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import io
import json
import os
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Dict
import numpy as np
import xxhash
from manifest.caches.array_cache import ArrayCache
class Serializer:
def request_to_key(self, request: Dict) -> str:
Normalize a request into a key.
request: request to normalize.
normalized key.
return json.dumps(request, sort_keys=True)
def key_to_request(self, key: str) -> Dict:
Convert the normalized version to the request.
key: normalized key to convert.
unnormalized request dict.
return json.loads(key)
def response_to_key(self, response: Dict) -> str:
Normalize a response into a key.
response: response to normalize.
normalized key.
return json.dumps(response, sort_keys=True)
def key_to_response(self, key: str) -> Dict:
Convert the normalized version to the response.
key: normalized key to convert.
unnormalized response dict.
return json.loads(key)
class NumpyByteSerializer(Serializer):
"""Serializer by casting array to byte string."""
def response_to_key(self, response: Dict) -> str:
Normalize a response into a key.
response: response to normalize.
normalized key.
# Assume response is a dict with keys "choices" -> List dicts
# with keys "array".
choices = response["choices"]
# We don't want to modify the response in place
# but we want to avoid calling deepcopy on an array
del response["choices"]
response_copy = response.copy()
response["choices"] = choices
response_copy["choices"] = []
for choice in choices:
if "array" not in choice:
raise ValueError(
f"Choice with keys {choice.keys()} does not have array key."
arr = choice["array"]
# Avoid copying an array
del choice["array"]
new_choice = choice.copy()
choice["array"] = arr
with io.BytesIO() as f:
np.savez_compressed(f, data=arr)
hash_str = f.getvalue().hex()
new_choice["array"] = hash_str
return json.dumps(response_copy, sort_keys=True)
def key_to_response(self, key: str) -> Dict:
Convert the normalized version to the response.
key: normalized key to convert.
unnormalized response dict.
response = json.loads(key)
for choice in response["choices"]:
hash_str = choice["array"]
byte_str = bytes.fromhex(hash_str)
with io.BytesIO(byte_str) as f:
choice["array"] = np.load(f)["data"]
return response
class ArraySerializer(Serializer):
"""Serializer for array."""
def __init__(self) -> None:
Initialize array serializer.
We don't want to cache the array. We hash the value and
store the array in a memmap file. Store filename/offsets
in sqlitedict to keep track of hash -> array.
self.hash = xxhash.xxh64()
manifest_home = Path(os.environ.get("MANIFEST_HOME", Path.home()))
cache_folder = manifest_home / ".manifest" / "array_cache"
self.writer = ArrayCache(cache_folder)
def response_to_key(self, response: Dict) -> str:
Normalize a response into a key.
Convert arrays to hash string for cache key.
response: response to normalize.
normalized key.
# Assume response is a dict with keys "choices" -> List dicts
# with keys "array".
choices = response["choices"]
# We don't want to modify the response in place
# but we want to avoid calling deepcopy on an array
del response["choices"]
response_copy = response.copy()
response["choices"] = choices
response_copy["choices"] = []
for choice in choices:
if "array" not in choice:
raise ValueError(
f"Choice with keys {choice.keys()} does not have array key."
arr = choice["array"]
# Avoid copying an array
del choice["array"]
new_choice = choice.copy()
choice["array"] = arr
hash_str = self.hash.hexdigest()
new_choice["array"] = hash_str
if not self.writer.contains_key(hash_str):
self.writer.put(hash_str, arr)
return json.dumps(response_copy, sort_keys=True)
def key_to_response(self, key: str) -> Dict:
Convert the normalized version to the response.
Convert the hash string keys to the arrays.
key: normalized key to convert.
unnormalized response dict.
response = json.loads(key)
for choice in response["choices"]:
hash_str = choice["array"]
choice["array"] = self.writer.get(hash_str)
return response