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package liquidity
// Reason is an enum which represents the various reasons we have for not
// executing a swap.
type Reason uint8
const (
// ReasonNone is the zero value reason, added so that this enum can
// align with the numeric values used in our protobufs and avoid
// ambiguity around default zero values.
ReasonNone Reason = iota
// ReasonBudgetNotStarted indicates that we do not recommend any swaps
// because the start time for our budget has not arrived yet.
// ReasonSweepFees indicates that the estimated fees to sweep swaps
// are too high right now.
// ReasonBudgetElapsed indicates that the autoloop budget for the
// period has been elapsed.
// ReasonInFlight indicates that the limit on in-flight automatically
// dispatched swaps has already been reached.
// ReasonSwapFee indicates that the server fee for a specific swap is
// too high.
// ReasonMinerFee indicates that the miner fee for a specific swap is
// to high.
// ReasonPrepay indicates that the prepay fee for a specific swap is
// too high.
// ReasonFailureBackoff indicates that a swap has recently failed for
// this target, and the backoff period has not yet passed.
// ReasonLoopOut indicates that a loop out swap is currently utilizing
// the channel, so it is not eligible.
// ReasonLoopIn indicates that a loop in swap is currently in flight
// for the peer, so it is not eligible.
// ReasonLiquidityOk indicates that a target meets the liquidity
// balance expressed in its rule, so no swap is needed.
// ReasonBudgetInsufficient indicates that we cannot perform a swap
// because we do not have enough pending budget available. This differs
// from budget elapsed, because we still have some budget available,
// but we have allocated it to other swaps.