You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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"""Manifest class."""
import logging
from typing import Any, List, Optional, Tuple, Union, cast
import numpy as np
from manifest.caches.noop import NoopCache
from manifest.caches.redis import RedisCache
from manifest.caches.sqlite import SQLiteCache
from manifest.clients.ai21 import AI21Client
from manifest.clients.chatgpt import ChatGPTClient
from manifest.clients.cohere import CohereClient
from manifest.clients.diffuser import DiffuserClient
from manifest.clients.dummy import DummyClient
from manifest.clients.huggingface import HuggingFaceClient
from manifest.clients.openai import OpenAIClient
from manifest.clients.toma import TOMAClient
from manifest.response import Response
from manifest.session import Session
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
"openai": OpenAIClient,
"chatgpt": ChatGPTClient,
"cohere": CohereClient,
"ai21": AI21Client,
"huggingface": HuggingFaceClient,
"diffuser": DiffuserClient,
"dummy": DummyClient,
"toma": TOMAClient,
"redis": RedisCache,
"sqlite": SQLiteCache,
"noop": NoopCache,
class Manifest:
"""Manifest session object."""
def __init__(
client_name: str = "openai",
client_connection: Optional[str] = None,
cache_name: str = "noop",
cache_connection: Optional[str] = None,
session_id: Optional[str] = None,
stop_token: str = "",
**kwargs: Any,
Initialize manifest.
client_name: name of client.
client_connection: connection string for client.
cache_name: name of cache.
cache_connection: connection string for cache.
session_id: session id for user session cache.
2 years ago
None (default) means no session logging.
"_default" means generate new session id.
stop_token: stop token prompt generation.
Can be overridden in run
Remaining kwargs sent to client and cache.
if client_name not in CLIENT_CONSTRUCTORS:
raise ValueError(
f"Unknown client name: {client_name}. "
f"Choices are {list(CLIENT_CONSTRUCTORS.keys())}"
if cache_name not in CACHE_CONSTRUCTORS:
raise ValueError(
f"Unknown cache name: {cache_name}. "
f"Choices are {list(CACHE_CONSTRUCTORS.keys())}"
self.client_name = client_name
# Must pass kwargs as dict for client "pop" methods removed used arguments
self.cache = CACHE_CONSTRUCTORS[cache_name]( # type: ignore
cache_connection, self.client_name, cache_args=kwargs
self.client = CLIENT_CONSTRUCTORS[self.client_name]( # type: ignore
client_connection, client_args=kwargs
if session_id is not None:
if self.client_name == "diffuser":
raise NotImplementedError(
"Session logging not implemented for Diffuser client."
2 years ago
if session_id == "_default":
# Set session_id to None for Session random id
2 years ago
session_id = None
self.session = Session(session_id)
self.session = None
if len(kwargs) > 0:
raise ValueError(f"{list(kwargs.items())} arguments are not recognized.")
self.stop_token = stop_token
def close(self) -> None:
"""Close the client and cache."""
def change_client(
client_name: Optional[str] = None,
client_connection: Optional[str] = None,
stop_token: Optional[str] = None,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> None:
Change manifest client.
client_name: name of client.
client_connection: connection string for client.
stop_token: stop token prompt generation.
Can be overridden in run
Remaining kwargs sent to client.
if client_name:
if client_name not in CLIENT_CONSTRUCTORS:
raise ValueError(
f"Unknown client name: {client_name}. "
f"Choices are {list(CLIENT_CONSTRUCTORS.keys())}"
self.client_name = client_name
self.client = CLIENT_CONSTRUCTORS[client_name]( # type: ignore
client_connection, client_args=kwargs
if len(kwargs) > 0:
raise ValueError(
f"{list(kwargs.items())} arguments are not recognized."
if stop_token is not None:
self.stop_token = stop_token
def run(
prompt: Union[str, List[str]],
gold_choices: Optional[List[str]] = None,
overwrite_cache: bool = False,
run_id: Optional[str] = None,
stop_token: Optional[str] = None,
return_response: bool = False,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> Union[str, List[str], np.ndarray, List[np.ndarray], Response]:
Run the prompt.
prompt: prompt(s) to run.
gold_choices: gold choices for max logit response (only HF models).
overwrite_cache: whether to overwrite cache.
run_id: run id for cache to repeat same run.
stop_token: stop token for prompt generation.
Default is self.stop_token.
"" for no stop token.
return_response: whether to return Response object.
response from prompt.
is_batch = isinstance(prompt, list)
stop_token = stop_token if stop_token is not None else self.stop_token
# Must pass kwargs as dict for client "pop" methods removed used arguments
request_params = self.client.get_request_params(prompt, kwargs)
# Avoid nested list of results - enforce n = 1 for batch
if is_batch and request_params.n > 1:
raise ValueError("Batch mode does not support n > 1.")
if gold_choices is None:
possible_request, full_kwargs = self.client.get_request(request_params)
2 years ago
possible_request, full_kwargs = cast(
HuggingFaceClient, self.client
).get_choice_logit_request(gold_choices, request_params)
except AttributeError:
raise ValueError("`gold_choices` only supported for HF models.")
# Check for invalid kwargs
non_request_kwargs = [
(k, v) for k, v in kwargs.items() if k not in request_params.__dict__
if len(non_request_kwargs) > 0:
raise ValueError(
f"{list(non_request_kwargs)} arguments are not recognized."
# Warn for valid but unused kwargs
request_unused_kwargs = [
(k, v) for k, v in kwargs.items() if k not in non_request_kwargs
if len(request_unused_kwargs) > 0:
logger.warning(f"{list(request_unused_kwargs)} arguments are unused.")
# Create cacke key
cache_key = full_kwargs.copy()
# Make query model dependent
if run_id:
cache_key["run_id"] = run_id
response_obj = self.cache.get(cache_key, overwrite_cache, possible_request)
# Log session dictionary values
2 years ago
if self.session:
self.session.log_query(cache_key, response_obj.to_dict())
# Extract text results
if return_response:
return response_obj
return response_obj.get_response(stop_token, is_batch)
def get_last_queries(
last_n: int = -1,
return_raw_values: bool = False,
stop_token: Optional[str] = None,
) -> List[Tuple[Any, Any]]:
Get last n queries from current session.
If last_n is -1, return all queries. By default will only return the
prompt text and result text unles return_raw_values is False.
last_n: last n queries.
return_raw_values: whether to return raw values as dicts.
stop_token: stop token for prompt results to be applied to all results.
last n list of queries and outputs.
2 years ago
if self.session is None:
raise ValueError(
"Session was not initialized. Set `session_id` when loading Manifest."
stop_token = stop_token if stop_token is not None else self.stop_token
last_queries = self.session.get_last_queries(last_n)
if not return_raw_values:
last_queries = [
stop_token, is_batch=isinstance(query["prompt"], list)
) # type: ignore
for query, response in last_queries
return last_queries
def open_explorer(self) -> None:
"""Open the explorer for jupyter widget."""
# Open explorer
# TODO: implement