1.  GRUB command not found error
2.  Added missing command.lst file
3.  Crash while writing ISO to USB disk under Windows
mbusb 7 years ago
parent b84cfea589
commit 4ca22ff1fd

@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
*acpi: acpi
*all_functional_test: functional_test
*background_image: gfxterm_background
*cat: cat
*cpuid: cpuid
*crc: hashsum
*cryptomount: cryptodisk
*drivemap: drivemap
*echo: echo
*extract_syslinux_entries_configfile: syslinuxcfg
*extract_syslinux_entries_source: syslinuxcfg
*file: file
*functional_test: functional_test
*gettext: gettext
*halt: halt
*hashsum: hashsum
*hdparm: hdparm
*hello: hello
*help: help
*hexdump: hexdump
*inb: iorw
*inl: iorw
*inw: iorw
*keystatus: keystatus
*kfreebsd: bsd
*knetbsd: bsd
*kopenbsd: bsd
*list_env: loadenv
*load_env: loadenv
*loopback: loopback
*ls: ls
*lsacpi: lsacpi
*lspci: lspci
*md5sum: hashsum
*menuentry: normal
*pcidump: pcidump
*plan9: plan9
*probe: probe
*read_byte: memrw
*read_dword: memrw
*read_word: memrw
*regexp: regexp
*save_env: loadenv
*search: search
*sendkey: sendkey
*serial: serial
*setpci: setpci
*sha1sum: hashsum
*sha256sum: hashsum
*sha512sum: hashsum
*sleep: sleep
*submenu: normal
*syslinux_configfile: syslinuxcfg
*syslinux_source: syslinuxcfg
*terminfo: terminfo
*test_blockarg: test_blockarg
*testspeed: testspeed
*tr: tr
*trust: verify
*verify_detached: verify
*xnu_splash: xnu
*zfskey: zfscrypt
.: configfile
[: test
authenticate: normal
background_color: gfxterm_background
backtrace: backtrace
badram: mmap
blocklist: blocklist
boot: boot
break: normal
cat: minicmd
cbmemc: cbmemc
chainloader: chain
clear: normal
cmosclean: cmostest
cmosdump: cmosdump
cmosset: cmostest
cmostest: cmostest
cmp: cmp
configfile: configfile
continue: normal
coreboot_boottime: cbtime
cutmem: mmap
date: date
distrust: verify
dump: minicmd
efiemu_loadcore: efiemu
efiemu_prepare: efiemu
efiemu_unload: efiemu
eval: eval
exit: minicmd
export: normal
extract_entries_configfile: configfile
extract_entries_source: configfile
extract_legacy_entries_configfile: legacycfg
extract_legacy_entries_source: legacycfg
false: true
freedos: freedos
gdbstub: gdb
gdbstub_break: gdb
gdbstub_stop: gdb
gptsync: gptsync
help: minicmd
hexdump_random: random
initrd16: linux16
initrd: linux
keymap: keylayouts
kfreebsd_loadenv: bsd
kfreebsd_module: bsd
kfreebsd_module_elf: bsd
knetbsd_module: bsd
knetbsd_module_elf: bsd
kopenbsd_ramdisk: bsd
legacy_check_password: legacycfg
legacy_configfile: legacycfg
legacy_initrd: legacycfg
legacy_initrd_nounzip: legacycfg
legacy_kernel: legacycfg
legacy_password: legacycfg
legacy_source: legacycfg
linux16: linux16
linux: linux
list_trusted: verify
loadfont: font
lsapm: lsapm
lscoreboot: cbls
lsfonts: font
lsmmap: lsmmap
lsmod: minicmd
macppcbless: macbless
mactelbless: macbless
module2: multiboot2
module: multiboot
multiboot2: multiboot2
multiboot: multiboot
nativedisk: nativedisk
net_add_addr: net
net_add_dns: net
net_add_route: net
net_bootp: net
net_del_addr: net
net_del_dns: net
net_del_route: net
net_get_dhcp_option: net
net_ipv6_autoconf: net
net_ls_addr: net
net_ls_cards: net
net_ls_dns: net
net_ls_routes: net
net_nslookup: net
normal: normal
normal_exit: normal
ntldr: ntldr
outb: iorw
outl: iorw
outw: iorw
parttool: parttool
password: password
password_pbkdf2: password_pbkdf2
play: play
pxechainloader: pxechain
read: read
reboot: reboot
return: normal
rmmod: minicmd
search.file: search_fs_file
search.fs_label: search_label
search.fs_uuid: search_fs_uuid
setparams: normal
shift: normal
source: configfile
terminal_input: terminal
terminal_output: terminal
test: test
testload: testload
time: time
true: true
truecrypt: truecrypt
usb: usbtest
vbeinfo: videoinfo
vbetest: videotest
videoinfo: videoinfo
videotest: videotest
write_byte: memrw
write_dword: memrw
write_word: memrw
xnu_devprop_load: xnu
xnu_kernel64: xnu
xnu_kernel: xnu
xnu_kext: xnu
xnu_kextdir: xnu
xnu_mkext: xnu
xnu_ramdisk: xnu
xnu_resume: xnu
xnu_uuid: xnu_uuid
zfs-bootfs: zfsinfo
zfsinfo: zfsinfo

@ -371,14 +371,14 @@ def process_exist(process_name):
for process in c.Win32_Process():
if process_name in process.Name:
log(process_name + ' exist...')
