Initial version of migrate-gitlab-gogs issue migration

Matthew Ruschmann 8 years ago
commit 418b37f518

.gitignore vendored

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# Gitlab to Gogs Issue Migrator
This is a small app written in go that migrates issues from Gitlab to Gogs. It
uses the Gitlab and Gogs APIs, which results in some limitations. Specifically,
the Gogs API does not permit modification of timestamps.
# What it does
- Migrate issues from Gitlab to Gogs using the APIs
- Migrate issue comments from Gitlab to Gogs
- Migrate Milestones from Gitlab to Gogs
- Create issue labels as necessary
- Use a predefined user map to map Gitlab usernames to Gogs usernames
# What it does not do
- *Preserve timestamps*
- Create or migrate projects
- Create or migrate users
- Migrate the wiki
- Migrate git repositories
- Migrate attachments
# Requirements
- Install go
- *Backup your Gogs data!* Your first migration may not go as planned
# Building and running
Text in single quotations are commands intended to be run on the command line.
Do not include the quotes when you enter them on the command line.
1. Clone this repository
2. Change directory into this repository
3. Run 'go get'
4. Run 'go get'
5. Run 'go build'
6. Edit config.json
- Modify the Gitlab API URL to point to your server
- Change GITLABAPIKEY to your [Gitlab API key](
- Modify the Gogs API URL to point to your server
- Change GOGSAPIKEY to your Gogs API key
7. Run ./migrate-gitlab-gogs
8. Enter the number of the Gitlab project that you want to migrate and press
9. Enter the number of the Gogs project that you want to migrate and press
10. Review the simulation information (The script does not attempt to modify the
Gogs repository during a dry run. Therefore the actual migration may be
slightly different.)
11. If you are happy with the simulation, then press <Enter> to perform the actual
After the migration, verify the results in your Gogs repository. If you are not
happy with the migration, then restore your backup and modify this script to
meet your needs.

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
"GitlabURL": "http://gitlab.avocado.lan/api/v3",
"GitlabAPIKey": "Jb_zeFc99w8TDwC_e75-",
"GogsURL": "http://gogs.avocado.lan",
"GogsAPIKey": "a4f87d9ef73a557d6dba387ccda2344f9ae69385",
"UserMap": [{"From": "matthew", "To": "mruschmann"},
{"From": "cjohnson", "To": "cochocinco"},
{"From": "cochocinco", "To": "cjohnson"}]

