Merge pull request #293 from shinji-s/devel

More fixes on syslinux installation and loopback.cfg generation.
multibootusb 6 years ago committed by GitHub
commit c192e774e5
No known key found for this signature in database

@ -211,48 +211,53 @@ def write_to_file(file_path, _strings):
gen.log('Error writing to %s...' % file_path)
def extract_kernel_line(search_text, match_line, isolinux_dir):
def kernel_search_path(isolinux_dir):
def locate_kernel_file(subpath, isolinux_dir):
for d in [
iso.iso_basename(config.image_path), isolinux_dir),
# Down below are dire attemps to find.
iso.iso_basename(config.image_path), 'arch'),
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(config.usb_mount, d, subpath)):
unix_style_path = os.path.join(d, subpath).\
replace('\\', '/').\
return ('/' + unix_style_path)
return subpath
def tweak_bootfile_path(img_file_spec, isolinux_dir):
Function to check if kernel/linux line present in isolinux.cfg file is valid.
If valid, then convert them in to grub accepted format
:param search_text: Type of text is to be searched. Typically kernel or linux
:param match_line: Line containing kernel ot linux from isolinux supported .cfg files
Function to find image files to boot and return them concatinated
with a space. Return the spec untouched if no locations are found.
:param kernel_file_spec: Image path specification lead by kernel/linux keyword within isolinux supported .cfg files.
:param isolinux_dir: Path to isolinux directory of an ISO
:return: Valid grub2 accepted kernel/linux line after conversion. If nothing found return ''.
:return: Converted file paths joined by a space. If no files can be located, img_file_spec is returned unmodified.
kernel_line = ''
# Remove '=' from linux/kernel parameter
if (search_text + '=') in match_line:
kernel_path = match_line.replace((search_text + '='), '').strip()
search_text = search_text.replace('=', '')
kernel_path = match_line.replace(search_text, '', 1).strip()
# Check if kernel/linux exist using absolute path (kernel_path)
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(config.usb_mount, kernel_path)):
kernel_line = search_text.lower().replace('kernel', 'linux') + ' ' + kernel_path.strip()
# Check if path to kernel/linux exist in isolinux directory and return absolute path
elif os.path.exists(os.path.join(config.usb_mount, 'multibootusb', iso.iso_basename(config.image_path), isolinux_dir, kernel_path)):
kernel_line = search_text.lower().replace('kernel', 'linux') + ' /multibootusb/' + \
iso.iso_basename(config.image_path) + '/' + isolinux_dir + '/' + kernel_path.strip()
# Check if multiple kernel/linux exist and convert it to grub accepted line
# Found such entries in manjaro and slitaz
elif ',/' in kernel_path:
kernel_line = search_text.lower().replace('kernel', 'linux') + ' ' + kernel_path.strip()
kernel_line = kernel_line.replace(',/', ' /')
# Same as above but I found this only in dban
elif 'z,' in kernel_path:
kernel_line = search_text.lower().replace('kernel', 'linux') + ' ' + kernel_path.strip()
kernel_line = kernel_line.replace('z,', ' /multibootusb/' + iso.iso_basename(config.image_path) + '/'
+ iso.isolinux_bin_dir(config.image_path).replace('\\', '/') + '/')
kernel_line = ''
raw_paths = img_file_spec.split(',')
converted_paths = [locate_kernel_file(p, isolinux_dir) for p in raw_paths]
if raw_paths != converted_paths: # Tweaked the paths successfully?
return ' '.join(converted_paths)
return kernel_line.replace('\\', '/').replace('//', '/')
if 'z,' in img_file_spec:
# Fallback to legacy code.
# "... I found this only in dban"
iso_dir = iso.isolinux_bin_dir(config.image_path)
replacement = ' /multibootusb/' + iso.iso_basename(config.image_path) \
+ '/' \
+ iso_dir.replace('\\', '/') + '/'
return img_file_spec.replace('z,', replacement)
# Give up and return the original with replaced delimeters.
return ' '.join(img_file_spec.split(','))
def extract_initrd_param(value, isolinux_dir):
@ -268,16 +273,8 @@ def extract_initrd_param(value, isolinux_dir):
if not paramdef.lower().startswith('initrd='):
paths = []
for path in paramdef[len('initrd='):].split(','):
# try to find the specified kernel
for d in kernel_search_path:
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(config.usb_mount, d, path)):
paths.append(os.path.join(d, path))
# Give up and use the specified kernel as is.
paths = [locate_kernel_file(s, isolinux_dir) for s
in paramdef[len('initrd='):].split(',')]
initrd_line = 'initrd ' + ' '.join(paths)
return initrd_line, ' '.join(others)
@ -321,32 +318,54 @@ def iso2grub2(install_dir, loopback_cfg_path, wrote_custom_cfg):
# we will use only files containing strings which can be converted to grub2 cfg style
with open(cfg_file_path, "r", errors='ignore') as f:
data =
# Make sure that lines with menu label, kernel and append are available for processing
matching_blocks = re.finditer(
'^(menu label|label)(.*?)(?=^(menu label|label|$))',
data, re.I|re.DOTALL|re.MULTILINE)
# materialize the list.
matching_blocks = [s for s in matching_blocks]
# Make sure that lines with 'label' available for processing.
# Do nothing otherwise.
matching_blocks_re = [m for m in re.finditer(
data, re.I|re.DOTALL|re.MULTILINE)]
if matching_blocks_re:
matching_blocks = [ for m in matching_blocks_re]
# Append the block after the last matching position
m = re.match('^(label)(.*?)',
data, re.I|re.DOTALL|re.MULTILINE)
matching_blocks = m and [data[m.start():]] or []
if not matching_blocks:
#if not cfg_file_path.endswith('archiso_pxe64.cfg'):
# continue
gen.log("Probing '%s'" % cfg_file_path)
out_lines = []
for match in matching_blocks:
matched_block =
for matching_block in matching_blocks:
#print ('------------ block begins here ------------')
#print (matching_block)
#print ('------------ block ends here ------------')
# Extract 'menu label or 'label' line.
matches = re.findall(
r'^\s*(menu label|label)\s+(.*)$',
matched_block, re.I|re.MULTILINE)
if 0 == len(matches):
matching_block, re.I|re.MULTILINE)
labels = [v for v in matches if v[0].lower()=='label']
menu_labels = [v for v in matches if v[0].lower()=='menu label']
if 0 == len(labels) + len(menu_labels):
gen.log('Warning: found a block without menu-entry.')
menu_line = 'menuentry "Anonymous"'
menu_label = 'Unlabeled'
if 2 <= len(matches):
gen.log('Warning: found a block with more than one '
'menu entries.')
keyword, value = matches[0]
for vec, name in [ (labels, 'label'),
(menu_labels, 'menu label') ]:
if 2 <= len(vec):
gen.log("warning: found a block with more than "
"one '%s' entries." % name)
# Prefer 'menu label' over 'label'.
if 0<len(menu_labels):
value = menu_labels[0][1].replace('^', '')
value = labels[0][1]
menu_line = 'menuentry ' + gen.quote(value)
menu_label = value
@ -356,9 +375,7 @@ def iso2grub2(install_dir, loopback_cfg_path, wrote_custom_cfg):
appends = []
for keyword, value in re.findall(
r'^\s*(kernel|linux|initrd|append)[= ](.*)$',
matched_block, re.I|re.MULTILINE):
# Ensure that we do not have caps label in the menuentry.
value = value.replace(keyword.upper(), '') # Essencial?
matching_block, re.I|re.MULTILINE):
kw = keyword.lower()
if kw in ['kernel', 'linux']:
if linux_line:
@ -366,23 +383,24 @@ def iso2grub2(install_dir, loopback_cfg_path, wrote_custom_cfg):
"'kernel/linux' lines in block '%s'."
% menu_label)
linux_line = extract_kernel_line(
keyword, '%s %s' % (keyword, value), iso_bin_dir)
linux_line = 'linux ' + \
tweak_bootfile_path(value, iso_bin_dir)
elif kw == 'initrd':
if initrd_line:
gen.log("Warning: found more than one "
"'initrd' specifications in block '%s'."
% menu_label)
initrd_line = extract_kernel_line(
keyword, '%s %s' % (keyword, value), iso_bin_dir)
initrd_line = 'initrd ' + \
tweak_bootfile_path(value, iso_bin_dir)
elif kw== 'append':
if initrd_line:
gen.log("Warning: found both 'append initrd=...' "
"and 'initrd ...' line")
new_initrd_line, new_value = extract_initrd_param(
value, iso_bin_dir)
if new_initrd_line:
if initrd_line:
gen.log("Warning: found more than one initrd "
"specifications in block '%s'."
% menu_label)
initrd_line = new_initrd_line
@ -404,7 +422,8 @@ def iso2grub2(install_dir, loopback_cfg_path, wrote_custom_cfg):
"menu item '%s'." % menu_label)
with open(loopback_cfg_path, 'a') as f:
f.write('# Extracted from %s\n' % cfg_file_path)
f.write('# Extracted from %s\n' %
cfg_file_path.replace('\\', '/'))
f.write('\n'.join(out_lines) + '\n')

