash, FinalCLTVDelta and RouteHints
// are only processed when the Invoice field is empty.
Invoice string
MaxFee btcutil.Amount
MaxCltv *int32
OutgoingChannel *uint64
Timeout time.Duration
// Target is the node in which the payment should be routed towards.
Target route.Vertex
// Amount is the value of the payment to send through the network in
// satoshis.
Amount btcutil.Amount
// PaymentHash is the r-hash value to use within the HTLC extended to
// the first hop.
PaymentHash [32]byte
// FinalCLTVDelta is the CTLV expiry delta to use for the _final_ hop
// in the route. This means that the final hop will have a CLTV delta
// of at least: currentHeight + FinalCLTVDelta.
FinalCLTVDelta uint16
// RouteHints represents the different routing hints that can be used to
// assist a payment in reaching its destination successfully. These
// hints will act as intermediate hops along the route.
// NOTE: This is optional unless required by the payment. When providing
// multiple routes, ensure the hop hints within each route are chained
// together and sorted in forward order in order to reach the
// destination successfully.
RouteHints [][]zpay32.HopHint
// LastHopPubkey is the pubkey of the last hop of the route taken
// for this payment. If empty, any hop may be used.
LastHopPubkey *route.Vertex
// The maximum number of partial payments that may be used to complete
// the full amount.
MaxShards uint32
// routerClient is a wrapper around the generated routerrpc proxy.
type routerClient struct {
client routerrpc.RouterClient
routerKitMac serializedMacaroon
func newRouterClient(conn *grpc.ClientConn,
routerKitMac serializedMacaroon) *routerClient {
return &routerClient{
client: routerrpc.NewRouterClient(conn),
routerKitMac: routerKitMac,
// SendPayment attempts to route a payment to the final destination. The call
// returns a payment update stream and an error stream.
func (r *routerClient) SendPayment(ctx context.Context,
request SendPaymentRequest) (chan PaymentStatus, chan error, error) {
rpcCtx := r.routerKitMac.WithMacaroonAuth(ctx)
rpcReq := &routerrpc.SendPaymentRequest{
FeeLimitSat: int64(request.MaxFee),
PaymentRequest: request.Invoice,
TimeoutSeconds: int32(request.Timeout.Seconds()),
MaxShards: request.MaxShards,
if request.MaxCltv != nil {
rpcReq.CltvLimit = *request.MaxCltv
if request.OutgoingChannel != nil {
rpcReq.OutgoingChanId = *request.OutgoingChannel
if request.LastHopPubkey != nil {
rpcReq.LastHopPubkey = request.LastHopPubkey[:]
// Only if there is no payment request set, we will parse the individual
// payment parameters.
if request.Invoice == "" {
rpcReq.Dest = request.Target[:]
rpcReq.Amt = int64(request.Amount)
rpcReq.PaymentHash = request.PaymentHash[:]
rpcReq.FinalCltvDelta = int32(request.FinalCLTVDelta)
routeHints, err := marshallRouteHints(request.RouteHints)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
rpcReq.RouteHints = routeHints
stream, err := r.client.SendPaymentV2(rpcCtx, rpcReq)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
return r.trackPayment(ctx, stream)
// TrackPayment picks up a previously started payment and returns a payment
// update stream and an error stream.
func (r *routerClient) TrackPayment(ctx context.Context,
hash lntypes.Hash) (chan PaymentStatus, chan error, error) {
ctx = r.routerKitMac.WithMacaroonAuth(ctx)
stream, err := r.client.TrackPaymentV2(
ctx, &routerrpc.TrackPaymentRequest{
PaymentHash: hash[:],
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
return r.trackPayment(ctx, stream)
// trackPayment takes an update stream from either a SendPayment or a
// TrackPayment rpc call and converts it into distinct update and error streams.
