You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

166 lines
5.2 KiB

import datetime
import struct
import urllib
import path_table
import record
import volume_descriptors
class SourceError(Exception):
class Source(object):
def __init__(self, cache_content=False, min_fetch=16):
self._buff = None
self._sectors = {}
self.cursor = None
self.cache_content = cache_content
self.min_fetch = min_fetch
def __len__(self):
return len(self._buff) - self.cursor
def unpack_raw(self, l):
if l > len(self):
raise SourceError("Source buffer under-run")
data = self._buff[self.cursor:self.cursor + l]
self.cursor += l
return data
def unpack_all(self):
return self.unpack_raw(len(self))
def unpack_boundary(self):
return self.unpack_raw(SECTOR_LENGTH - (self.cursor % SECTOR_LENGTH))
def unpack_both(self, st):
a = self.unpack('<'+st)
b = self.unpack('>'+st)
if a != b:
raise SourceError("Both-endian value mismatch")
return a
def unpack_string(self, l):
return self.unpack_raw(l).rstrip(' ')
def unpack(self, st):
if st[0] not in '<>':
st = '<' + st
d = struct.unpack(st, self.unpack_raw(struct.calcsize(st)))
if len(st) == 2:
return d[0]
return d
def unpack_vd_datetime(self):
return self.unpack_raw(17) # TODO
def unpack_dir_datetime(self):
epoch = datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1)
date = self.unpack_raw(7)
t = [struct.unpack('<B', i)[0] for i in date[:-1]]
t.append(struct.unpack('<b', date[-1])[0])
t[0] += 1900
t_offset = t.pop(-1) * 15 * 60. # Offset from GMT in 15min intervals, converted to secs
t_timestamp = (datetime.datetime(*t) - epoch).total_seconds() - t_offset
t_datetime = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(t_timestamp)
t_readable = t_datetime.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
return t_readable
def unpack_volume_descriptor(self):
ty = self.unpack('B')
identifier = self.unpack_string(5)
version = self.unpack('B')
if identifier != "CD001":
raise SourceError("Wrong volume descriptor identifier")
if version != 1:
raise SourceError("Wrong volume descriptor version")
if ty == 0:
vd = volume_descriptors.BootVD(self)
elif ty == 1:
vd = volume_descriptors.PrimaryVD(self)
elif ty == 2:
vd = volume_descriptors.SupplementaryVD(self)
elif ty == 3:
vd = volume_descriptors.PartitionVD(self)
elif ty == 255:
vd = volume_descriptors.TerminatorVD(self)
raise SourceError("Unknown volume descriptor type: %d" % ty)
return vd
def unpack_path_table(self):
return path_table.PathTable(self)
def unpack_record(self):
length = self.unpack('B')
if length == 0:
return None
return record.Record(self, length-1)
def seek(self, start_sector, length=SECTOR_LENGTH, is_content=False):
self.cursor = 0
self._buff = ""
do_caching = (not is_content or self.cache_content)
n_sectors = 1 + (length - 1) // SECTOR_LENGTH
fetch_sectors = max(self.min_fetch, n_sectors) if do_caching else n_sectors
need_start = None
def fetch_needed(need_count):
data = self._fetch(need_start, need_count)
self._buff += data
if do_caching:
for sector_idx in xrange(need_count):
self._sectors[need_start + sector_idx] = data[sector_idx*SECTOR_LENGTH:(sector_idx+1)*SECTOR_LENGTH]
for sector in xrange(start_sector, start_sector + fetch_sectors):
if sector in self._sectors:
if need_start is not None:
fetch_needed(sector - need_start)
need_start = None
# If we've gotten past the sectors we actually need, don't continue to fetch
if sector >= start_sector + n_sectors:
self._buff += self._sectors[sector]
elif need_start is None:
need_start = sector
if need_start is not None:
fetch_needed(start_sector + fetch_sectors - need_start)
self._buff = self._buff[:length]
def _fetch(self, sector, count=1):
raise NotImplementedError
class FileSource(Source):
def __init__(self, path, **kwargs):
super(FileSource, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self._file = open(path, 'rb')
def _fetch(self, sector, count=1):*SECTOR_LENGTH)
class HTTPSource(Source):
def __init__(self, url, **kwargs):
super(HTTPSource, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self._url = url
def _fetch(self, sector, count=1):
opener = urllib.FancyURLopener()
opener.http_error_206 = lambda *a, **k: None
opener.addheader("Range", "bytes=%d-%d" % (
SECTOR_LENGTH * (sector + count) - 1))