@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ def copy_iso(src, dst):
# Note that xcopy asks if the target is a file or a directory when
# source filename (or dest filename) contains space(s) and the target
# does not exist.
assert os.path.exist(dst)
assert os.path.exists(dst)['xcopy', '/Y', src, dst], shell=True)
elif platform.system() == "Linux":
shutil.copy(src, dst)

@ -345,7 +345,7 @@ Are you SURE you want to enable it?",
def onInstall_syslinuxClick(self):
Function to install syslinux/extlinux on selected USB disk.
Function to install syslinux/extlinux on selected USB disk, except extlinux.cfg and syslinux.cfg.
@ -366,16 +366,30 @@ Are you SURE you want to enable it?",
log("Installing default syslinux on " + config.usb_disk)
ret = syslinux_default(config.usb_disk)
if ret is True:
if self.ui.check_install_sys_all.isChecked():
log("Copying multibootusb directory to " + config.usb_mount)
for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(
resource_path(os.path.join("data", "multibootusb"))):
for f in filenames:
# log("Copying " + f)
shutil.copy(resource_path(os.path.join(dirpath, f)),
if ret is True and \
log("Copying multibootusb directory to " +
src_root = resource_path(
os.path.join("data", "multibootusb"))
cutoff = len(src_root) + 1
dst_root = os.path.join(config.usb_mount,
if not os.path.exists(dst_root):
excludes = ['extlinux.cfg', 'syslinux.cfg']
for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(src_root):
subdir_part = dirpath[cutoff:]
dest_dir = os.path.join(dst_root, subdir_part)
if not os.path.exists(dest_dir):
for f in filenames:
dest_fp = os.path.join(dest_dir, f)
if f in excludes and os.path.exists(dest_fp):
# log("Copying " + f)
shutil.copy(os.path.join(dirpath, f),
QtWidgets.QMessageBox.information(self, 'Install Success...',
'Syslinux installed successfully on ' + config.usb_disk)
elif ret is False:
