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358 lines
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package main
import (
var (
// Define route independent max routing fees. We have currently no way
// to get a reliable estimate of the routing fees. Best we can do is
// the minimum routing fees, which is not very indicative.
maxRoutingFeeBase = btcutil.Amount(10)
maxRoutingFeeRate = int64(20000)
defaultSwapWaitTime = 30 * time.Minute
// maxMsgRecvSize is the largest message our client will receive. We
// set this to 200MiB atm.
maxMsgRecvSize = grpc.MaxCallRecvMsgSize(1 * 1024 * 1024 * 200)
// defaultMacaroonTimeout is the default macaroon timeout in seconds
// that we set when sending it over the line.
defaultMacaroonTimeout int64 = 60
tlsCertFlag = cli.StringFlag{
Name: "tlscertpath",
Usage: "path to loop's TLS certificate, only needed if loop " +
"runs in the same process as lnd",
macaroonPathFlag = cli.StringFlag{
Name: "macaroonpath",
Usage: "path to macaroon file, only needed if loop runs " +
"in the same process as lnd",
func printJSON(resp interface{}) {
b, err := json.Marshal(resp)
if err != nil {
var out bytes.Buffer
err = json.Indent(&out, b, "", "\t")
if err != nil {
_, _ = out.WriteTo(os.Stdout)
func printRespJSON(resp proto.Message) {
jsonMarshaler := &jsonpb.Marshaler{
OrigName: true,
EmitDefaults: true,
Indent: " ",
jsonStr, err := jsonMarshaler.MarshalToString(resp)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("unable to decode response: ", err)
func fatal(err error) {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "[loop] %v\n", err)
func main() {
app := cli.NewApp()
app.Version = loop.Version()
app.Name = "loop"
app.Usage = "control plane for your loopd"
app.Flags = []cli.Flag{
Name: "rpcserver",
Value: "localhost:11010",
Usage: "loopd daemon address host:port",
app.Commands = []cli.Command{
loopOutCommand, loopInCommand, termsCommand,
monitorCommand, quoteCommand, listAuthCommand,
listSwapsCommand, swapInfoCommand,
err := app.Run(os.Args)
if err != nil {
func getClient(ctx *cli.Context) (looprpc.SwapClientClient, func(), error) {
rpcServer := ctx.GlobalString("rpcserver")
tlsCertPath := ctx.GlobalString(tlsCertFlag.Name)
macaroonPath := ctx.GlobalString(macaroonPathFlag.Name)
conn, err := getClientConn(rpcServer, tlsCertPath, macaroonPath)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
cleanup := func() { conn.Close() }
loopClient := looprpc.NewSwapClientClient(conn)
return loopClient, cleanup, nil
func getMaxRoutingFee(amt btcutil.Amount) btcutil.Amount {
return swap.CalcFee(amt, maxRoutingFeeBase, maxRoutingFeeRate)
type limits struct {
maxSwapRoutingFee *btcutil.Amount
maxPrepayRoutingFee *btcutil.Amount
maxMinerFee btcutil.Amount
maxSwapFee btcutil.Amount
maxPrepayAmt *btcutil.Amount
func getLimits(amt btcutil.Amount, quote *looprpc.QuoteResponse) *limits {
maxSwapRoutingFee := getMaxRoutingFee(amt)
maxPrepayRoutingFee := getMaxRoutingFee(btcutil.Amount(
maxPrepayAmt := btcutil.Amount(quote.PrepayAmt)
return &limits{
maxSwapRoutingFee: &maxSwapRoutingFee,
maxPrepayRoutingFee: &maxPrepayRoutingFee,
// Apply a multiplier to the estimated miner fee, to not get
// the swap canceled because fees increased in the mean time.
