use reqwest::blocking::Client; use reqwest::header::CONTENT_TYPE; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::fs; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use url::Url; use crate::opts::Options; use crate::url::{clean_url, parse_data_url}; const ANSI_COLOR_RED: &'static str = "\x1b[31m"; const ANSI_COLOR_RESET: &'static str = "\x1b[0m"; const MAGIC: [[&[u8]; 2]; 18] = [ // Image [b"GIF87a", b"image/gif"], [b"GIF89a", b"image/gif"], [b"\xFF\xD8\xFF", b"image/jpeg"], [b"\x89PNG\x0D\x0A\x1A\x0A", b"image/png"], [b" String { for magic_item in MAGIC.iter() { if data.starts_with(magic_item[0]) { return String::from_utf8(magic_item[1].to_vec()).unwrap(); } } if url.path().to_lowercase().ends_with(".svg") { return str!("image/svg+xml"); } str!() } pub fn is_plaintext_media_type(media_type: &str) -> bool { media_type.to_lowercase().as_str().starts_with("text/") || PLAINTEXT_MEDIA_TYPES.contains(&media_type.to_lowercase().as_str()) } pub fn indent(level: u32) -> String { let mut result: String = String::new(); let mut l: u32 = level; while l > 0 { result += " "; l -= 1; } result } pub fn retrieve_asset( cache: &mut HashMap>, client: &Client, parent_url: &Url, url: &Url, options: &Options, depth: u32, ) -> Result<(Vec, Url, String), reqwest::Error> { if url.scheme() == "data" { let (media_type, data) = parse_data_url(url); Ok((data, url.clone(), media_type)) } else if url.scheme() == "file" { // Check if parent_url is also file:/// (if not, then we don't embed the asset) if parent_url.scheme() != "file" { if !options.silent { eprintln!( "{}{}{} ({}){}", indent(depth).as_str(), if options.no_color { "" } else { ANSI_COLOR_RED }, &url, "Security Error", if options.no_color { "" } else { ANSI_COLOR_RESET }, ); } // Provoke error client.get("").send()?; } let path_buf: PathBuf = url.to_file_path().unwrap().clone(); let path: &Path = path_buf.as_path(); if path.exists() { if path.is_dir() { if !options.silent { eprintln!( "{}{}{} (is a directory){}", indent(depth).as_str(), if options.no_color { "" } else { ANSI_COLOR_RED }, &url, if options.no_color { "" } else { ANSI_COLOR_RESET }, ); } // Provoke error Err(client.get("").send().unwrap_err()) } else { if !options.silent { eprintln!("{}{}", indent(depth).as_str(), &url); } Ok((fs::read(&path).expect(""), url.clone(), str!())) } } else { if !options.silent { eprintln!( "{}{}{} (not found){}", indent(depth).as_str(), if options.no_color { "" } else { ANSI_COLOR_RED }, &url, if options.no_color { "" } else { ANSI_COLOR_RESET }, ); } // Provoke error Err(client.get("").send().unwrap_err()) } } else { let cache_key: String = clean_url(url.clone()).as_str().to_string(); if cache.contains_key(&cache_key) { // URL is in cache, // we get and return it if !options.silent { eprintln!("{}{} (from cache)", indent(depth).as_str(), &url); } Ok((cache.get(&cache_key).unwrap().to_vec(), url.clone(), str!())) } else { // URL not in cache, // we retrieve the file match client.get(url.as_str()).send() { Ok(mut response) => { if !options.ignore_errors && response.status() != 200 { if !options.silent { eprintln!( "{}{}{} ({}){}", indent(depth).as_str(), if options.no_color { "" } else { ANSI_COLOR_RED }, &url, response.status(), if options.no_color { "" } else { ANSI_COLOR_RESET }, ); } // Provoke error return Err(client.get("").send().unwrap_err()); } if !options.silent { if url.as_str() == response.url().as_str() { eprintln!("{}{}", indent(depth).as_str(), &url); } else { eprintln!("{}{} -> {}", indent(depth).as_str(), &url, &response.url()); } } let new_cache_key: String = clean_url(response.url().clone()).to_string(); // Convert response into a byte array let mut data: Vec = vec![]; response.copy_to(&mut data).unwrap(); // Attempt to obtain media type by reading Content-Type header let media_type: &str = response .headers() .get(CONTENT_TYPE) .and_then(|header| header.to_str().ok()) .unwrap_or(""); // Add retrieved resource to cache cache.insert(new_cache_key, data.clone()); // Return Ok((data, response.url().clone(), media_type.to_string())) } Err(error) => { if !options.silent { eprintln!( "{}{}{} ({}){}", indent(depth).as_str(), if options.no_color { "" } else { ANSI_COLOR_RED }, &url, error, if options.no_color { "" } else { ANSI_COLOR_RESET }, ); } Err(client.get("").send().unwrap_err()) } } } } }