#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Name: multibootusb # Purpose: Main file which will determine if cli or gui is to be opened # Authors: Sundar # Licence: This file is a part of multibootusb package. You can redistribute it or modify # under the terms of GNU General Public License, version 2 or above. import os import getopt import sys import platform import shutil # The following line is required for distros based on rpm so as to avoid import errors when running from # installed system sys.path.append('/usr/local/lib/python3.4/dist-packages') sys.path.append('/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages') # for version 8.9.0 onwards # Ensure that above issue doesn't occur on debian based distro as well if '/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/scripts/' not in sys.path: sys.path.append('/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/scripts/') # May users install multibootusb on python 2.7 and report as multibootusb issue # We need to know which version are they using so the below lines are required. # We need to do this here otherwise it failes on import error python_version = sys.version _platform = platform.platform() print('Using python version ', python_version, 'on platform', _platform) # Had trouble in importing scripts directory. Had to add few lines below to ensure it works on source as well as # post install try: from scripts.mbusb_cli import * from scripts import admin from scripts import gen from scripts import config from scripts import osdriver except ImportError: try: from .scripts.mbusb_cli import * from .scripts import admin from .scripts import gen from .scripts import config from .scripts import osdriver except ImportError: import scripts gui = True uninstall = False def running_from(): """ Print version and path location (installed or source code) info for debugging later. """ gen.log('Using python version ' + python_version + 'on platform ' + _platform, _print=False) if os.path.exists('scripts'): gen.log('Running multibootusb version ' + gen.mbusb_version() + ' from source...') else: gen.log('Running multibootusb version ' + gen.mbusb_version() + ' from installed system...') def usage(): print(''' An advanced multiboot live usb creator which can be used from the command line or via a GUI. Usage: python3 multibootusb [option(s)] Options: -h or --help : Print this help message and exit -c or --command : Invoke command line usage. This option is required; if omitted, the GUI will be launched. -i or --iso : Path to ISO file(s). If many ISOs are supplied, they should be separated by ',' with no spaces in between. -t or --target : Path to target USB device partition (e.g. "/dev/sdb1"). -y or --yes : Default yes for user input during install. Will not wait for user. -u or --uninstall : List and uninstall distro from an USB disk. -r or --raw : Write ISO image diretly to USB disk. Will destroy data. -s or --syslinux : Install syslinux to target USB disk default directory. -d or --debug : Enable debug messages (very verbose!) Example for making a bootable USB from the command line: Linux: python3 multibootusb -c -i ../../favourite.iso -t /dev/sdb1 Windows: python3 multibootusb -c -i ../../favourite.iso -t G: Example for uninstalling a distro from a USB: Linux: python3 multibootusb -c -u -t /dev/sdb1 Windows: python3 multibootusb -c -u -t G: Example for installing multiple distros without user intervention: Linux: python3 multibootusb -c -y -i ../../favourite.iso,../../other-distro.iso -t /dev/sdb1 Windows: python3 multibootusb -c -y -i ../../favourite.iso,../../other-distro.iso -t G: Example for writing ISO image to target USB disk (will destroy data on USB disk): Linux: python3 multibootusb -c -r -i ../../favourite.iso -t /dev/sdb Windows: python3 multibootusb -c -r -i ../../favourite.iso -t G: Example for installing syslinux to target USB disk: Linux: python3 multibootusb -c -s -t /dev/sdb1 Windows: python3 multibootusb -c -s -t G: ''') sys.exit(2) def start_gui(): from scripts import mbusb_gui gen.log('Starting multibootusb GUI...') if platform.system() == 'Linux': if os.getuid() != 0: gen.log('\n\nAdmin privilege is required to run multibootusb.\n If you are running from source try ' '\'sudo python3 ./multibootusb\'\n or you can try \'multibootusb-pkexec\' (post install)\n\n', info=False, debug=True) mbusb_gui.main_gui() if __name__ == '__main__': if platform.system() == 'Windows': if not admin.isUserAdmin(): admin.runAsAdmin() sys.exit(0) try: opts, args = getopt.getopt( sys.argv[1:], 'i:t:yvhcudrsp:', ['iso=', 'target=', 'yes', 'version', 'help', 'command', 'uninstall', 'debug', 'raw', 'syslinux', 'persistence-size=']) except getopt.GetoptError: usage() sys.exit(2) for opt, arg in opts: if opt in ('-h', '--help'): usage() sys.exit(2) elif opt in ('-v', '--version'): print_version() sys.exit() elif opt in ('-i', '--iso'): if ',' not in arg: config.image_path = arg else: config.image_path = arg.split(',') elif opt in ('-t', '--target'): # Convert to upper if windows drive name is given config.usb_disk = len(arg) == 2 and arg[0].isalpha() and arg[1] == ':'\ and arg.upper() or arg elif opt in ('-c', '--command'): gui = False elif opt in ('-u', '--uninstall'): uninstall = True elif opt in ('-d', '--debug'): config.debug = True elif opt in ('-y', '--yes'): config.yes = True elif opt in ('-r', '--raw'): config.cli_dd = True elif opt in ('-s', '--syslinux'): config.cli_syslinux = True elif opt in ('-p', '--persistence-size'): config.persistence = int(arg) * 1024 * 1024 else: gui = True #start_gui() ''' usage() sys.exit() ''' def main(): if config.debug is True: from scripts.debug import colors log(colors.HEADER + "=== DEBUG ENABLED ===") if gui is False: check_admin() if uninstall is True and config.usb_disk is not '': cli_uninstall_distro() elif uninstall is True and config.usb_disk is '': log('\nYou must provide \'-t\' option to point to your USB disk for uninstalling a distro.\n' 'See the usage example below.') usage() elif config.image_path is '' and config.usb_disk is '': log('\nNo option provided. See the usage below.') usage() elif config.cli_syslinux is True and config.usb_disk is not '': cli_install_syslinux() elif config.image_path is '' or config.usb_disk is '': log('\nOptions \'-i\' and \'-t\' must be supplied together. See the usage below.') usage() elif config.cli_dd is True: cli_dd() else: running_from() cli_install_distro() elif gui is True: running_from() start_gui() if __name__ == '__main__': osdriver.init_logging() try: main() finally: from scripts import usb for p in config.remounted_partitions: log('Unmouting %s at exit' % p) usb.unmount(p)