func (r *routerClient) trackPayment(ctx context.Context,
stream routerrpc.Router_TrackPaymentV2Client) (chan PaymentStatus,
chan error, error) {
statusChan := make(chan PaymentStatus)
errorChan := make(chan error, 1)
go func() {
for {
payment, err := stream.Recv()
if err != nil {
switch status.Convert(err).Code() {
// NotFound is only expected as a response to
// TrackPayment.
case codes.NotFound:
err = channeldb.ErrPaymentNotInitiated
// NotFound is only expected as a response to
// SendPayment.
case codes.AlreadyExists:
err = channeldb.ErrAlreadyPaid
errorChan <- err
status, err := unmarshallPaymentStatus(payment)
if err != nil {
errorChan <- err
select {
case statusChan <- *status:
case <-ctx.Done():
return statusChan, errorChan, nil
// unmarshallPaymentStatus converts an rpc status update to the PaymentStatus
// type that is used throughout the application.
func unmarshallPaymentStatus(rpcPayment *lnrpc.Payment) (
*PaymentStatus, error) {
status := PaymentStatus{
State: rpcPayment.Status,
if status.State == lnrpc.Payment_SUCCEEDED {
preimage, err := lntypes.MakePreimageFromStr(
if err != nil {
return nil, err
status.Preimage = preimage
status.Fee = lnwire.MilliSatoshi(rpcPayment.FeeMsat)
status.Value = lnwire.MilliSatoshi(rpcPayment.ValueMsat)
for _, htlc := range rpcPayment.Htlcs {
if htlc.Status != lnrpc.HTLCAttempt_IN_FLIGHT {
lastHop := htlc.Route.Hops[len(htlc.Route.Hops)-1]
status.InFlightAmt += lnwire.MilliSatoshi(
return &status, nil
// unmarshallRoute unmarshalls an rpc route.
func unmarshallRoute(rpcroute *lnrpc.Route) (
*route.Route, error) {
hops := make([]*route.Hop, len(rpcroute.Hops))
for i, hop := range rpcroute.Hops {
routeHop, err := unmarshallHop(hop)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
hops[i] = routeHop
// TODO(joostjager): Fetch self node from lnd.
selfNode := route.Vertex{}
route, err := route.NewRouteFromHops(
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return route, nil
// unmarshallKnownPubkeyHop unmarshalls an rpc hop.
func unmarshallHop(hop *lnrpc.Hop) (*route.Hop, error) {
pubKey, err := hex.DecodeString(hop.PubKey)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot decode pubkey %s", hop.PubKey)
var pubKeyBytes [33]byte
copy(pubKeyBytes[:], pubKey)
return &route.Hop{
OutgoingTimeLock: hop.Expiry,
AmtToForward: lnwire.MilliSatoshi(hop.AmtToForwardMsat),
PubKeyBytes: pubKeyBytes,
ChannelID: hop.ChanId,
}, nil
// marshallRouteHints marshalls a list of route hints.
func marshallRouteHints(routeHints [][]zpay32.HopHint) (
[]*lnrpc.RouteHint, error) {
rpcRouteHints := make([]*lnrpc.RouteHint, 0, len(routeHints))
for _, routeHint := range routeHints {
rpcRouteHint := make(
[]*lnrpc.HopHint, 0, len(routeHint),
for _, hint := range routeHint {
rpcHint, err := marshallHopHint(hint)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
rpcRouteHint = append(rpcRouteHint, rpcHint)
rpcRouteHints = append(rpcRouteHints, &lnrpc.RouteHint{
HopHints: rpcRouteHint,
return rpcRouteHints, nil
// marshallHopHint marshalls a single hop hint.
func marshallHopHint(hint zpay32.HopHint) (*lnrpc.HopHint, error) {
nodeID, err := route.NewVertexFromBytes(
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &lnrpc.HopHint{
ChanId: hint.ChannelID,
CltvExpiryDelta: uint32(hint.CLTVExpiryDelta),
FeeBaseMsat: hint.FeeBaseMSat,
FeeProportionalMillionths: hint.FeeProportionalMillionths,
NodeId: nodeID.String(),
}, nil