log(process.ProcessId + ' ' + process.Name)
log(str(process.ProcessId) + ' ' + str(process.Name))
log("Having Windows explorer won't allow dd.exe to write ISO image properly."
"\nKilling the process..")
os.kill(process.ProcessId, signal.SIGTERM)
return True
log('Unable to kill process ' + process.ProcessId)
log('Unable to kill process ' + str(process.ProcessId))
return False

@ -23,11 +23,10 @@ def mbusb_update_grub_cfg():
gen.log('Trying to create loopback.cfg')
iso2_grub2_cfg = iso2grub2(_iso_dir)
# gen.log('loopback.cfg file created...')
except Exception as e:
gen.log('Error converting syslinu cfg to grub2 cfg', error=True)
gen.log('Error converting syslinux cfg to grub2 cfg', error=True)
iso2_grub2_cfg = False
grub_cfg_path = None
@ -167,10 +166,10 @@ def grub_raw_iso(mbus_grub_cfg_path):
def string_in_file(_file, search_text):
:param _file:
:param search_text:
Search if string exist in a file.
:param _file: Path to file
:param search_text: String to be searched
:return: True if string is found
if search_text in open(_file).read().lower():
return True

@ -561,11 +561,11 @@ Are you SURE you want to enable it?",
if self.iso_size >= usb_disk_size:
QtWidgets.QMessageBox.information(self, "No enough space on disk.", os.path.basename(config.image_path) +
" size is larger than the size of " + config.usb_disk)
elif gen.process_exist('explorer.exe') is not False:
# Check if windows explorer is running and inform user to close it.
QtWidgets.QMessageBox.information(self, "Windows Explorer", "Windows Explorer is running\n"
"You need to close it before writing ISO "
"image to disk...")
#elif gen.process_exist('explorer.exe') is not False:
# # Check if windows explorer is running and inform user to close it.
# QtWidgets.QMessageBox.information(self, "Windows Explorer", "Windows Explorer is running\n"
# "You need to close it before writing ISO "
# "image to disk...")
reply = QtWidgets.QMessageBox.question \
(self, 'Review selection',

@ -1,313 +0,0 @@
import os
import re
import platform
#from .scripts import gen
#from .scripts import config
#from .scripts import iso
def write_to_file(file_path, _strings):
if not os.path.exists(file_path):
open(file_path, 'a').close()
with open(file_path, 'a') as f:
f.write(_strings + '\n')
gen.log('Error writing to loopback.cfg file..')