maxMinerFee: btcutil.Amount(quote.MinerFee) * 100,
maxSwapFee: btcutil.Amount(quote.SwapFee),
maxPrepayAmt: &maxPrepayAmt,
func displayLimits(swapType swap.Type, amt, minerFees btcutil.Amount, l *limits,
externalHtlc bool, warning string) error {
totalSuccessMax := l.maxMinerFee + l.maxSwapFee
if l.maxSwapRoutingFee != nil {
totalSuccessMax += *l.maxSwapRoutingFee
if l.maxPrepayRoutingFee != nil {
totalSuccessMax += *l.maxPrepayRoutingFee
if swapType == swap.TypeIn && externalHtlc {
fmt.Printf("On-chain fee for external loop in is not " +
"included.\nSufficient fees will need to be paid " +
"when constructing the transaction in the external " +
fmt.Printf("Max swap fees for %d sat Loop %v: %d sat\n", amt, swapType,
if warning != "" {
fmt.Printf("CONTINUE SWAP? (y/n), expand fee detail (x): ")
var answer string
switch answer {
case "y":
return nil
case "x":
f := "%-36s %d sat\n"
switch swapType {
case swap.TypeOut:
fmt.Printf(f, "Estimated on-chain sweep fee:",
fmt.Printf(f, "Max on-chain sweep fee:", l.maxMinerFee)
case swap.TypeIn:
if !externalHtlc {
fmt.Printf(f, "Estimated on-chain HTLC fee:",
if l.maxSwapRoutingFee != nil {
fmt.Printf(f, "Max off-chain swap routing fee:",
if l.maxPrepayAmt != nil {
fmt.Printf(f, "Max no show penalty (prepay):",
if l.maxPrepayRoutingFee != nil {
fmt.Printf(f, "Max off-chain prepay routing fee:",
fmt.Printf(f, "Max swap fee:", l.maxSwapFee)
fmt.Printf("CONTINUE SWAP? (y/n): ")
if answer == "y" {
return nil
return errors.New("swap canceled")
func parseAmt(text string) (btcutil.Amount, error) {
amtInt64, err := strconv.ParseInt(text, 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("invalid amt value")
return btcutil.Amount(amtInt64), nil
func logSwap(swap *looprpc.SwapStatus) {
if swap.Type == looprpc.SwapType_LOOP_OUT {
fmt.Printf("%v %v %v %v - %v",
time.Unix(0, swap.LastUpdateTime).Format(time.RFC3339),
swap.Type, swap.State, btcutil.Amount(swap.Amt),
} else {
fmt.Printf("%v %v %v %v -",
time.Unix(0, swap.LastUpdateTime).Format(time.RFC3339),
swap.Type, swap.State, btcutil.Amount(swap.Amt))
if swap.HtlcAddressP2Wsh != "" {
fmt.Printf(" P2WSH: %v", swap.HtlcAddressP2Wsh)
if swap.HtlcAddressNp2Wsh != "" {
fmt.Printf(" NP2WSH: %v", swap.HtlcAddressNp2Wsh)
if swap.State != looprpc.SwapState_INITIATED &&
swap.State != looprpc.SwapState_HTLC_PUBLISHED &&
swap.State != looprpc.SwapState_PREIMAGE_REVEALED {
fmt.Printf(" (cost: server %v, onchain %v, offchain %v)",
swap.CostServer, swap.CostOnchain, swap.CostOffchain,
func getClientConn(address, tlsCertPath, macaroonPath string) (*grpc.ClientConn,
error) {
opts := []grpc.DialOption{
switch {
// If a TLS certificate file is specified, we need to load it and build
// transport credentials with it.
case tlsCertPath != "":
creds, err := credentials.NewClientTLSFromFile(tlsCertPath, "")
if err != nil {
// Macaroons are only allowed to be transmitted over a TLS
// enabled connection.
if macaroonPath != "" {
opts = append(opts, readMacaroon(macaroonPath))
opts = append(opts, grpc.WithTransportCredentials(creds))
// By default, if no certificate is supplied, we assume the RPC server
// runs without TLS.
opts = append(opts, grpc.WithInsecure())
conn, err := grpc.Dial(address, opts...)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to connect to RPC server: %v", err)
return conn, nil
// readMacaroon tries to read the macaroon file at the specified path and create
// gRPC dial options from it.
func readMacaroon(macPath string) grpc.DialOption {
// Load the specified macaroon file.
macBytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(macPath)
if err != nil {
fatal(fmt.Errorf("unable to read macaroon path : %v", err))
mac := &macaroon.Macaroon{}
if err = mac.UnmarshalBinary(macBytes); err != nil {
fatal(fmt.Errorf("unable to decode macaroon: %v", err))
macConstraints := []macaroons.Constraint{
// We add a time-based constraint to prevent replay of the
// macaroon. It's good for 60 seconds by default to make up for
// any discrepancy between client and server clocks, but leaking
// the macaroon before it becomes invalid makes it possible for
// an attacker to reuse the macaroon. In addition, the validity
// time of the macaroon is extended by the time the server clock
// is behind the client clock, or shortened by the time the
// server clock is ahead of the client clock (or invalid
// altogether if, in the latter case, this time is more than 60
// seconds).
// Apply constraints to the macaroon.
constrainedMac, err := macaroons.AddConstraints(mac, macConstraints...)
if err != nil {
// Now we append the macaroon credentials to the dial options.
cred := macaroons.NewMacaroonCredential(constrainedMac)
return grpc.WithPerRPCCredentials(cred)