@ -0,0 +1,345 @@
package main
import (
/** The configuration that will be loaded from a JSON file */
type Configuration struct {
GitlabURL string; ///< URL to the Gitlab API interface
GitlabAPIKey string; ///< API Key for Gitlab
GogsURL string; ///< URL to the Gogs API interface
GogsAPIKey string; ///< API Key for Gogs
UserMap []UsersMap; ///< Map of Gitlab usernames to Gogs usernames
/** An instance of the Configuration to store the loaded data */
var config Configuration
/** The main routine for this program, which migrates a Gitlab project to Gogs
* 1. Reads the configuration from config.json.
* 2. Polls the Gitlab server for projects
* 3. Prompts the user for the Gitlab project to migrate
* 4. Pools the Gogs server for projects
* 5. Prompts the user for the Gogs project to migrate
* 6. Simulates the migration without writing to the Gogs API
* 7. Prompts the user to press <Enter> to perform the migration
* 8. Performs the migration of Gitlab project to Gogs Project
func main() {
var projPtr []*gogs.Repository
reader := bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin)
found := false
num := 0
var gogsPrj *gogs.Repository
var gitPrj *gitlab.Project
// Load configuration from config.json
file, err9 := ioutil.ReadFile("./config.json")
err9 = json.Unmarshal(file, &config)
fmt.Println("GitlabURL:", config.GitlabURL)
fmt.Println("GitlabAPIKey:", config.GitlabAPIKey)
fmt.Println("GogsURL:", config.GogsURL)
fmt.Println("GogsAPIKey:", config.GogsAPIKey)
fmt.Println("UserMap: [")
for i := range config.UserMap {
fmt.Println("\t", config.UserMap[i].From, "to", config.UserMap[i].To)
// Have user select a source project from gitlab
git := gitlab.NewClient(nil, config.GitlabAPIKey)
opt := &gitlab.ListProjectsOptions{}
gitlabProjects, _, err := git.Projects.ListProjects(opt)
for i := range gitlabProjects {
fmt.Println(gitlabProjects[i].ID, ":", gitlabProjects[i].Name)
fmt.Printf("Select source gitlab project: ")
text, _ := reader.ReadString('\n')
text = strings.Trim(text, "\n")
for i := range gitlabProjects {
num, _ = strconv.Atoi(text)
if num == gitlabProjects[i].ID {
found = true
gitPrj = gitlabProjects[i]
} // else purposefully omitted
if !found {
fmt.Println(text, "not found")
} // else purposefully omitted
// Have user select a destination project in gogs
gg := gogs.NewClient(config.GogsURL, config.GogsAPIKey)
projPtr, err = gg.ListMyRepos()
for i := range projPtr {
fmt.Println(projPtr[i].ID, ":", projPtr[i].Name)
fmt.Printf("Select destination gogs project: ")
text, _ = reader.ReadString('\n')
text = strings.Trim(text, "\n")
for i := range projPtr {
num, _ = strconv.Atoi(text)
if int64(num) == projPtr[i].ID {
found = true
gogsPrj = projPtr[i]
} // else purposefully omitted
if !found {
fmt.Println(text, "not found")
} // else purposefully omitted
// Perform pre merge
fmt.Println("\nSimulated migration of", gitPrj.Name, "to", gogsPrj.Name)
DoMigration(true, git, gg, gitPrj.ID, gogsPrj.Name, gogsPrj.Owner.UserName)
// Perform actual migration
fmt.Println("\nCompleted simulation. Press <Enter> to perform migration...")
text, _ = reader.ReadString('\n')
DoMigration(false, git, gg, gitPrj.ID, gogsPrj.Name, gogsPrj.Owner.UserName)
/** A map of a milestone from its Gitlab ID to its new Gogs ID */
type MilestoneMap struct {
from int ///< ID in Gitlab
to int64 ///< New ID in Gogs
/** Performs a migration
* \param dryrun Does not write to the Gogs API if true
* \param git A gitlab client for making API calls
* \param gg A gogs client for making API calls
* \param gitPrj ID of the Gitlab project to migrate from
* \param gogsPrj The name of the Gitlab project to migrate into
* \param owner The owner of gogsPrj, which is required to make API calls
* This function migrates the Milestones first. It creates a map from the old
* Gitlab milestone IDs to the new Gogs milestone IDs. It uses these IDs to
* migrate the issues. For each issue, it migrates all of the comments.
func DoMigration(dryrun bool, git *gitlab.Client, gg *gogs.Client, gitPrj int, gogsPrj string, owner string) {
var mmap []MilestoneMap
var listMiles gitlab.ListMilestonesOptions
var listIssues gitlab.ListProjectIssuesOptions
var listNotes gitlab.ListIssueNotesOptions
var err error
var milestone *gogs.Milestone
var issueIndex int64
issueNum := 0
sort := "asc"
listIssues.PerPage = 1000
listIssues.Sort = &sort
// Migrate all of the milestones
milestones, _, err0 := git.Milestones.ListMilestones(gitPrj, &listMiles)
for i := range milestones {
