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mod passing {
use html5ever::serialize::{serialize, SerializeOpts};
use crate::html;
fn basic() {
let html = "<div>text</div>";
let mut dom = html::html_to_dom(&html.as_bytes().to_vec(), str!());
dom = html::add_favicon(&dom.document, "I_AM_A_FAVICON_DATA_URL".to_string());
let mut buf: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
serialize(&mut buf, &dom.document, SerializeOpts::default()).unwrap();
buf.iter().map(|&c| c as char).collect::<String>(),
"<html><head><link rel=\"icon\" href=\"I_AM_A_FAVICON_DATA_URL\"></link></head><body><div>text</div></body></html>"