* Split the 'kernel ...' parameter not by ',/' but by ',' because some distro contains relative paths there and then we don't see './' there.

* Fix the last block of syslinux config file being picked up but being partially extracted (only to the end of the line rather than to the end of the block). => Took $ out of the regular expression and handles the last block separately.
* Don't use 'menu label' as a key to split a syslinux config file into blocks. Solely use 'label' as the separator for extracting menu items out of syslinux config file. If 'menu label' is also considered, then we may split halfway within a block. => Removed 'menu label' from the regular expression.
Shinji Suzuki 6 years ago
parent a3542439f7
commit 0669b962ed

@ -211,48 +211,53 @@ def write_to_file(file_path, _strings):
gen.log('Error writing to %s...' % file_path)
def extract_kernel_line(search_text, match_line, isolinux_dir):
def kernel_search_path(isolinux_dir):
def locate_kernel_file(subpath, isolinux_dir):
for d in [
iso.iso_basename(config.image_path), isolinux_dir),
# Down below are dire attemps to find.
iso.iso_basename(config.image_path), 'arch'),
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(config.usb_mount, d, subpath)):
unix_style_path = os.path.join(d, subpath).\
replace('\\', '/').\
return ('/' + unix_style_path)
return subpath
def tweak_bootfile_path(img_file_spec, isolinux_dir):
Function to check if kernel/linux line present in isolinux.cfg file is valid.
If valid, then convert them in to grub accepted format
:param search_text: Type of text is to be searched. Typically kernel or linux
:param match_line: Line containing kernel ot linux from isolinux supported .cfg files
Function to find image files to boot and return them concatinated
with a space. Return the spec untouched if no locations are found.
:param kernel_file_spec: Image path specification lead by kernel/linux keyword within isolinux supported .cfg files.
:param isolinux_dir: Path to isolinux directory of an ISO
:return: Valid grub2 accepted kernel/linux line after conversion. If nothing found return ''.
:return: Converted file paths joined by a space. If no files can be located, img_file_spec is returned unmodified.
kernel_line = ''
# Remove '=' from linux/kernel parameter
if (search_text + '=') in match_line:
kernel_path = match_line.replace((search_text + '='), '').strip()
search_text = search_text.replace('=', '')
kernel_path = match_line.replace(search_text, '', 1).strip()
# Check if kernel/linux exist using absolute path (kernel_path)
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(config.usb_mount, kernel_path)):
kernel_line = search_text.lower().replace('kernel', 'linux') + ' ' + kernel_path.strip()
# Check if path to kernel/linux exist in isolinux directory and return absolute path
elif os.path.exists(os.path.join(config.usb_mount, 'multibootusb', iso.iso_basename(config.image_path), isolinux_dir, kernel_path)):
kernel_line = search_text.lower().replace('kernel', 'linux') + ' /multibootusb/' + \
iso.iso_basename(config.image_path) + '/' + isolinux_dir + '/' + kernel_path.strip()
# Check if multiple kernel/linux exist and convert it to grub accepted line
# Found such entries in manjaro and slitaz
elif ',/' in kernel_path:
kernel_line = search_text.lower().replace('kernel', 'linux') + ' ' + kernel_path.strip()
kernel_line = kernel_line.replace(',/', ' /')
# Same as above but I found this only in dban
elif 'z,' in kernel_path:
kernel_line = search_text.lower().replace('kernel', 'linux') + ' ' + kernel_path.strip()
kernel_line = kernel_line.replace('z,', ' /multibootusb/' + iso.iso_basename(config.image_path) + '/'
+ iso.isolinux_bin_dir(config.image_path).replace('\\', '/') + '/')
kernel_line = ''
raw_paths = img_file_spec.split(',')
converted_paths = [locate_kernel_file(p, isolinux_dir) for p in raw_paths]
if raw_paths != converted_paths: # Tweaked the paths successfully?
return ' '.join(converted_paths)
return kernel_line.replace('\\', '/').replace('//', '/')
if 'z,' in img_file_spec:
# Fallback to legacy code.
# "... I found this only in dban"
iso_dir = iso.isolinux_bin_dir(config.image_path)
replacement = ' /multibootusb/' + iso.iso_basename(config.image_path) \
+ '/' \
+ iso_dir.replace('\\', '/') + '/'
return img_file_spec.replace('z,', replacement)
# Give up and return the original with replaced delimeters.
return ' '.join(img_file_spec.split(','))
def extract_initrd_param(value, isolinux_dir):
@ -268,16 +273,8 @@ def extract_initrd_param(value, isolinux_dir):
if not paramdef.lower().startswith('initrd='):
paths = []
for path in paramdef[len('initrd='):].split(','):
# try to find the specified kernel
for d in kernel_search_path:
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(config.usb_mount, d, path)):
paths.append(os.path.join(d, path))
