You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

177 lines
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# Manifest
How to make prompt programming with FMs a little easier.
## Install
Download the code:
git clone
cd manifest
pip install poetry
poetry install --no-dev
Dev Install:
pip install poetry
make dev
## Getting Started
Running is simple to get started. If using OpenAI, set `export OPENAI_API_KEY=<OPENAIKEY>` then run
from manifest import Manifest
# Start a manifest session
manifest = Manifest(
client_name = "openai",
)"Why is the grass green?")
We also support AI21, OPT models, and HuggingFace models (see [below](#huggingface-models)).
Caching by default is turned off, but to cache results, run
from manifest import Manifest
# Start a manifest session
manifest = Manifest(
client_name = "openai",
cache_name = "sqlite",
cache_connection = "mycache.sqlite",
)"Why is the grass green?")
We also support Redis backend.
## Manifest Components
Manifest is meant to be a very light weight package to help with prompt iteration. Three key design decisions are
* Prompt are functional -- they can take an input example and dynamically change
* All models are behind API calls (e.g., OpenAI)
* Everything can cached for reuse to both save credits and to explore past results
### Prompts
A Manifest prompt is a function that accepts a single input to generate a string prompt to send to a model.
from manifest import Prompt
prompt = Prompt(lambda x: "Hello, my name is {x}")
>>> "Hello, my name is Laurel"
We also let you use static strings
prompt = Prompt("Hello, my name is static")
>>> "Hello, my name is static"
### Sessions
Each Manifest run is a session that connects to a model endpoint and backend database to record prompt queries. To start a Manifest session for OpenAI, make sure you run
so we can access OpenAI.
Then run:
from manifest import Manifest
manifest = Manifest(
client_name = "openai",
cache_name = "sqlite",
cache_connection = "sqlite.cache"
This will start a session with OpenAI and save all results to a local file called `sqlite.cache`.
We also support a Redis backend. If you have a Redis database running on port 6379, run
manifest = Manifest(
client_name = "openai",
cache_name = "redis",
cache_connection = "localhost:6379"
As a hint, if you want to get Redis running, see the `docker run` command below under development.
We will explain [below](#huggingface-models) how to use Manifest for a locally hosted HuggingFace model.
Once you have a session open, you can write and develop prompts.
prompt = Prompt(lambda x: "Hello, my name is {x}")
result =, "Laurel")
You can also run over multiple examples.
results = manifest.batch_run(prompt, ["Laurel", "Avanika"])
If something doesn't go right, you can also ask to get a raw manifest Response.
result_object = manifest.batch_run(prompt, ["Laurel", "Avanika"], return_response=True)
By default, we do not truncate results based on a stop token. You can change this by either passing a new stop token to a Manifest session or to a `run` or `batch_run`. If you set the stop token to `""`, we will not truncate the model output.
result =, "Laurel", stop_token="and")
If you want to change default parameters to a model, we pass those as `kwargs` to the client.
result =, "Laurel", max_tokens=50)
### Huggingface Models
To use a HuggingFace generative model, in `manifest/api` we have a Falsk application that hosts the models for you.
In a separate terminal or Tmux/Screen session, run
python3 manifest/api/ --model_type huggingface --model_name EleutherAI/gpt-j-6B --device 0
You will see the Flask session start and output a URL ``. Pass this in to Manifest. If you want to use a different port, set the `FLASK_PORT` environment variable.
manifest = Manifest(
client_name = "huggingface",
client_connection = "",
If you have a custom model you trained, pass the model path to `--model_name`.
## Development
Before submitting a PR, run
export REDIS_PORT="6380" # or whatever PORT local redis is running for those tests
docker run -d -p${REDIS_PORT}:6380 -v `pwd`:`pwd` -w `pwd` --name manifest_redis_test redis
make test
To use our development Redis database, email [Laurel]( If you have access to our GCP account, in a separate terminal, run
gcloud compute ssh "manifest-connect" --zone "europe-west4-a" --project "hai-gcp-head-models" -- -N -L 6379:
Then if you issue
redis-cli ping
You should see a `PONG` response from our database.