def string_in_file(_file, search_text):
:param _file:
:param search_text:
if search_text in open(_file).read().lower():
return True
isolinux_dir = os.path.join('E:\\', 'DISTROS', 'isolinux')
usb_mount = 'G:\\'
mbusb_dir = os.path.join(usb_mount, 'multibootusb')
isolinux_dir = 'G:\\multibootusb\\dban-2.3.0_i586'
isolinux_dir = 'G:\\multibootusb\\dsl-4.11.rc2\\boot\\isolinux'
def kernel_exist(search_text, match_line):
kernel_line = ''
if (search_text + '=') in match_line:
kernel_path = match_line.replace((search_text + '='), '').strip()
search_text = search_text.replace('=', '')
kernel_path = match_line.replace(search_text, '').strip()
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(usb_mount, kernel_path)):
kernel_line = search_text.lower().replace('kernel', 'linux') + ' ' + kernel_path.strip()
elif os.path.exists(os.path.join(isolinux_dir, kernel_path)):
kernel_line = search_text.lower().replace('kernel', 'linux') + ' /multibootusb/' + kernel_path.strip()
elif ',/' in kernel_path:
kernel_line = search_text.lower().replace('kernel', 'linux') + ' ' + kernel_path.strip()
kernel_line = kernel_line.replace(',/', ' /')
elif 'z,' in kernel_path:
kernel_line = search_text.lower().replace('kernel', 'linux') + ' ' + kernel_path.strip()
kernel_line = kernel_line.replace('z,', ' /multibootusb')
kernel_line = ''
return kernel_line
def iso2grub2(iso_dir):
Function to convert syslinux configuration to grub2 accepted configuration format. Features implemented are similar
to that of grub2 'loopback.cfg'. This 'loopback.cfg' file can be later on caled directly from grub2. The main
advantage of this function is to generate the 'loopback.cfg' file automatically without manual involvement.
:param iso_dir: Path to distro install directory for looping through '.cfg' files.
:param file_out: Path to 'loopback.cfg' file. By default it is set to root of distro install directory.
# grub_file_path = os.path.join(config.usb_mount, 'multibootusb', iso.iso_basename(config.image_path), 'loopback.cfg')
grub_file_path = 'text.txt'
# Loop though the distro installed directory for finding config files
for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(iso_dir):
for f in filenames:
# We will strict to only files ending with '.cfg' extension. This is the file extension isolinux or syslinux
# recommends for writing configurations
if f.endswith((".cfg", ".CFG")):
cfg_file_path = os.path.join(dirpath, f)
# We will omit the grub directory
if 'grub' not in cfg_file_path:
# we will use only files containing strings which can be converted to grub2 cfg style
if string_in_file(cfg_file_path, 'menu label') or string_in_file(cfg_file_path, 'label'):
with open(cfg_file_path, "r", errors='ignore') as cfg_file_str:
data = cfg_file_str.read()
# Make sure that lines with menu label, kernel and append are available for processing
ext_text = re.finditer('(menu label|label)(.*?)(?=(menu label|label))', data, re.I|re.DOTALL)
# if (sum(1 for j in ext_text)) == 0:
# ext_text = re.finditer('(menu label|label)(.*?)\Z', data, re.I|re.DOTALL)
if ext_text:
for m in ext_text:
menuentry = ''
kernel = ''
kernel_line = ''
boot_options = ''
initrd_line = ''
initrd = ''
# Extract line containing 'menu label' and convert to menu entry of grub2
if 'menu label' in m.group().lower():
menu_line = re.search('menu label(.*)\s', m.group(), re.I).group()
menuentry = 'menuentry ' + re.sub(r'menu label', '', menu_line, re.I, ).strip()
# Ensure that we do not have caps menu label in the menuentry
menuentry = menuentry.replace('MENU LABEL', '')
elif 'label ' in m.group().lower():
# Probably config does not use 'menu label' line. Just line containing 'label'
# and convert to menu entry of grub2
menu_line = re.search('^label(.*)\s', m.group(), re.I).group()
