Refuse to process an iso file whose name contains space(s)

because syslinux does not seem to be able to handle a
pathname that contains space(s).
Shinji Suzuki 6 years ago
parent 6a6d1382a2
commit 670a18b966

@ -571,20 +571,25 @@ class AppGui(qemu.Qemu, Imager, QtWidgets.QMainWindow, Ui_MainWindow):
:param iso_link: LineEdit text as selected ISO link.
if not config.usb_disk:
log("ERROR: No USB device found.")
self,"No Device...",
"No USB device found.\n\nInsert USB and "
"use Refresh USB button to detect USB.")
return False
if not config.image_path:
log("No ISO selected.")
self, "No ISO...",
"No ISO found.\n\nPlease select an ISO.")
return False
for cond, log_msg, dialog_title, dialog_msg in [
(not config.usb_disk,
'ERROR: No USB device found.',
'No Device...',
'No USB device found.\n\nInsert USB and '
'use Refresh USB button to detect USB.'),
(not config.image_path,
'No ISO selected.',
'No ISO...',
'No ISO found.\n\nPlease select an ISO.'),
(' ' in os.path.basename(config.image_path),
'Spaces in iso-file name is not allowed.',
'Bad ISO filename...',
'Filename that contains space(s) is not '
if cond:
self, dialog_title, dialog_msg)
return False
usb_details = config.usb_details
if usb_details['mount_point'] == 'No_Mount':