fmt.Println("Create Milestone:", milestones[i].Title)
var opt gogs.CreateMilestoneOption
opt.Title = milestones[i].Title
opt.Description = milestones[i].Description
if !dryrun {
// Never write to the API during a dryrun
milestone, err = gg.CreateMilestone(owner, gogsPrj, opt)
mmap = append(mmap, MilestoneMap{milestones[i].ID, milestone.ID})
} // else purposefully omitted
if milestones[i].State == "closed" {
fmt.Println("Marking as closed")
var opt2 gogs.EditMilestoneOption
opt2.Title = opt.Title
opt2.Description = &opt.Description
opt2.State = &milestones[i].State
if !dryrun {
// Never write to the API during a dryrun
milestone, err = gg.EditMilestone(owner, gogsPrj, milestone.ID, opt2)
} // else purposefully omitted
} // else purposefully omitted
// Migrate all of the issues
issues, _, err1 := git.Issues.ListProjectIssues(gitPrj, &listIssues)
for i := range issues {
if issueNum == issues[i].IID {
fmt.Println("Create Issue", issues[i].IID, ":", issues[i].Title)
var opt gogs.CreateIssueOption
opt.Title = issues[i].Title
opt.Body = issues[i].Description
opt.Assignee = MapUser(issues[i].Author.Username) // Gitlab user to Gogs user map
opt.Milestone = MapMilestone(mmap, issues[i].Milestone.ID)
opt.Closed = issues[i].State == "closed"
if !dryrun {
// Never write to the API during a dryrun
for k := range issues[i].Labels {
opt.Labels = append(opt.Labels, GetIssueLabel(git, gg, gitPrj, gogsPrj, owner, issues[i].Labels[k]));
issue, err6 := gg.CreateIssue(owner, gogsPrj, opt)
issueIndex = issue.Index
} // else purposefully omitted
// Migrate all of the issue notes
notes, _, err2 := git.Notes.ListIssueNotes(gitPrj, issues[i].ID, &listNotes)
for j := range notes {
fmt.Println("Adding note", notes[j].ID)
var opt2 gogs.CreateIssueCommentOption
//var opt3 gogs.EditIssueCommentOption
opt2.Body = notes[j].Body
//opt3.Body = notes[j].Body
if !dryrun {
// Never write to the API during a dryrun
_, err := gg.CreateIssueComment(owner, gogsPrj, issueIndex, opt2)
//_, err = gg.EditIssueComment(owner, gogsPrj, issueIndex, comment.ID, opt3)
} // else purposefully omitted
} else {
// TODO Create a temp issue and delete it later (MCR 9/29/16)
fmt.Println("Issues not in order!!")
fmt.Println("Preservation of skipped issues IDs is not implemented")
/** Find the ID of an label from its name or create a new label
* \param git A gitlab client for making API calls
* \param gg A gogs client for making API calls
* \param gitPrj ID of the Gitlab project to migrate from
* \param gogsPrj The name of the Gitlab project to migrate into
* \param owner The owner of gogsPrj, which is required to make API calls
* \param label The name of the label to find or create
* \return The ID of the tag in Gogs
func GetIssueLabel(git *gitlab.Client, gg *gogs.Client, gitPrj int, gogsPrj string, owner string, label string) (int64) {
ID := int64(-1)
found := false
labels, err := gg.ListRepoLabels(owner, gogsPrj)
for i := range labels {
if labels[i].Name == label {
fmt.Println("Found label", label)
ID = labels[i].ID
found = true
if !found {
tags, _, err1 := git.Labels.ListLabels(gitPrj)
for i:= range tags {
if tags[i].Name == label {
fmt.Println("Create label", label, "color", tags[i].Color)
var opt gogs.CreateLabelOption
opt.Name = label
opt.Color = tags[i].Color
tag, err2 := gg.CreateLabel(owner, gogsPrj, opt)
found = true
ID = tag.ID
} // else purposefully omitted
if !found {
fmt.Println("Unable to find label", label, "in gitlab!!")
} // else purposefully omitted
return ID
/** An entry in the user map from Gitlab to Gogs */
type UsersMap struct {
From string ///< The user name to map from
To string ///< The user name to map to
/** Maps a Gitlab user name to the desired Gogs user name
* @param user The Gitlab user name to map
* @return The Gogs user name
func MapUser(user string) (string) {
u := user
for i := range config.UserMap {
if user == config.UserMap[i].From {
u = config.UserMap[i].To
} // else purposefully omitted
return u
/** Maps a Gitlab milestone to the desired Gogs milestone
* @param mmap An array of ID maps from Gitlab to Gogs
* @param user The Gitlab milestone to map
* @return The Gogs milstone
func MapMilestone(mmap []MilestoneMap, ID int) (int64) {
var toID int64
toID = int64(ID)
for i := range mmap {
if (mmap[i].from == ID) {
toID = mmap[i].to
} // else purposefully omitted
return toID
/** Checks an error code and exists if not nil
* @param err The error code to check
func CheckError(err error) {
if err != nil {
} // else purposefully omitted