menuentry = 'menuentry ' + re.sub(r'label', '', menu_line, re.I, ).strip()
# Ensure that we do not have caps label in the menuentry
menuentry = menuentry.replace('LABEL', '')
# Extract kernel line and change to linux line of grub2
if 'kernel' in m.group().lower() or 'linux' in m.group().lower():
# print(m.group())
kernel_text = re.findall('((kernel|linux)[= ].*?[ \s])', m.group(), re.I)
match_count = len(re.findall('((kernel|linux)[= ].*?[ \s])', m.group(), re.I))
if match_count is 1:
kernel_line = kernel_exist(kernel_text[0][1], kernel_text[0][0])
elif match_count > 2:
for _lines in kernel_text:
if kernel_line is '':
kernel_line = kernel_exist(kernel_text[0][1], _lines[0][0])
if 'initrd' in m.group().lower():
initrd_text = re.findall('((initrd)[= ].*?[ \s])', m.group(), re.I)
match_count = len(re.findall('((initrd)[= ].*?[ \s])', m.group(), re.I))
if match_count is 1:
initrd_line = kernel_exist(initrd_text[0][1], initrd_text[0][0])
elif match_count > 2:
for _lines in initrd_text:
if kernel_line is '':
initrd_line = kernel_exist(initrd_text[0][1], _lines[0][0])
if 'append' in m.group().lower():
append_line = re.search('append (.*)\s', m.group(), re.I).group()
boot_options = re.sub(r'((initrd[= ])(.*?)[ ])', '', append_line, re.I, flags=re.DOTALL)
boot_options = re.sub(r'append', '', boot_options, re.I).strip()
boot_options = boot_options.replace('APPEND', '')
if kernel_line.strip():
linux = kernel_line.strip() + ' ' + boot_options.strip().strip()
linux = ''
if menuentry.strip() and linux.strip() and initrd_line.strip():
print('\n', menuentry)
print(initrd_line, '\n')
write_to_file(grub_file_path, menuentry + '{')
write_to_file(grub_file_path, ' ' + linux)
write_to_file(grub_file_path, ' ' + initrd)
write_to_file(grub_file_path, '}\n')
elif menuentry.strip() and linux.strip():
print('\n', menuentry)
print(linux, '\n')
write_to_file(grub_file_path, menuentry + '{')
write_to_file(grub_file_path, ' ' + linux)
write_to_file(grub_file_path, '}\n')
elif 'linux' in m.group().lower():
# print(m.group())
# kernel_line = re.findall('((linux)[= ].*?[ \s])', m.group(), re.I)
# match_count = len(re.findall('((linux)[= ].*?[ \s])', m.group(), re.I))
# print(match_count)
kernel_text = re.findall('((linux)[= ].*?[ \s])', m.group(), re.I)
# print(kernel_text[0][1])
match_count = len(re.findall('((linux)[= ].*?[ \s])', m.group(), re.I))
if match_count is 1:
print('linux +++++++++++++++++++++++++++')
kernel_line = kernel_exist(kernel_text[0][1], kernel_text[0][0])
if kernel_line is not False:
print('kernel_line is::', kernel_line)
elif match_count > 1:
print('+++++++++++++++++++++++++++ linux')
for _lines in kernel_text:
kernel_line = kernel_exist(kernel_text[0][1], _lines[0])
if kernel_line is False:
print('kernel_line is::', kernel_line)
if match_count is 1:
elif match_count > 2:
for _lines in kernel_line:
or 'linux ' in m.group().lower():
kernel_line = re.findall('((kernel|linux)[= ].*?[ \s])', m.group(), re.I)[0][0]
kernel = kernel_line.strip().replace('kernel', 'linux')
kernel = kernel.strip().replace('KERNEL', 'linux')
if 'linux=/multibootusb' in kernel.lower():
kernel = kernel.strip().replace('linux=', 'linux ')
elif 'linux=' in kernel.lower():
kernel = kernel.strip().replace('linux=', 'linux /multibootusb/' +
iso.iso_basename(config.image_path) + '/'
+ iso.isolinux_bin_dir(config.image_path).replace('\\', '/') + '/')
elif 'linux /' not in kernel:
kernel = kernel.strip().replace('linux ', 'linux /multibootusb/' +
iso.iso_basename(config.image_path) + '/'
+ iso.isolinux_bin_dir(config.image_path).replace('\\', '/') + '/')
# Ensure that we do not have linux parameter in caps
kernel = kernel.replace('LINUX ', 'linux ')
kernel = kernel.replace('Linux ', 'linux ')