# Give up and use the specified kernel as is.
paths = [locate_kernel_file(s, isolinux_dir) for s
in paramdef[len('initrd='):].split(',')]
initrd_line = 'initrd ' + ' '.join(paths)
return initrd_line, ' '.join(others)
@ -321,32 +318,54 @@ def iso2grub2(install_dir, loopback_cfg_path, wrote_custom_cfg):
# we will use only files containing strings which can be converted to grub2 cfg style
with open(cfg_file_path, "r", errors='ignore') as f:
data = f.read()
# Make sure that lines with menu label, kernel and append are available for processing
matching_blocks = re.finditer(
'^(menu label|label)(.*?)(?=^(menu label|label|$))',
data, re.I|re.DOTALL|re.MULTILINE)
# materialize the list.
matching_blocks = [s for s in matching_blocks]
# Make sure that lines with 'label' available for processing.
# Do nothing otherwise.
matching_blocks_re = [m for m in re.finditer(
data, re.I|re.DOTALL|re.MULTILINE)]
if matching_blocks_re:
matching_blocks = [m.group() for m in matching_blocks_re]
# Append the block after the last matching position
m = re.match('^(label)(.*?)',
data, re.I|re.DOTALL|re.MULTILINE)
matching_blocks = m and [data[m.start():]] or []
if not matching_blocks:
#if not cfg_file_path.endswith('archiso_pxe64.cfg'):
# continue
gen.log("Probing '%s'" % cfg_file_path)
out_lines = []
for match in matching_blocks:
matched_block = match.group()
for matching_block in matching_blocks:
#print ('------------ block begins here ------------')
#print (matching_block)
#print ('------------ block ends here ------------')
# Extract 'menu label or 'label' line.
matches = re.findall(
r'^\s*(menu label|label)\s+(.*)$',
matched_block, re.I|re.MULTILINE)
if 0 == len(matches):
matching_block, re.I|re.MULTILINE)
labels = [v for v in matches if v[0].lower()=='label']
menu_labels = [v for v in matches if v[0].lower()=='menu label']
if 0 == len(labels) + len(menu_labels):
gen.log('Warning: found a block without menu-entry.')
menu_line = 'menuentry "Anonymous"'
menu_label = 'Unlabeled'
if 2 <= len(matches):
gen.log('Warning: found a block with more than one '
'menu entries.')
keyword, value = matches[0]
for vec, name in [ (labels, 'label'),
(menu_labels, 'menu label') ]:
if 2 <= len(vec):
gen.log("warning: found a block with more than "
"one '%s' entries." % name)
# Prefer 'menu label' over 'label'.
if 0<len(menu_labels):
value = menu_labels[0][1].replace('^', '')
value = labels[0][1]
menu_line = 'menuentry ' + gen.quote(value)
menu_label = value
@ -356,7 +375,7 @@ def iso2grub2(install_dir, loopback_cfg_path, wrote_custom_cfg):
appends = []
for keyword, value in re.findall(
r'^\s*(kernel|linux|initrd|append)[= ](.*)$',
matched_block, re.I|re.MULTILINE):
matching_block, re.I|re.MULTILINE):
# Ensure that we do not have caps label in the menuentry.
value = value.replace(keyword.upper(), '') # Essencial?
kw = keyword.lower()
@ -366,23 +385,24 @@ def iso2grub2(install_dir, loopback_cfg_path, wrote_custom_cfg):
"'kernel/linux' lines in block '%s'."
% menu_label)
linux_line = extract_kernel_line(
keyword, '%s %s' % (keyword, value), iso_bin_dir)
linux_line = 'linux ' + \
tweak_bootfile_path(value, iso_bin_dir)
elif kw == 'initrd':
if initrd_line:
gen.log("Warning: found more than one "
"'initrd' specifications in block '%s'."
% menu_label)
initrd_line = extract_kernel_line(
keyword, '%s %s' % (keyword, value), iso_bin_dir)
initrd_line = 'initrd ' + \
tweak_bootfile_path(value, iso_bin_dir)
elif kw== 'append':
if initrd_line:
gen.log("Warning: found both 'append initrd=...' "
"and 'initrd ...' line")
new_initrd_line, new_value = extract_initrd_param(
value, iso_bin_dir)
if new_initrd_line:
if initrd_line:
gen.log("Warning: found more than one initrd "
"specifications in block '%s'."
% menu_label)
initrd_line = new_initrd_line
@ -404,7 +424,8 @@ def iso2grub2(install_dir, loopback_cfg_path, wrote_custom_cfg):
"menu item '%s'." % menu_label)
with open(loopback_cfg_path, 'a') as f:
f.write('# Extracted from %s\n' % cfg_file_path)
f.write('# Extracted from %s\n' %
cfg_file_path.replace('\\', '/'))
f.write('\n'.join(out_lines) + '\n')
