version: 0.0.9 git_url: # Using latest master branch because we need the RPC timeout feature. Once # it's in a tagged release, we'll go back to using a version tag here. #git_hash: 'v[% c("version") %]' git_hash: '006f537e01cf20db01b18e399ed51f57211db91c' filename: '[% project %]-[% c("version") %]-[% c("var/osname") %]-[% c("var/build_id") %].tar.gz' var: container: use_container: 1 go_lib_deps: - gogroupcache - godegoutils - godexlogconfig - goncbtcjsontypes - gobtcjson - gopretty - godns - gotlsrestrictnss - gox509signaturesplice - gomadns - goeasyconfig - goservice - goxnet go_lib_no_output: 1 targets: linux: var: cgo: 1 linux-i686: var: arch_deps: - libcap-dev:i386 linux-x86_64: var: arch_deps: - libcap-dev osx-x86_64: var: cgo: 0 windows: var: go_lib_deps: - gogroupcache - godegoutils - godexlogconfig - goncbtcjsontypes - gobtcjson - gopretty - godns - gotlsrestrictnss - gox509signaturesplice - gomadns - goeasyconfig - goservice - goxnet - goxsys cgo: 0 input_files: - project: container-image - name: go project: go - name: '[% c("var/compiler") %]' project: '[% c("var/compiler") %]' enable: '[% c("var/cgo") %]' - name: binutils project: binutils enable: '[% c("var/linux") && c("var/cgo") %]' - name: goxlog project: goxlog - name: godexlogconfig project: godexlogconfig - name: goeasyconfig project: goeasyconfig - name: goservice project: goservice - name: gogroupcache project: gogroupcache - name: goncbtcjsontypes project: goncbtcjsontypes - name: gobtcjson project: gobtcjson - name: godns project: godns - name: gotlsrestrictnss project: gotlsrestrictnss - name: gox509signaturesplice project: gox509signaturesplice - name: gomadns project: gomadns - name: gopretty project: gopretty - name: godegoutils project: godegoutils - name: goxnet project: goxnet - name: goxsys project: goxsys enable: '[% c("var/windows") %]'