# Fix for solus os. Patch welcome.
if config.distro == 'fedora' and '/linux' in kernel:
kernel = kernel.replace('/linux', '/kernel')
# Ensure that initrd is present in the config file
if 'initrd' in m.group().lower():
# Extract only initrd line which starts in first in the line
if re.search('^initrd', m.group(), re.I|re.MULTILINE):
initrd = re.findall('(initrd[= ].*?[ \s])', m.group(), re.I)[0]
if not initrd:
# print('initrd not in seperate line')
initrd = re.findall('(initrd[= ].*[ \s])', initrd, re.I|re.DOTALL)[0]
# Ensure that multiple initrd of syslinux are converted to grub2
# standard
initrd = initrd.replace(',/', ' /')
initrd = initrd.replace('z,', 'z /multibootusb/' +
iso.iso_basename(config.image_path) + '/'
+ iso.isolinux_bin_dir(config.image_path).replace('\\', '/') + '/')
# Extract initrd parameter from within the line
initrd = re.findall('(initrd[= ].*?[ ])', m.group(), re.I|re.DOTALL)[0]
initrd = initrd.replace(',/', ' /')
initrd = initrd.replace('z,', 'z /multibootusb/' +
iso.iso_basename(config.image_path) + '/'
+ iso.isolinux_bin_dir(config.image_path).replace('\\', '/') + '/')
# Ensure that we change the relative path to absolute path
if 'initrd=/multibootusb' in initrd.lower():
initrd = initrd.strip().replace('initrd=', 'initrd ')
initrd = initrd.strip().replace('INITRD=', 'initrd ')
elif 'initrd=' in initrd.lower():
initrd = initrd.strip().replace('initrd=', 'initrd /multibootusb/' +
iso.iso_basename(config.image_path) + '/'
+ iso.isolinux_bin_dir(config.image_path).replace('\\', '/') + '/')
# Ensure that there is no caps which is not accepted by grub2
initrd = initrd.replace('INITRD', 'initrd')
# Extract append line for getting boot options
if 'append' in m.group().lower():
append = re.search('append (.*)\s', m.group(), re.I).group()
boot_options = re.sub(r'((initrd[= ])(.*?)[ ])', '', append, re.I, flags=re.DOTALL)
# Ensure that there is no append line exisit
boot_options = re.sub(r'append', '', boot_options, re.I).strip()
boot_options = boot_options.replace('APPEND', '')
# We will ensure that all options are met as per grub2 specifications and
# write to file
linux = kernel.strip() + ' ' + boot_options.strip().strip()
if menuentry and linux and initrd:
# print('\n', menuentry)
# print(linux)
# print(initrd)
write_to_file(grub_file_path, menuentry + '{')
write_to_file(grub_file_path, ' ' + linux)
write_to_file(grub_file_path, ' ' + initrd)
write_to_file(grub_file_path, '}\n')
elif menuentry and linux.strip():
write_to_file(grub_file_path, menuentry + '{')
write_to_file(grub_file_path, ' ' + linux)
write_to_file(grub_file_path, '}\n')
if __name__ == '__main__':
if platform.system() == 'Windows':
iso_dir = os.path.join('E:\\', 'DISTROS')
#iso_dir = 'G:\\multibootusb\\slitaz-rolling-core64'
iso_dir = 'G:\\multibootusb\\slitaz-4.0'
#iso_dir = 'G:\\multibootusb\\dban-2.3.0_i586'
#iso_dir = 'G:\\multibootusb\\G_DATA_BootCD\\boot\\isolinux'
#iso_dir = 'G:\\multibootusb\\manjaro-kde-16.10.3-stable-x86_64'
#iso_dir = 'G:\multibootusb\debian-live-8.3.0-amd64-lxde-desktop\isolinux'
#iso_dir = 'G:\\multibootusb\\dban-2.3.0_i586'
#iso_dir = 'G:\\multibootusb\\cd140201'
#iso_dir = 'G:\\multibootusb\\debian-live-8.3.0-amd64-lxde-desktop'
#iso_dir = 'G:\\multibootusb\\Hiren_BootCD\\HBCD'
#iso_dir = 'G:\\multibootusb\\ubuntu-14.04.2-desktop-amd64'
#iso_dir = 'G:\\multibootusb\\kav_rescue_10'
iso_dir = 'G:\\multibootusb\\dban-2.3.0_i586'
iso_dir = 'G:\\multibootusb\\dsl-4.11.rc2'
iso_dir = '/media/sundar/Fun/DISTROS'
lines = iso2grub2(iso_dir)